Consultancy: Mpca Meal Toolkit Training Curriculum Development At Save the Children



With funding from USAID/BHA, Save the Children (SC) and partners developed a Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEAL) Toolkit. The toolkit includes 10 tools and a series of seven (7) guidance notes that provide step-by-step instructions on how to use and customize the tools for different contexts, as well as how to analyze, interpret, and report outcomes of MPCA assistance.

In late 2023, SC and partners received additional funding from BHA to institutionalize the MPCA MEAL Toolkit and deliver a comprehensive training package across five global regions.

Overall Objective:

The purpose of these consultancy services is to lead the development of a comprehensive and interactive curriculum for a face-to-face training in addition to an online version that will be hosted on an open-source, public platform. The training should encourage collaboration and active participation, fostering the exchange of ideas and experiences. The training will utilize dummy data from programs (to be provided) and must include significant practical exercises applying a variety of the MPCA MEAL tools in digital format (Excel and Word required; PowerBi, and KoBo Toolbox or CommCare encouraged). The exercises will include a scoring system (ideally built-in), to determine the capacity of participants to utilize different tools and carry out data analysis.

In-person trainings will be facilitated by NGO staff, while online trainings be self-paced.

Key Qualifications:

The services require the consultant to have:

  • Education in Instructional Design, Digital Arts, or equivalent (using adult learning principles, methods, theories, and techniques) for global audiences.
  • Significant experience (5-6 years) in MEAL and/or Research within an emergency or humanitarian and development contexts.
  • Demonstrated experience using instructional design (ID) methodologies to develop longer-form trainings, micro-learning, and e-learnings.
  • Excellent writing, translation, and editing skills.
  • Strong remote-working abilities.
  • Fluency and proficiency in writing English (Spanish, French, and/or Arabic is a plus).
  • Experience as a trainer/facilitator preferred.


The deliverables of the services will be:

  • Item 1: F2F Training Curriculum
    • Develop a MPCA MEAL training curriculum for a one-day workshop that targets global cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and M&E technical advisors (TA) who support country-based staff. ~30 attendees
    • Develop a MPCA MEAL training curriculum for a four-day practical, hands-on, in person training on tool application.~30-40 attendees
  • Item 2: Online Training Curriculum
    • Develop an online version of the training curriculum that would be hosted on a global humanitarian learning platform (e.g., Kaya) and freely available for the humanitarian and development community.


The successful bidder will be responsible for the following activities:

Item 1: F2F Training Curriculum

  • Develop a fully illustrated Facilitator’s Guide for Trainers that should include:
    • Detailed agenda for each session
    • Assessment Tools (pre/post-training)
    • A cheat-sheet of ice breakers, energizers and tips on how to run recaps at the end and at the beginning of each session/day
    • Facilitation guidance on introduction of the Toolkit and training objectives (can be in the form of an annotated PowerPoint)
    • Certificate of Completion for participants
  • Develop a Participant’s package that should include:
    • A summarized version of information covered in each of the sessions/exercises
    • PowerPoint slide with key messages for each session
    • Exercises and materials required for each exercise (exercises should be practical, engaging, and reinforce the learning)
    • Scoring methodology assessing the accuracy of data analysis and quality of data presentation.
    • Any other handout as appropriate to be determined by SC and partners

Item 2: Online Training

  • Consultant is responsible for the multimedia creation e.g.: to film the eLearning course modules with voice over, adapt MPA MEAL Toolkit content for blended learning (online and offline learning) and design the course for the best use of learners.
  • Certificate of Completion for participants
  • Scoring methodology assessing the accuracy of data analysis and quality of data presentation.

How to apply

*This Request for Proposal is contingent upon funding, does not constitute an offer, and SCI does not bind itself to accept any proposal. SCI reserves the right to accept a proposal in part, rather than in full.

Please submit bids to Save the Children:

Please provide:

  • Technical proposal: briefly and clearly describe your understanding of the task and technical aspect of the proposal.
  • sample training session plan to showcase the proposed interactive and participatory approach. Other examples of previous training materials developed are highly encouraged.
  • Detailed curriculum vitae (CV): detailed CV with contact details (including at least two traceable references). If the consultant is a firm, provide CVs of key staff that will work on the evaluation.
  • Signed financial proposal: broken down into each of the aforementioned “Items” and include: Total consultancy daily rate in USD and estimated number of days (to be negotiated given the flexible nature of the implementation plan)
  • Availability/Start Date

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