One (e) Regional Technical Advisor (e) Children and Youth in Mobility – Senegal At Land of men

  1. General description
  • Under the supervision of the Regional Coordinator.rice of the Programme « Children and young people in mobility » (CRM) for’Africa, the regional technical adviser/e (CTR) acts as a thematic referent in its field of specialization at the regional scale of the program, namely, the mobility of children in all its forms, in the axes of’information, and, protection, (re)integration/insertion and empowerment, both for so-called development projects and for so-called emergency projects’ (triple Nexus approach).
  • He/it contributes to the improvement of the quality and coherence of the interventions of the Migration in Africa program through close support for the implementation of the different phases of the based programming on the rights of children, in particular for the flagship projects identified at both national and regional level.
  • He/She is in charge of capacity building in his field, by ensuring that the Migration teams of Tdh and our partners master the Theory of Change of the Program and its flagship approaches (mobility and children’s rights, migration analyses, etc, Protective accompaniment of the’Children, participation and empowerment, gender and diversity, strengthening of protection systems, triple nexus, emergency education, innovation, socio-economic integration). He/she is also responsible for contributing to the development of adapted guidance to promote and support the’operationalization of these approaches.
  • He/She supports delegations in the search for funding and strategic partnerships in order to’ ensure the impact and to evolve the’ technical expertise of Tdh in the countries of’ intervention, through the contribution to the’ development of proposals, technical orientations and reports.
  • Finally, he/she acts as technical advisor to the regional coordinator of the EJM programme in knowledge management, programme development, institutional representation and partnership, advocacy and, above all, development and consolidation of the’technical expertise, focusing on the monitoring of programmatic indicators.

The position involves regular field visits (up to one field mission every two months) in the countries of’ intervention : Burkina Faso, Burundi, Guinea Conakry, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, etc, Nigeria and Senegal (list likely to evolve). The context in the Sahel is in continuous degradation. Tdh intervenes in regions where’ insecurity is present, taking the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of our teams. We are therefore looking for a person able to move in these regions and who will respect the security measures put in place by the’organisation.

Specific Responsibilities / Context

Strategy and management :

  • Contributes to the thematic analysis of issues and major trends in its field at a regional level ;
  • Participates in the implementation of the Africa 2022-2024 strategy, and the’ development of the new strategy (2025-2028), in its field of expertise at the regional level,’, project alignment with Change Theory and Program Approaches and the definition of key Program documents ;
  • Participates in and technically supports pilot/transversal/thematic projects in its specialty at the regional level.
  • In connection with the country focal points, he/she ensures the collection and’analysis of programmatic indicators for programs in his region.

Principles, standards, methodologies :

  • Acts as a thematic reference in its field of expertise at the regional level ;
  • Contributes to the production and deployment of principles, approaches, methodologies and standards on the mobility of children and young people at the regional level, focusing on the’empowerment of children and young people, strengthening of formal and non-formal systems,’information of key actors, protection of the most vulnerable,’integration and’ social and economic inclusion, the promotion of the rights and voices of children and young people affected by mobility ;
  • S’assures their implementation in projects at national and regional level.

Funding :

  • Contributes to the’ obtaining funding (writing of communication documents, contribution to the’ writing of concept notes and country or multi-country project proposals).

Quality assurance and control :

  • Assures the’ technical support of the programs related to its specialty in the region ;
  • Coordinates the quality control of interventions on its specialty.

Knowledge management and sharing :

  • S’ ensures the strengthening of skills and technical capacities in its specialty at regional level ;

Animate a network of Focal Points Migration to support quality and encourage the’exchange of practices and the dynamics of’apprentissages in its field of specialization.

  1. Expected skills

This function requires mastery of the fundamental Personal, Social and Leadership skills (CPSL), Techniques & Methodologies (CTM) managerial and Strategic Skills (CMS)

Particularly :

  • Welcomes and produces creative thinking and innovative initiatives ;
  • Ensures the production of knowledge, technical expertise’, implementation tools ;
  • Proven thinking skills, strategic analysis and synthesis ;
  • Develop implementation strategies and policies ;
  • Valorizes and strengthens the capacities of targeted’actors (internal and external) ;
  • Develops partnership leadership (internal and external) ;
  • Exercises the advisory role relating to its field of specialization in a spirit of partnership.

As well as specific skills « Following » professions :

  • Proven expertise in the project cycle (identification, planning, operational implementation, and monitoring, evaluation, learning, accountability), applied in a nexus context.
  • Knowledge and mastery of the’ approach based on the rights of the’child, Triple Nexus, Mobility, Empowerment, participation and protection of the’ childhood (thematics and minimum standards, strengthening of systems, localization).
  • Mastery of the’ case management approach of child protection, with expertise on the issues of case management of children and young people in mobility, including cross-border case management and (re)integration, as well as’a good knowledge of active networks in the region for this field.
  • Good knowledge of strategies, approaches and methodologies to support psychosocial resilience,’empowerment and well-being of children and youth in mobility, their families and communities.
  • Excellent capacities of’analysis, synthesis and writing
  • Experiences in the field of’innovation (in particular the’innovation digitale) would be an asset.
  • Confirmed experience in technical advisor or coordinator positions in his field of’expertise ;
  • Flexibility, responsiveness, adaptability, pragmatism ;
  • Rigor, organization ; qualities of trainer.
  • Excellent oral and editorial skills in French and English ;
  • Excellent performance capabilities, and,
  • Mastery of usual office tools.
  1. Training / Qualifications

Master level (minimum) within’a recognized institution and in a relevant field (political sciences, migration, international relations, sociology, anthropology, social work, economy, law, etc.)


At least 8 years d’experience in the fields of mobility (child migrant workers, talibes, irregular migration, trafficking in persons, internally displaced persons,’ asylum-seekers, refugees, returnees, …), in particular in the protection of, the (re)integration, the’social inclusion, the’empowerment of young people and the promotion of the voice of children ;

Strong understanding and experience of child protection and mobility, with a particular focus on migration dynamics in Africa ;

At least 5 years of’ experience in programme management and development of’expertise, capacity building, operational implementation, coordination, monitoring / evaluation and capitalization /knowledge management ;

At least 5 years of’ experience in the development of proposals and’ commitment of donors ;

Good knowledge of networks active in the field of mobility under the’information angle, prevention, protection,’integration and reintegration of children and young people in migration, social inclusion,’, L’empowerment of young people and the promotion of the rights of’enfant ;

Ideally, the candidate will have already done similar work in an international NGO or in an organization working at the international level.

  1. Languages

Mastery of spoken and written French, and spoken and written English’.

  1. IT knowledge

Ability to use the Microsoft Office 365 suite: Word, Excel & Power Point

How to apply

  1. Modalities of’application

Application files, including a detailed CV, a cover letter and a copy of the diplomas, must be sent with « One (e) Regional Technical Advisor (e) Children and Youth in Mobility » at’address: at pgread late May 31, 2024. The files will be processed gradually and consequently the selected candidates can be called before this date to pass a technical test, followed by’an interview for the finalists.

NB : Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Duration : 12 Months renewable, from 01 July 2024. The selected candidate and Tdh will strive to establish a long-term working relationship.

Contract: CDD local with the Terre des hommes Foundation

Work place Position based in Dakar with frequent visits to the countries of’ intervention

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