Emergency Post Trauma Rehabilitation Project Manager – Haiti – Port au Prince At Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion

Outraged at the injustice experienced by disabled people and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a united and inclusive world, where all differences enrich us and where everyone can “live on their feet”. Humanity & Inclusion is an independent and impartial international solidarity organization, which intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflicts and disasters. Working alongside disabled people and vulnerable populations, she acts and testifies to meet their essential needs, to improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. HI is present in more than 55 countries.

For more information on the association: http://www.hi.org/

HI in Haiti

Present in Haiti since 2008, the NGO Handicap International – Humanité & Inclusion is considered in Haiti as a major player in the rehabilitation sector. In this capacity, the organization has been contributing for several years to strengthening the capacities of several rehabilitation services and centers in the West, North, North-East, South and South-East departments. HI also intervened as part of the emergency responses to the earthquakes of 2010 and 2021, directly intervening with the affected populations. Member and leader of the National Technical Committee for Rehabilitation (CTN), the organization and the various members who make up this committee are strongly engaged in the development of the national strategy for the recognition of rehabilitation in Haiti and the development of a basic curriculum for rehabilitation professionals (Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists).

HI has also been involved in the Water, Hygiene and Sanitation sectors since the end of 2022 in response to the resurgence of the cholera epidemic in the departments of North, North-East and West, Disaster Risk Management in the South department through a project focusing on Anticipated Actions, Humanitarian Logistics through the Sea Urgence Logistics Haiti (MERLUH) project which covers the entire territory and the Socioeconomic Integration of people with disabilities in the North and West departments. Inclusive Humanitarian Action, based on the approach based on the Rights of People with Disabilities, is also one of the cross-cutting sectors of the Organization.

The URPOST project

The Urgence Réadaptation POSt Trauma (URPOST) project responds to the challenges of the unprecedented multidimensional crisis that Haiti has been experiencing since 2018. This crisis, at the origin of the displacement of more than 320,000 people in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Port au Prince alone (ZMPAP ) according to the latest IOM displacement situation report, continues to contribute to the impoverishment of the Haitian population and to hinder their access (physical and economic) to quality health care.

As part of the complementarity of the activities of Médecins Sans Frontières Belgium, which opened a new trauma center in the commune of Carrefour at the beginning of March 2024, the URPOST project aims to respond to the rehabilitation needs and rights of the community of Greater Martissant, which has been operating for several years in a context of permanent insecurity, in a logic of complementarity with the activities of MSF-B with which HI has already collaborated as part of the response to the 2010 earthquake. As such, HI will directly provide early and outpatient care to patients referred by MSF-B.

Main responsibilities

Under the management of the Director of Operations in Haiti and within a team of 5 physiotherapists and occupational therapists, the URPOST Project Manager will ensure close monitoring of the launch and implementation of physical and functional rehabilitation activities in level of the Carrefour Trauma Center administered by MSF-B located in a difficult-to-access conflict zone, which involves close monitoring of security aspects with the program’s Security and Access Manager.

The Project Manager, in close collaboration with the READ specialist, is responsible for:

Responsibility 1: Guarantee the proper implementation of the project and Rehabilitation activities in compliance with the institutional policies of HI and the donor

  1. Plans operations and implementation of activities as defined in the project proposal efficiently and according to priorities.
  2. Proposes strategic reorientations if necessary, in conjunction with the Director of Operations and the READ Specialist according to the evolving context and needs
  3. Develops, in conjunction with the READ Specialist, procedures and tools for referencing patients treated within the Carrefour Trauma Center.
  4. Contributes, in conjunction with the READ Specialist, to the inclusion criteria and the terms and conditions for granting the Support Fund to patients in care.
  5. Guarantees compliance with deadlines in consideration of the contractual activity schedule and makes the necessary readjustments in conjunction with the Director of Operations.
  6. Guarantees budgetary monitoring of the project and makes the necessary readjustments, in conjunction with the Finance Department.
  7. Guarantees compliance with the supply plan and makes the necessary readjustments, in conjunction with the Logistics Department, involves anticipating and proposing purchasing procedures adapted to the needs of the project.
  8. Develops, in conjunction with the MEAL Department, the project M&E plan and supervises the monitoring and evaluation of the project in accordance with existing operational tools and frameworks.
  9. Develop protocols of understanding with the various project stakeholders
  10. Contributes, in conjunction with the MEAL department, to the definition of project data collection tools
  11. Ensures the establishment and proper use by employees of appropriate tools for the collection and management of data relating to the project, in accordance with global standards (Involves the verification and correction of the data collected).
  12. Guarantees the archiving of deliverables and other key project documents on the dedicated platform.
  13. Collaborates closely with the Security & Access Manager on issues related to Security and access for the Project Team.

