83466889 Consultancy for CDC CEU Points Program Framework At Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention is an autonomous technical Agency established by the African Union (AU) to enhance the capacity, capabilities, and partnerships of Africa’s public health institutions. Its primary goal is to control, Prevent, detect, and respond to disease threats and outbreaks by employing science, policy, and data-driven interventions and programs effectively and efficiently.

To successfully build back better and stronger from the COVID-19 pandemic, Africa CDC is calling for a New Public Health Order, strengthening of public health institutions, health workforce development, building local medical manufacturing capacity, and respected partnerships. Ensuring the health security of 1.3 billion Africans requires a skilled public health workforce. The AU Agenda 2063 and the Africa Health Strategy 2016– 2030 clearly identify strong human resources for health as an essential requirement for Africa to achieve universal healthcare and collective health security.

As part of Africa, CDC’s strategic focus on public health workforce development underscores its commitment to enhancing the skills and numbers of public health professionals in Africa. As part of this mission, Africa CDC provides numerous short and medium-length trainings and workshops on public health topics, reaching a diverse audience of healthcare professionals, researchers, policymakers, and public health practitioners.

Recognizing the compelling need to formalize and standardize the recognition of Africa CDC’s training efforts, Africa CDC acknowledges the vital role that Continuing Education Units (CEUs) can play in establishing a robust framework for professional development in the field of public health. Moreover, CEUs offer an invaluable tool for public health practitioners, as they serve as a clear and universally understood indicator of ongoing competence in a rapidly evolving discipline.

In this regard, Africa CDC is looking to recruit a qualified consultant to collaboratively develop a comprehensive framework for awarding Continuing Education Units (CEUs) points. The objective of this consultancy is to analyse existing literature on CEU points accreditation, identifying global best practices for awarding CEU points and develop a framework that is consistent, transparent, and aligned with international standards. The Consultant will support program staff in establishing an accreditation process for the various courses offered by Africa CDC and develop a mechanism for ensuring program quality assurance.

Period of assignment: from July 24 until November 30, 2024.

Qualifications of the key expert

  • Education/training (2.1): Advanced University degree (Master or equivalent) in Education, public health or relevant discipline
  • Language (2.1.2): C1 -level language proficiency in English
  • General professional experience (2.1.3): 5 years of professional experience in framework development in an NGO, African institution or intergovernmental setting
  • Specific professional experience (2.1.4): 5 years’ experience working with continuous educational units, setting training standards or related activities.
  • Regional experience (2.1.6): 5 years’ experience in working with Africa-focused/based institutions and understanding capacity development activities.
  • Development cooperation (DC) experience (2.1.7): 02 years’ experience working in development cooperation with focus on the public health needs and priorities of Africa.
  • Other (2.1.8): Demonstrated ability to effectively communicate scientific and technical information clearly and concisely, particularly in writing.
    • Strong analytical skills and the ability to develop evidence-based framework for CEU Points program.
    • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to work with and has experience working with stakeholders at various levels.

How to apply

Please request all tender documents by email from AU_Bidderquestions@giz.de mentioning “83466889 Consultancy for CDC CEU Points Program Framework” on the subject email.

Tender documents include: ·

  • GIZ invitation letter
  • Bidding conditions
  • General Terms and Conditions of Contract (AVB local)
  • Terms of Reference (ToR)
  • Technical assessment grid
  • Price Sheet
  • Eligibility Self Declaration
  • Specimen for association clause (if relevant)
  • Extract from Act against Restraints on Competition (GWB)

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