Head of the Learning and Development Division. At Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders, an international humanitarian medical association created in 1971, provides medical assistance to populations whose lives are threatened : mainly in the event of armed conflicts, but also epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters or exclusion from care. The French section is present in about thirty countries.

In this context, MSF is looking for a Head of the Learning and Development Division.

Context :

The Learning and Development Division aims to’act as a strategic partner within the’organization, offering the appropriate support to the capacity building of the individuals who compose it. Its objective is to implement strategies, mechanisms, tools and supports adapted to institutional and operational priorities. This by strengthening the motivation, the feeling of’ belonging, the confidence, the ability to intervene, the mobility and the’ autonomy of each.

The activities of the service are mainly structured around 3 axes namely the’animation of the creation and the’pedagogical innovation, the definition and the deployment of the solutions of’apprentissage, and the’ accompaniment of issuers and beneficiaries in the formulation of deliverables and expectations.

You structure and organize the’analysis of the priority needs of’learning and development (L&D), you formalize the request and make sure that the’unity offers the support and solutions adapted to the objectives and target populations. You ensure that the actions carried out and the career paths are consistent with the priority needs and aligned with the values and policies carried by the’institution.

You make sure that the relays work and ensure that the’unity is part of a transversal and complementary approach to support.
Main missions :

Under the responsibility of the HR department and in close collaboration with the operations department, the so-called business departments, and the other components and entities of the French operational section (group OCP).

Design, implement, and pilot the’ learning and professional development strategy for the’ all staff :

  • S’ensure of the dissemination of the vision of L&D (Learning and Development) within the’organisation and its appropriation by all the actors of the headquarters in the field, in particular the managers.
  • Clarify the role of Headquarters, Regional Platforms, Cells and Missions entities in the development of local L&D strategies.
  • Collaborate with HRD and the Directorate of Operations & Medical Management (and to a lesser extent other directorates), for joint management of staff development. Define common multiannual priorities and ensure the implementation of’action plans (i.e., the medical sector) and cross-cutting issues (language courses, induction…).
  • Contribute to the development and international management of the TEMBO e-learning platform and guarantee its deployment to OCP personnel.
  • Monitor indicators and pilot developments.

Supervise the design, maintenance and support for the deployment of the multi-year learning offer.

Foster the development of innovative, efficient and effective teaching methods in the specific context of MSF.

Collaborate with the L&D consultancy center and the other actors of the ( headquarters Management of pool, operational HR, etc. ) and regions ( Dakar, Dubai, Nairobi, etc. ) in the construction of suitable professional paths, and in the establishment of environments conducive to learning and professional development.

Anticipate, plan and support the changes associated with transformations in the L&D perimeter; Promote’learning as a tool for’appropriation of changes in other’activity perimeters.

Participate in the coordination and international governance of L&D activities through the’animation of the OCP group of partner sections, the’animation of the L&D Managers platform at the scale of movement, the, and the active contribution to the management of joint projects and initiatives like TEMBO ; Facilitate the pooling and search for synergies**.**

Promoting Diversity,’Equity and’Inclusion : S’sensure of equitable access to’ apprenticeship and professional development schemes for all staff and pay special attention to non-discrimination of sex and gender, nationalities, etc, employees carrying·s of disability.

Hierarchically managing your teams :

  • Recruit, supervise, advise, support, motivate, federate its teams and professionally develop its employees.
  • Set guidelines, jointly define the roadmap of employees, appreciate collective and individual achievements, support individual development.

Be responsible for monitoring and’analysis of its activity :

  • Develop and manage the budget of its immediate scope.
  • Visibilize the’learning effort and the’major investment of MSF in L&D, included and outside its budgetary scope.
  • S’assure of the’analysis and’adaptation of the sizing of its teams.
  • Ensure regular reporting and reporting to HRD.

Profile sought :

  • Experience of several years in similar positions, ideally in an international, multicultural and multidisciplinary group.
  • An experience of management of’an extensive team and functional management.
  • Humanitarian field experience required in coordination positions (such as Head of Mission, Project Coordinator, HR Coordinator, etc.).
  • Good knowledge required of the functioning of’learning and development at MSF (headquarters and field).

Know-how and experiences :

  • Successful experience in complex management of’ team and project as well as change management.
  • Master the know-how in terms of’learning and professional development processes.
  • Mastery of the management and budget monitoring of’un service.
  • Excellent understanding of HR issues at’an international humanitarian organisation.

Know-How :

  • Leadership, quality of’anticipation, ability to identify strategic and operational priorities and to find solutions.
  • Sense of dialogue, quality of’ listening and excellent relational.
  • Strong resistance to stress and working in a complex environment.

Languages : Current French (C2) and English (C1).

Status : Post in CDI, framework status, based in Paris.

Conditions: 60,7K€ gross annual over 13 months.

22 Days RTT/year. Complementary health care 100% supported by MSF. Titles restaurant d’a face value of 11€ (60% support by MSF). 50% support for’public transport subscription.
Taking of post : As soon as possible.

How to apply

Our wish is to promote’inclusion and diversity. We also want to improve the representation of people with disabilities in our workforce.

Please submit your cover letter and CV

up’au 16 June 2024 included on : https://www.msf.fr/agir/rejoindre-nos-equipes/toutes-nos-offres-emploi

Alone·e·s the candidates·e·s whose files have been retained will be contacted·e·s.


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