Responsibility 2: Ensure external coordination of the project

  1. In liaison with the Director of Operations, represents HI and communicates with authorities, partner organizations and any other stakeholders on project activities.
  2. Ensures the coordination of activities outside the hospital with other NGOs or rehabilitation structures (Referencing
  3. Participates in meetings within the framework of the humanitarian coordination mechanism (Health Cluster), and donor monitoring, steering committee with the consortium partner ALIMA, MSF-B steering committee administrator of the Carrefour Trauma Center

Responsibility 3: Ensure regular reporting of activities and capitalization of the project

  1. Monitors the achievements and indicators of the project’s logical framework and informs the internal reporting tools (PM Box). Participates and contributes to the Monthly Support and Project Reviews.
  2. Leads weekly Project Team meetings and provides associated reports to the Operations Director and Support Managers.
  3. Writes and guarantees the quality of donor reports (monthly, quarterly and final) related to the project.
  4. Organizes and contributes, in concert with the MEAL department, to the capitalization workshop of its project in a logic of global learning – Lessons learned.
  5. Ensures the proper handover and capitalization of the project at the end of the mission at field and headquarters level.

Responsibility 4: Ensure the supervision and progress of the Project Team

  1. Defines the individual objectives of the employees of his team and carries out the annual evaluation of their performance.
  2. Supports the employees of his team in order to contribute to their professional development (identification of training needs in particular) and the evolution of their career.
  3. As much as possible, ensures the training of its teams and the transfer of skills on issues related to their positions
  4. Is in charge, with the support of the HR Department, of the recruitment processes and/or renewal of the positions of employees of the Project Team (Revision of job description sheets, selections, tests, interviews, etc.).
  5. Proposes relevant adaptations to the project organization chart and contributes to its implementation with the support of the READ Specialist.
  6. Ensures the understanding and application by his team of internal rules and institutional policies of HI (Code of conduct, anti-corruption, PEASH, Child protection, security, intersectionality).
  7. Ensures the resolution of conflicts within the project team with the support of the HR Department if necessary.

Responsibility 5: Contribute to the development of the program strategy

  1. Contributes to the annual review of the health sector analysis at program level (Deliverables: Stakeholder Analysis, Factor Analysis, Problem Trees)
  2. Contributes to the operational strategy (StratOp) of the program.
  3. Contributes to the drafting of new project proposals in order to guarantee the continuation and/or extension of project activities, is a force for proposals on the project financing strategy and participates in negotiations with donors if deemed necessary by the Director of Operations.


Minimum Baccalaureate + 3 years in physiotherapy (diploma required)

At least 5 years of experience in humanitarian project management in an NGO

Mission experience in a complex and volatile environment, difficult security conditions

Remote management experience

At least 2 years of experience providing technical support to rehabilitation programs

Experience in Emergency Rehabilitation is an asset


At HI, the starting conditions match your commitment and are adapted to the context of your mission. Particular attention is paid to health issues and your personal situation: https://hi.org/fr/travailler-chez-hi

To find out about our integration and training course, and our mobility policy, click here: https://hi.org/fr/integration-developpement-des-competences-

  • International contract of 10 months starting ideally from July 1, 2024
  • The international contract allows social coverage adapted to the needs of each person
  • Unemployment insurance levied only for EU nationals
  • Retirement insurance
  • Health coverage, repatriation, welfare covered by HI and the employee
  • Per diem: €913.14 net/month – paid in local currency on the ground
  • Hardship: €500 net/month
  • Paid leave: 25 days per year; R&R Level 3: 5 Days every 8 weeks
  • Unaccompanied post
  • Accommodation: Collective supported by HI

If you are a resident of the country: local package

How to apply

Only online by attaching CV and cover letter via the following link:


Applications are processed on a continuous basis, don’t wait to apply!

Only selected candidates will be contacted.


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September 2024