Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) of Pathways to Inclusion (PATI): Humanitarian Response in Ukraine II At Solidar Suisse

Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) of

Pathways to Inclusion (PATI): Humanitarian Response in Ukraine II

  1. Introduction/Background

Russia’s full-scale invasion to Ukraine has caused country wide damage and destruction. Millions of civilians have been forced to flee their homes and seek shelter and security elsewhere in Ukraine, Europe or beyond. Families were separated, livelihoods lost, and the traumatic experience put a strain on the psychosocial situation of millions of people. To respond to the humanitarian needs and support the most vulnerable people affected by the war, Solidar Suisse has joined forces with the Ukrainian organisations VIS and Luhansk Association of Organisations for People with Disabilities (LAOPWD) to provide assistance focusing on MPCA, Shelter, MHPSS and Protection. The current project “Pathways to Inclusion (PATI): Humanitarian Response in Ukraine II” has the following three outcomes:

Outcome 1: Vulnerable IDPs, returnees, host communities, and non-displaced people near the frontline, particularly people with Disabilities (PwD) have improved their mental health and psychosocial well-being and reduced their protection needs and suffering

Outcome 2: Vulnerable IDPs, returnees, and people directly affected by the hostilities near the frontline, particularly PwD, meet their basic needs and live in safe, dignified shelters protected from the elements

Outcome 3: Local partner organisations enhanced their capacities to foster the localisation of the humanitarian response

The project is being implemented in Vinnytsia by the partner organisation VIS, and in Kharkivska and Donetska oblasts by LAOPWD.

  1. Purpose

This midterm evaluation (MTE) shall assess the continued relevance of the project and the progress made towards achieving its planned objectives. Opportunities to make modifications to ensure the achievement of these objectives within the lifetime of the project shall be provided.

Clear and applicable recommendations will allow the project team to complete the second half of the project implementation in the highest possible quality, particularly in regard to relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability.

3. Objective

The mid-term evaluation of the project “Pathways to Inclusion (PATI): Humanitarian Response in Ukraine II” has three main objectives:

  1. To assess the relevance of the project design and the implementation progress, including the beneficiary selection, multipurpose cash modalities, applied approach/activities under MHPSS, GBV Case Management and capacity building and institutional strengthening for local partner organisations.
  2. To provide recommendations based on lessons learnt from the current project implementation as well as from best practices from other similar interventions for the project team to continue and improve the project so that its objectives will be achieved in due time and high quality. Recommendations must be applicable and clear for each partner organisation as well as for the project as a whole.
  3. To consider if the project is in line with the 9 commitments of the Core Humanitarian Standard and recommendations how to improve the standard in the project.
  4. Scope of Work

The scope of the MTE encompasses the activities implemented and results achieved thus far, (work-) plans and other relevant information of the project “Pathways to Inclusion (PATI): Humanitarian Response in Ukraine II” (project duration: 1 October 2023 – 30 September 2024).

The evaluation focuses on the technical as well as management aspects of the project. It will evaluate each partner organisation individually but reports at both the organisational and overall project levels.

5. Specific Evaluation Questions

The following questions (non-exhaustive list, final list of questions to be submitted with inception report) serve as guiding questions in order to assess to what extent the project implementation is on track and what is needed to enhance the project performance for the second half of the project duration and achieve the set objectives in high quality.

  • To what extent has the project already achieved its outcomes or will be likely to achieve them?
  • To what extent has the project already achieved its outputs or will be likely to achieve them?
  • What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of the outcomes and outputs? (Also consider any which were possibly beyond the control of the project)
  • To what extent were the project activities and implementation methods appropriate and relevant in order to achieve the anticipated results and objectives?
  • To what extent has the project progressed and achieved its preliminary results in accordance to the original work plan and how well did it adapt to changing conditions on the ground and new findings?
  • How well did the project manage the overall budget (value for money), administration, staff and resources?
  • What are the current prevailing needs of the population in the target locations and does the project take them into account?
  • To what extent is the project timely, relevant and appropriate to respond to the most pressing needs of the most vulnerable people in Ukraine affected by the war?
  • To what extent have the targeted beneficiaries participated in shaping the projects activities?
  • How is the project perceived by the beneficiaries?
  • Are the targeted locations chosen appropriate?
  • To what extent does the project contribute to durable solutions?
  • Is the project set up appropriate and effective?
  • What is the project’s added value?
  • To what extent is the localisation approach implemented?
    • Master degree in humanitarian/ social work or other relevant fields.

