Diagnosis of the transportation manufacturing and electronic components sectors on compliance issues and labor practices At Pan American Development Foundation

Request for Proposals

Title: Diagnosis of the transportation manufacturing sectors and electronic components in compliance issues and labor practices.

Application issuance date: August 14, 2024

Application number: 4304.08.2024-DIAGNOSTICO

Closing date: September 15, 2024

Closing time: 17:00 CDMX

Titles that can be applied: Companies

Contractual mechanism: Fixed Price


The Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) believes in creating a hemisphere of opportunities for all. We work throughout Latin America and the Caribbean to make our region stronger – healthier, more peaceful, fair, inclusive, resilient and sustainable for current and future generations. For 60 years, we have served the most vulnerable communities, investing resources throughout the hemisphere. We partner with civil society, governments and the private sector and train them to achieve the good of the region.

With 60 years of experience throughout Latin America and the Caribbean and strong partnerships with local communities, civil society, and the public and private sectors, We have an impeccable record of success with extensive networks in the country and strong financial controls. We are in a unique position to develop and implement adaptable programs in multiple technical areas, rapidly deploy in any country in Latin America and the Caribbean, and activate existing local networks, measure and evaluate our impact with comprehensive performance indicators, and communicate our progress through integrated communication strategies.

As part of the thematic area of Democracy, Governance and Labor Rights, PADF has a diverse portfolio of projects that addresses labor rights challenges. We currently have a project dedicated to labor rights in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia and Brazil, among others. We work with the private sector, with national and local governments, with civil society organizations, with unions and with individual workers to advance these issues.

In February 2017, Mexico enacted historic constitutional reforms, which aim to transform their labor justice system into a more transparent and impartial system to effectively protect freedom of association and collective bargaining rights. In May 2019, the President of Mexico signed the necessary legislation to fully implement the 2017 constitutional reforms and prepare for the entry into force of the T-MEC in July 2020, which would include a chapter 23 for labor provisions.

Mexico’s labor reform requires changes in the structure, administration, and application of labor rights, with a focus on freedom of association; collective bargaining and the prevention of discrimination and violence in workplaces; thus aligning the country’s legislation with international standards.


In the framework of this reform and based on article 23 of the T-MEC, the project “ Advancing Employer Compliance with Labor Laws in Mexico ” supported by the Government of Canada, seeks to strengthen and support the implementation of the relevant obligations and requirements in terms of compliance with labor practices in accordance with current labor legislation and the provisions of chapter 23 and the T-MEC Rapid Response Labor Mechanism (MLRR) as well as the 2019 Labor Reform in the aerospace, automotive, electronic component manufacturing industries. Through awareness-raising, training and technical assistance activities, the project seeks the following results:

  • Improve compliance with the principles of social dialogue and collective bargaining for employers in Mexico.
  • Better compliance with labor laws for employers in Mexico.
  • Policies and practices to promote gender equality in the workplace for employers in Mexico.


The project has territories defined by states of the Mexican Republic and industries. For the aerospace and electronic component manufacturing industries, the diagnosis must cover the states of Aguascalientes, Nuevo León, Querétaro, Jalisco, Estado de México, CDMX and Baja California. For the automotive manufacturing industry, states include Aguascalientes, Jalisco, and Baja California.

IV. REFERENCE, DELIVERY AND DELIVERY CALENDAR TERMS (All applicable taxes, fees and other costs must be included in the price proposal.)

PADF seeks a consulting company / team to develop and implement a diagnostic study that:

one. Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the landscape of employers who meet the project’s requirements and parameters, specifically considering relevant industrial sectors, such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics manufacturing, as well as the geographical areas of interest. This diagnosis will identify the companies that align with the objectives of the project and guarantee adequate coverage and relevance in the selected regions.”

  1. Through surveys, interviews or another information gathering mechanism, measure the level of compliance of companies in terms of the three objective results of the project (social dialogue and collective bargaining, labor laws and gender equality in the workplace)

3. Initial measurements to establish the baseline for the project indicators (the relevant indicators will be shared in the selection phase).

The line should offer a set of evidences and appreciations on the initial situation of the project, as well as the context in which it intervenes, so that this information can be compared with the changes achieved in subsequent analyzes.

Milestones / Deliverables Calendar

Product 1

Estimated completion date: October 2024

Milestone: Initial planning: information gathering instrument and promotion and dissemination strategy completed.

