RFP – Data Collection Agency At Magenta FZE

Terms of reference for the recruitment of’a data collection firm

As part of the project: Improving nutrition of school-aged children in Tunisia and promoting responsible consumption“ sponsored by the World Food Programme WFP, OGILVY Paris and MAGENTA are responsible for conducting a monitoring and evaluation campaign that aims to understand whether the campaign has an impact (or a potential impact) on the change of the key behaviors (promoting healthy meals at home, promoting balanced lunches and snacks at school, and reducing bread waste).

This project aims to improve nutrition and food consumption mainly of children of’school age, from six to twelve years.

Channels of the campaign :

  1. Sitcom broadcast on a national television channel.
  2. Campaign on social networks.
  3. School activation (5 schools).

Objectives of the Monitoring and Evaluation Study :

The objective of the evaluation is to understand whether the campaign has an impact (or potential impact) on the change in key behaviors (promotion of healthy meals at home, etc, promoting balanced lunches and snacks at school, and reducing bread waste).

Deliverables :

Lot 1: Quantitative study

  • 2400 Quantitative 15-minute telephone interviews with nationally representative mothers with children aged 5 to 13 years.
  • The first 1000 are to be collected in September.
  • The next 1400 must be collected in December : 1000 nationally representative mothers with children aged 5 to 13 years /200 must have watched the sitcom IR 25% // 200 Must have seen the content of social networks IR 8%.

Lot 2: Longitudinal panel

  • 50 Families with children aged 5 to 13 to participate in a longitudinal panel where they will receive tasks by phone – 3 or 4 tasks per week for 5 weeks. We only seek recruitment, incentive and community management; MAGENTA will provide the technological tools to ensure interactions with participants. Incentives must include the cost of data.

Lot 3 : School activation

  • Recruit 200 participants with children between the ages of 5 and 13 in the schools where the activation takes place (approximately 5 schools, including, pre-identified by the client) and conduct 10-minute telephone interviews with them in December : recruitment list that MAGENTA will provide from the parents of the school.

Ethical considerations

The data collection partner will be provided with protocols for training to ensure that all investigators have the necessary tools to ensure the protection and dignity of respondents/participants.

In order to observe an ethical and human rights-based approach, the research team will ensure that these aspects are taken into account when collecting and analysing data. The study will align with UNICEF’s procedure for ethical standards in research, evaluation, data collection and analysis (2015).

Responsible for data collection, MAGENTA will adhere to an approach « Do not harm ». This approach requires that all potentially harmful side effects be considered throughout the project, especially those involving children. When conducting the research, the team will apply specific ethical considerations to ensure a human rights-based approach throughout the study process. The research team here aligns with the procedure developed by UNICEF for ethical standards in research, evaluation, data collection and analysis (2015). All data collection from children will be conducted in accordance with UNICEF guidelines on ethics of research involving children (2013) and ESOMAR,with additional reference to Practical Ethics in Social Research with Children and Families in Young Lives (2013), by Virginia Morrow. These guidelines cover appropriate protocols for recruitment, prior parental consent, dissemination of reports and/or supporting data, and anonymity of interviewees. As part of their training, all researchers and investigators will receive guidelines and protocols to ensure the protection and dignity of children at all times.the dissemination of reports and/or supporting data, and the anonymity of the interviewees. As part of their training, all researchers and investigators will receive guidelines and protocols to ensure the protection and dignity of children at all times.the dissemination of reports and/or supporting data, and the anonymity of the interviewees. As part of their training, all researchers and investigators will receive guidelines and protocols to ensure the protection and dignity of children at all times.


The Basic Survey :

September : Collection of the first 1000 quantitative interviews with nationally representative mothers with children aged 5 to 13.

Final Survey :

December : Collection of the remaining 1400 quantitative interviews.

Longitudinal Panel :

3 Weeks during Sitcom : Realization of panel activities.

2 Weeks, 1 Month later : Continuation of panel activities.

Activities in the School Environment :

December : Conduct of 200 quantitative interviews (10 minutes each) with the participants of the school activations.


The data collection partner will be responsible for the following deliverables :

Deliverable 1 : Results of the’quantitative study in the form of an Excel file.

Deliverable 2 : Recruitment of participants for the longitudinal panel and community management, ensuring the’ engagement of participants and sharing of results in the form of a detailed report.

Deliverable 3 : Results of the’ survey of activations in schools, presented in the form of an Excel file.

How to apply

Please submit a proposal to sara@magentaconsulting.org, copying in saras@magentaconsulting.org

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