Venezuela – Telephone operator for Case Management support At COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale


COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale is a secular and independent NGO, founded in Milan in 1965. It carries out development projects to contribute to the fight against poverty and emergency projects to support people affected by natural disasters or conflicts. COOPI is currently present in 33 countries in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean. The main institutional donors are the European Union, UN agencies, the Italian Government, local entities and other European governments.

Description of COOPI in the country

Since 2019, COOPI has established a presence in Venezuela to assist the local population after the worsening of the country’s socioeconomic crisis. Starting in July 2020, a regional crisis response program begins, which is implemented in consortium with Venezuelan organizations for the protection of vulnerable groups. In these years, COOPI has expanded its interventions and is currently executing projects in the Capital District, Miranda, Sucre, Bolívar and Delta Amacuro in the sectors: Protection (General Protection and VBG), Sexual and Reproductive Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Livelihoods and Food Safety.

Objective / Job Description

In the framework of the project “ Multisectoral assistance and vital protection services for the Venezuelan population in a situation of greater vulnerability and risk affected by the crisis in Venezuela ”, the intervention is for improve protection conditions and increase the safety and well-being of the Venezuelan population in a situation of greater vulnerability and at risk through the provision of protection services and multisectoral assistance.The Consortium organizations will concentrate their actions in nine (9) states of Venezuela: Amazonas, Apure, Bolívar, Delta Amacuro, Capital District, Falcón, Miranda, Sucre, Táchira and Zulia, carrying out activities with interventions in various subsectors of the Protection Sector, including the response to gender violence, child protection and psychosocial support (PSS). In addition, it will also include complementary activities in different subsectors of Food Assistance, Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene and Humanitarian Coordination, Information Management and Evaluations.

The Telephone Operator for Case Management support will be responsible for providing guidance, advice and support to survivors of Gender-based Violence, victims of Trafficking in Persons and other persons who have lived or are at risk of situations of violence, abuse or exploitation.

The Operator will provide attention and listening, guiding and informing about the rights of the surviving and / or at-risk person, the mechanisms and routes for their exercise, linking the person with project protection services and / or other relevant support services in prioritized communities and mitigating the impact of the VBG situation and/o PDT on the psychosocial well-being of the person through remote psychosocial support. The Operator/a will guarantee effective and ethical attention by adhering to the protocols and methodological and ethical guidelines established in the standard Inter-agency and COOPI operating procedures for the care and response of survivors of VBG and TdP.

Scope of the Role


Local Protection Officer (direct report)

Personnel reporting to this position:

Does not apply.

Areas of Responsibility

Main activities

  • Carry out the protocol of first contact with survivors and / or at risk, making an initial assessment to identify needs, faced problems and levels of risk for quick and timely decision-making.
  • Provide Psychological First Aid to surviving people.
  • Identify situations of risk and / or imminent danger, actions to be taken / protection measures and establish forms and protocols of emergency contact and channeling with the pertinent organisms.
  • Provide information on the options and services available with a focus on the survivor, avoiding influencing the decisions of the person served.
  • Coordinate the survivor’s access to specialized and available services, according to the remote informed consent protocol.
  • In conjunction with other professionals from the case management team, periodically map and update formal and informal support services (AdR VBG care route, AdR NNA, including existing community resources and competent public bodies).
  • Emphasize, ethically and safely, other mapped services to people who require guidance for other situations not addressed according to the project’s criteria of care.
  • Maintain records, statistics, files and reports on all telephone service activities provided by COOPI or other support services.
  • Apply confidentiality protocols to reflect the limits of case information management.
  • Process and share statistical information under confidentiality about the cases attended on a monthly basis.
  • Keep individual and confidential records of cases in accordance with data protection guidelines and policy.
  • Participate in team and supervision meetings.
  • Participate in the processes of formation and exchange of experiences to which they are summoned.
  • Comply with safety guidelines and promote compliance during equipment field trips.
  • Guarantee compliance with the COOPI Code of Ethics and Conduct, Gender Policy, Protection and PEAS Policy.

Desired profile:


  • Professional or student of last semesters in Psychology and / or Social Work or Social Sciences with experience in human rights, gender, care for survivors of GBV and victims of trafficking.
  • Minimum two (2) years of previous work experiences on VBG and TdP prevention issues and / or with a gender equality approach and a survivor-centered approach.
  • He wishes to have worked with non-governmental organizations specialized in VBG and / or TdP.
  • Excellent knowledge of the institutional structure of comprehensive support for survivors of VbG, TdP and protection routes at the community and institutional level.
  • Availability to work in interdisciplinary teams and under pressure conditions.
  • Emotional strengths for working with VBG survivors: good emotional management, stress management, assertiveness, self-care strategies.
  • Ability to collect information in an objective, appropriate and sensitive way, observing carefully, actively listening, paying full attention to the situation and information from the various sources.
  • Know and implement the survivor-centered approach.
  • Know and apply the guiding principles of care to survivors of VBG, including: security, confidentiality, respect and non-discrimination.
  • Know and apply the principles of humanitarian action: neutrality, humanity, impartiality and independence.
  • Respect for the Vision and Mission of COOPI.
  • Know, adapt and apply key VBG tools to the context, including: Inter-agency Guidelines for case management in VBG and TdP; Psychosocial support for survivors of VBG and victims of TdP; IASC Guidelines for VBG Interventions in Humanitarian Environments, Minimum Standards for VBG Interventions, Standard VBG Operating Procedures, among others.
  • Sensitivity to gender and diversity.
  • Management of computer tools (Microsoft Windows operating system) and office tools (Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook).

How to apply


Those interested should send the application by email to the address: Please indicate in the matter: Telephone Operator Application to support Case Management- COOPI. Deadline: 08/21/2024.

**By having suitable profiles, the call may be closed before the indicated date. COOPI reserves the right to contact only the profiles considered adequate and preselected.

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