Deliverable (s):

  • Work plan
  • Information gathering instrument
  • Promotion / information gathering strategy

Total percentage: 33% of the total

Total PADF payment: Amount in USD $ or MX $


Product 2

Estimated completion date: December 2024

Milestone: Preliminary information collected

Deliverable (s): Progress report with data and information collected to date

Total percentage: 33% of the total

Total PADF payment: Amount in USD $ or MX $


Product 3

Estimated completion date: March, 2025

Milestone: Collection and analysis of finished information

Deliverable (s): Final report

Total percentage: 33% of the total

Total PADF payment: Amount in USD $ or MX $



Evaluation Criteria: ¿Does the proposal clearly explain, understand and respond to the objectives of the project as indicated in the scope of the work?

Score: 30


Evaluation Criteria: Knowledge and experience demonstrated with similar projects.

Score: 25


Evaluation Criteria: Staff Qualifications – Do proposed team members or individuals have the experience and skills necessary to carry out the scope of work?

Score: 25


Evaluation Criteria: Cost: best value

Score: twenty



to. Term. Proposals must be received no later than 17:00 CDMX, on September 15, 2024. Late proposals will not be accepted. Proposals should be sent by email to rcgutierrez@padf.org. All proposals must be submitted following the guidelines indicated in this SdP.

b. Offer validity; Proposals, including cost / price, will be valid for 120 days from the submission deadline.

c. Clarifications. Questions can be sent to rcgutierrez@padf.org and kbarrera@padf.org before the date and time specified in the schedule below. The email subject must contain the SdP number and its title. PADF will respond in writing to clarifications submitted before the date specified in the schedule below. Answers to questions that may be of common interest to all applicants will be published on the PADF website and / or communicated by email.

d. Amendments. At any time before the deadline for submitting proposals, PADF can, for whatever reason, modify the SdP documents by means of an amendment that will be published on the PADF website and / or communicated by email.

and. Schedule of events.

Request for Proposals Issued: August 14, 2024

Clarifications submitted to PADF: August 30, 2024

Clarifications provided to known applicants: September 6, 2024

Presentation of Complete Proposals: September 15, 2024, 17:00 CDMX

Approximate selection made: September 30, 2024


  • Registration certificate, RFCExperience with diagnoses and baselines for international cooperation projects.
  • Experience with the design and implementation of surveys and interviews
  • Experience and knowledge of Mexican manufacturing and relevant obligations for companies under labor reform and TMEC (with emphasis on Chapter 23).


  1. Cover signed on the applicant’s letterhead and with their contact details.
  2. Technical proposal.
    1. Corporate capabilities, experience, previous performance and 3 customer references. Please include project descriptions or similar assignments and at least three customer references.
    2. Key staff qualifications. Attach a resume that demonstrates how the proposed team meets the minimum requirements listed in section 7 (Minimum Requirements).
    3. Technical approach, methodology and detailed work plan. The Technical Proposal must describe in detail how the applicant intends to carry out the requirements described in the Terms of Reference
  3. Economic proposal.


Outcome of Agreement

This SdP does not oblige PADF to execute a contract, nor does it commit PADF to pay any cost incurred in preparing or presenting the proposals. Furthermore, PADF reserves the right to reject any and all offers, if such action is considered in the best interest of PADF. PADF, in its sole discretion, will select the winning proposal and is not required to share the results of the individual evaluation.


All property information provided by the applicant will be treated as confidential and will not be shared with potential or actual applicants during the bidding process. This includes, but is not limited to, price quotes, cost proposals, and technical proposals. PADF may, but is not required to, publish the agreements on its public website after the bidding process has concluded, and the contract has been agreed. The results of the PADF evaluation are confidential and the applicants’ score will not be shared among them.

Protection against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PEAS)

As part of the contractor’s internal controls and employee standards of conduct, the contractor must ensure that its employees adhere to these standards of conduct consistent with the standards for United Nations (UN) employees in Section 3 of the Bulletin of the UN Secretary General – Special measures to protect against sexual exploitation and abuse (ST / SGB / 2003/13).

Recruitment of Small, Minority and Women’s Companies

PADF will take all necessary steps to ensure that minority businesses, women’s businesses, and area companies with surplus labor are used when possible.

Disabling and suspension

Entities appearing on any exclusion list, the Agreement Management System (SAM), the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), the United Nations Sanctions List and other watch lists, they will not have their offer evaluated and will not be eligible to receive any sub-agreements that may result from this Request for Proposals.

To see the full tender, please visit the following link: https://www.padf.org/procurement-opportunities/

How to apply

Proposals must be received no later than 17:00 CDMX, on September 15, 2024. Late proposals will not be accepted. Proposals should be sent by email to rcgutierrez@padf.org. All proposals must be submitted following the guidelines indicated in this SdP.

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