Project manager(e) Entrepreneurship and Innovation H/F At Expertise France

Expertise France is a public agency implementation of international cooperation projects. We are placed under the supervision of the ministries responsible for foreign affairs and economy and finance, with which we have a contract of objectives and means.

Interministerial agency for international technical cooperation, We are the operator of all ministries. In 2021, the agency joined the AFD group (French Development Agency) which provides us with financial and operational solutions.

The objective of Expertise France is to fight against global inequalities : our projects are mainly oriented towards the protection of global public goods and the response to the global challenges that all societies in North and South face.

Our strength is to bring together the best French and European know-how in order to offer tailor-made solutions through a wide field of expertise that includes :

  • Democratic, economic and financial governance.
  • Security, maintenance of peace and stability.
  • Climate, agriculture and sustainable development.
  • Health and human development.

Description of the function :

Identification of opportunities and thematic monitoring

  • Participates in monitoring activities in the areas of intervention of the cluster (in particular through information feedback obtained in the environment of ongoing projects) ;
  • Participates in the promotion and prospecting activities with experts, donors and other partners ;
  • Contributes to thematic’animation and knowledge management.

Project development

  • Develops projects (theory of change, logical framework, activities, format and organization of the’ team, modalities of’intervention…) in consultation with partners ;
  • Draws up the project budget and conducts negotiations with donors and partners ;
  • Analyzes the issues and provides thematic expertise
  • Prepare the contractualization with the lessor and partners and service providers
  • Contributes to the recruitment of the project team and its installation.

Implementation of the qualitative and quantitative objectives of’a project or program in compliance with the constraints set

  • Supports the conduct of projects by ensuring technical coordination,’ support for the implementation of actions, etc, facilitation of expert (s) and relations with partners and service providers in connection with project teams in the field;
  • In conjunction with the project teams, contributes to the financial operational management and technical and financial reporting of projects to donors according to current procedures, supports or manages logistical support ;
  • Ensures visibility and communication activities on the project,
  • Ensures internal reporting and good circulation of’information and maintains good collaborative relations with the departments of the embassies of the countries concerned, including, international and national partners as well as’ with local authorities.

Capitalization process

  • Participates in the valorization of feedback and the dissemination of good practices (drafting of fact sheets, sharing of experience..) ;
  • Participates in the work aimed at the functional and technical improvement of the’offre of the’establishment.

The remuneration for this position consists of an annual package including the following benefits :

  • A 13th month monthly and effective from the taking of post.
  • A variable share of 3% of gross annual salary
  • More than 45 days of annual leave, with the possibility to monetize up to 10 days of RTT per year.
  • A share of interest, calculated according to the results of the year.
  • A stipend of 9 euros per day for meals (Swile Card).
  • 50% of public transport costs.
  • A mobility bonus of 400 euros per year if you prefer to travel by bike.
  • A fully free health insurance, supported by the agency.
  • The possibility of tele-working 2 days a week.
  • An annual holiday bonus of 450 euros.

How to apply

Please click on the link below to submit your application directly :


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