Regional Specialist Capacity Building and Ethics At Danish Refugee Council

Position Title : Regional Specialist Capacity Building and Ethics

Position classification : National or expatriate contract

Supervisor: Regional Projects Manager

Additional technical line: Regional Safeguarding & Code of Conduct Manager

Duty Station: Dakar, Senegal

Period – contract term : 6 months renewable depending on financing

Position – conditions: Band Non Management G

Insurance 100% paid for by DRC

Accommodation 100% paid for by DRC in a guesthouse

1.General objectives of the position

The Danish Council for Refugees (DRC), in collaboration with the’Initiative of’Assurance of Humanitarian Quality (HQAI), is, the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) and the Permanent Secretariat of Non-Governmental Organisations (SPONG) of Burkina Faso ( , launches the LOCAL project (« Reduce the weight of compliance requirements for local and national associations (ALN) »). Funded by the European Union’, and implemented in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, the LOCAL project has a dual objective that directly supports the’agenda of localization : The first is to reduce the administrative burden of complex compliance requirements currently faced by NLAs. This will be achieved through a more streamlined due diligence process, including minimizing duplication of assessments.The second objective aims to strengthen the capacity of NLAs to meet the standards of quality and accountability that guide humanitarian’action, by combining audit and targeted support with pre-selected’ALNs, and wide dissemination (via a ToT approach) of prioritized training courses jointly with NLAs engaged in humanitarian response, leading to in fine a more effective and localized humanitarian response.

The Regional Capacity Building and Ethics Specialist is responsible, under the responsibility of the Regional Projects Manager, to contribute directly to the 2nd objective of the LOCAL, this position requires the definition and the’ development of contextualized training modules adapted to the target audience, addressing programmatic and organizational themes aimed at strengthening the application of international standards of humanitarian response, while operationalizing a pool of trainers able to disseminate the content of training courses at NLAs targeted by the project.

The themes of work, module development and training are not yet validated by the LOCAL project stakeholders but should integrate : Community engagement, Participation & Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP), PSEAH and internal ethics, Humanitarian Principles.

This position may involve frequent international travel through the countries concerned by LOCAL, in particular Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger.

2. Responsibilities

For each prioritized/validated theme: development of training modules for trainers and adapted methodologies for capacity building for the ALNs of the LOCAL project

  • Consult the different actors and stakeholders involved in the LOCAL project regarding the needs of modules and’analysis on the following themes : Community engagement, Participation & Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP), PSEAH and internal ethics, Humanitarian Principles.
  • Diagnose existing methodologies and propose relevant approaches based on lessons learned
  • Develop a participatory methodology for the creation of training modules, systematizing a « dialogue » with ALN and partners of the LOCAL project.
  • Building, in consultation with the various stakeholders and technical reinforcements, training modules in different formats (videos, text, etc.) devoted to these themes.
  • Review of the existing’ and documentary research (tools, teaching materials, online resources, etc.) for each chosen theme and constitution of a toolbox.

3. Training of Trainers (Training of Trainers)

  • Participate in the’organization and implementation, on the basis of the training modules previously developed, of the training cycles of trainers concerning the themes mentioned above.
  • Participate in the’ accompaniment of trainers during their first cycles, and make adjustments to educational materials if necessary.
  • Produce a detailed and flexible trainer/trainer guide aimed at: supervising the methodology and processes for setting up training modules, and, and to frame the strategy of multiplication of training and the’assessment of the skills of the beneficiaries.
  • Define a sustainability strategy with ALN beneficiaries

4. Capitalization, advocacy and communication

  • Produce, together with the various relevant stakeholders, an analysis in the form of’an article detailing the issues, challenges and successes of the achieved approach – as well as the broader recommendations for the sector.
  • Aim to integrate these lessons learned into the’ advocacy approach developed within the LOCAL project.
  • Determine and promote the « best practices » developed in interagency networks, national inter-organizations.

Where necessary, the Specialist may be invited to perform other tasks requested by his line manager, in connection with the Regional Safeguarding & Code of Conduct Manager and the multi-country operations manager.

5. Required skills

Required :

  • Graduate Diploma (Master) in Training Engineering, Pedagogical Engineering and Training, law, social sciences, international relations or field related to the position in question
  • Minimum of 3 years of’ professional experience in the humanitarian sector with international, national or local non-governmental organizations, preferably related to ethical issues, accountability, humanitarian principles
  • Confirmed experience (theory and practice) in the field of training – a recognized certificate being a plus.
  • Excellent mastery, both at the’al and’ at the’, of French-l’anglais being a plus.
  • Mastery of MS Office software and mastery of visual communication support.

7. Qualities required

  • Key values of DRC:
    • Aiming for’ excellence
    • Collaboration
    • Take lead
    • Communication
    • Integrity
  • Ability to work in a multinational and multicultural environment
  • Proactivity, a strong commitment to teamwork and an authentic spirit of collaboration.
  • Excellent communication skills, patience and politeness.
  • Ability to perform several tasks at once and sense of organization are indispensable.
  • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Demonstrated ability to analyze and critically reflect
  • An exemplary sense of ethics in the workplace
  • Team spirit and good sense of humor

8. General rules

  • The employee must follow DRC’s instructions on safety, confidentiality and ethics, including the code of conduct and humanitarian accountability framework.
  • The employee must not engage in any other paid activity during the term of the contract with DRC without prior authorization.
  • The employee shall not engage in any activity that could adversely affect DRC or the implementation of a project during the term of the contract with DRC.
  • The employee shall not grant media interviews or publish photos or other materials related to DRC projects without prior authorization.
  • The employee must return to DRC all equipment borrowed for the project at the end of the contract period or on request.

Completion of the receipt of applications on 26 June 2024.

Applications received after this date will not be considered.


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