Director of the Regional Office (Fitovinany), USAID/Madagascar HARENA Project At Global DAI


HARENA is a project of’USAID in Madagascar. D’a five-year period (2024-2029), HARENA will use a systemic and multisectoral approach to reduce threats to biodiversity and forests, including, improving conservation and building resilience to climate change ; developing sustainable economic opportunities for the poor ; and improving environmental governance. Working through local economic and social systems, HARENA will address the root causes of poverty and food insecurity that drive communities in Madagascar to depend on high biodiversity areas for their basic needs. To do this, HARENA will act through three key areas of’interventions: 1) natural resource management and Protected Areas (PA), and,biodiversity and forest conservation (nature) ; 2) improved and climate resilient livelihoods and private sector engagement to improve human well-being and socio-economic outcomes (wealth) ; and 3) governance of natural resources and protected areas (authority). Operating in three geographical areas with high biodiversity value and high’s potential for mitigation of terrestrial climate change, HARENA will implement five strategic approaches to achieve the following key results :Operating in three geographical areas with high biodiversity value and high’s potential for mitigation of terrestrial climate change, HARENA will implement five strategic approaches to achieve the following key results :Operating in three geographical areas with high biodiversity value and high’s potential for mitigation of terrestrial climate change, HARENA will implement five strategic approaches to achieve the following key results :

· Strategic Approach 1 : Improving sustainable management of natural resources with a focus on biodiversity, land, forests and protected areas (PAs) ;

· Strategic Approach 2: Promoting diversified livelihoods based on climate resilient and sustainable’ agriculture, and, including complementary natural resource products (such as cash crops) to improve livelihoods and ecosystem services; and ;

· 3 : Improving governance, advocacy and anti-corruption efforts at national, regional and local level around the management of natural resources, land and’eau ;

· Strategic Approach 4: Increase local resilience to prepare for and’ adapt to climate change and other shocks ; and

· Strategic Approach 5: Strengthen the management of’ land use through spatial planning at the communal level and secure land rights through the effective implementation of land policy.


The/the director/director of the regional field office will act as team leader, managing a multidisciplinary team of field staff and fostering a collaborative and productive work environment. As such, the/Director/Director will oversee the overall management and supervision of the HARENA project in the designated region. They will ensure effective project planning and budgeting by developing detailed project plans, schedules and budgets, and ensuring efficient allocation and utilization of resources.

In addition, the/the director/director will be responsible for the reports and documentation, working with his team to prepare and submit regular reports on the progress of the project, including, results and financial situation. They will also document best practices, lessons learned and case studies.


· Supervise the three regional technical managers and their respective staff, this must include in particular one/one person responsible for the’sengagement of the private sector (PES)/sustainability, one/a person responsible for the management of natural resources (NRM) and a/a person responsible for governance.

· In collaboration with regional technical managers, the/the director/director of the office will provide oversight on strategic planning and implementation for all technical aspects of the project.

· Facilitate the management and supervision of regional partnerships and grants in collaboration with the/the Regional Partnerships Development Specialist.

· Investigate, explore, and promote alternative income-generating activities that reduce the pressure on natural resources.

· Ensure and coordinate the HARENA’activity with regional government agencies, NGOs, community groups, and other regional and local stakeholders, in order to ensure the sustainability of project impacts.

· In collaboration with the/the MEL Specialist, manage regional and local efforts of data collection of indicators and’information as required, for annual, semi-annual, and annual reports, and MEL.

· Establish and maintain relationships and contacts with municipalities, local partners and beneficiaries of partnership funds in the targeted landscape.

· Serve as a point of contact for daily coordination with RIAKE, MIZANA and’ other activities funded by’USAID operating in the same landscape and in the same target municipalities.


The/the Director/Regional Director of the HARENA project will be under the responsibility of the Deputy Project Manager (DCOP), with additional supervision provided by the Project Manager (COP) and the Programme Director in the field.


· Bachelor’s degree in environmental governance, natural resource management or a related field.

· Strong leadership skills with the ability to’inspire and manage a diverse team.

· Proven experience in project management, including planning, budgeting and reporting ;

· (A clear understanding of contemporary development issues related to biodiversity conservation and/or PES/means of subsistence, NRM or governance is desired.

· 10 Years of’ experience in implementing programmes in coordination with local partners, local government authorities (for example, mayors of municipalities) and communities.

· Ability to build relationships and to collaborate effectively with stakeholders at the local level.

· Excellent communication and personnel management skills and ability to build relationships with people at all levels of’an organization.

· Well organized and autonomous with strong technical and management skills,’analysis ability, good judgment and operational concentration.

· (A professional level oral and written mastery of French and Malagasy is required; a professional level oral and written mastery of English’ is desired.


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