The consultant(s) will apply the OECD/DAC criteria and Core Humanitarian Standard.

6. Approach and Methods

The evaluation/review consists of several phases:

Contract and initial online meeting: Contract is signed and a discussion of the assignment takes place. First documents, including available data, are provided to the evaluation consultant/team.

Desk Study: The evaluation/review team studies all necessary project/programme documents; re-construct and analyse the intervention logical framework and its risks and assumptions. Existing data needs to be analysed and interpreted.

Inception-Report: In the inception report the evaluators will describe the design of the evaluation and will elaborate on how data will be obtained and analysed. The use of a data collection planning worksheet or a similar tool is required. First interviews take place.

Data triangulation and quality control are very important and need to be discussed in the inception report.

The field trip will only take place upon approval of the inception report by Solidar Suisse.

Field-phase: Data needs to be gathered, analyzed and interpreted. It is expected that the evaluation will include quantitative and qualitative, disaggregated data.

Presentation: Presentation of initial key findings after the field trip (online – approx. 2 hours).

Final Report Draft: Submission of final draft report.

Final Report: Submission of final report, see reporting requirements under point 9). For the different phases it is expected that data and information will be obtained through different methods such as: analysis of documents, structured interviews, semi-structured interviews, face-to face or by phone, group discussions, online/face to face survey (if applicable), others.

All data collected needs to be disaggregated by sex and age at minimum.

It is expected that the evaluation consultant/team will provide clear and relevant information and recommendations per partner organization to feed in the planning and implementation of the second phase of the project.

The final report has incorporated the feedback provided by Solidar, VIS and LAOPWD.

7. Timetable

A total of 15 working days is estimated for this assignment (2 days for desk review and inception report elaboration, 9 days for field visit, 4 days for presentation and final report writing including incorporation of feedback).

Action – Responsible – Date

Submission of bid (electronically) – Consultant – 26.05.2024

Contract signed and documents provided – Consultant & Solidar Suisse – 31.05.2024

Desk Study – Consultant – 03.-04.06.24

Submission of inception report – Consultant -05.06.24

Field Visit, interviews etc. – Consultant – 06.-14.06.

Presentation of initial findings – Consultant – 17.-21.06.

Submission of final draft report – Consultant – DL 23.06.

Submission of feedback on final draft report – Solidar, VIS, LAOPWD – Until 26.06.

Submission of final evaluation report (hard copy and electronic copy) to contractor – Consultant – 30.06.2024

8. The Evaluation Consultant/Team

The client can be an individual consultant or a team of consultants (international and/or national consultant/team)

Key Qualifications in the team should be:

  • A minimum of 10 years’ experience and expertise in the field/sector of cash-based initiatives and mental health and psychosocial support.
  • If the consultant is a team, the team leader will have conducted at least three evaluations in the last five years ideally in the relevant field. If the consultant is an individual, s/he will have to qualify as the team leader (provide list of evaluations carried out, incl. position, country and sector).
  • Sound knowledge of and experience in Ukraine
  • Experience in project cycle management
  • Experience and expertise in evaluating humanitarian projects
  • Experience in social science methods
  • Knowledge of the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) on quality and accountability
  • Excellent oral and written English skills
  • Excellent Ukrainian language skills
  • Sound MS Office and IT skills

The consultants must not have been involved in the design, implementation or monitoring of the project or be related in any way to one of the organizations involved.

9. Deliverables

The consultant(s) is responsible to produce and share the following deliverables:

Inception Report (max. 10 pages without annexes)

  • Evaluation matrix lining out the subsidiary evaluation questions
  • Methodology
  • Sampling plan
  • Draft data collection tools (survey forms, topic guides for focus groups etc.)

Presentation of initial findings which is organized to validate and discuss the provisional findings with members of all organizations involved (online)

Final Evaluation Report (max. 20 pages without annexes)

  • Executive Summary (1 page)
  • Methodology, analysis and key findings
  • Concrete and applicable recommendations for the second project half for each organisation separately and for the project as a whole
  • Incorporation of feedback and inputs from Solidar Suisse, VIS and LAOPWD

All reports need to be written in English.

How to apply

10. Submission of Bid

If you are interested in this assignment and meet the requirements, please send your bid including detailed CV(s), detailed and competitive budget inclusive of all costs, fees and taxes (consultants are responsible for managing their own tax contributions) with the subject “Ukraine Mid Term Evaluation” to liudmyla.dziuba@solidar.ch. Deadline for submission is the 26.05.2024 and not bids will be accepted afterwards.

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