Consultancy Services Pool for Programs/Projects Baseline/Evaluation/Research/Need Assessment/Survey, etc. At Concern Worldwide

  1. Background:

Concern Worldwide began its work as an INGO in Bangladesh in 1972 and has responded to all major emergencies and implemented numerous programmes for the socio-economic empowerment of extremely poor people across the country. Under our Country Strategic Plan 2022- 2026 we aim to contribute to bringing sustainable, positive changes in the lives of people living in extreme poverty in Bangladesh. We will achieve this through working on five particular pillars – ensuring sustained change from our programmes (predominantly in the health, nutrition and livelihoods sectors); climate change; humanitarian action; working through partnership; and equality, diversity and inclusion.

2. Introduction:

Concern Worldwide is pleased to invite expressions of interest from qualified consultancy firms and individual consultants to establish a Consultancy Services Pool dedicated to undertaking various research studies, evaluations, and evidence documentation for development and humanitarian projects/programs within Bangladesh. The purpose of this pool is to engage reputable and proficient consultants who will contribute their expertise to inform, evaluate, and enhance the implementation of our development and humanitarian initiatives.

3. Scope of Services:

The Consultancy Services Pool, functions as a dynamic and comprehensive resource that offers expert advice and analytical services for a wide range of development and humanitarian projects and programs. The service pool is established to support M&E, Learning, Evaluation as well as targeted Evidence and Research for Concern Worldwide projects and program for a wide range of sectors incl. Health and Nutrition, Food Security and resilient Livelihoods, Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction and Anticipatory Action. Humanitarian & Emergency; WASH

4. Modalities of this Consultancy Service pool:

  • Primarily, a talent consultancy pool (individual/firm) will be develop through the entire process from this EOIs.
  • Individual consultant/firm will be selected through a competitive process for enlisted pool 2(two) years of validity.
  • The final tasks to conduct various research studies, evaluations and/or assessments will be given based on their sector specific expertise and relevant experiences from the enlisted pool.
  • Individual consultant/firm will solely responsible for data collection, cleaning, compilation, analysis and reporting like; evaluation, research & studies as requires by Concern as per developed ToR for those specific events.
  • The individual consultant/firm will also be responsible for evidence generation and share the project/programme learning to the stakeholders based on the final assignment TOR.
  • Individual consultant/firm will directly work with the Programme and MEAL team at Concern Worldwide to execute the given tasks, while they have also liner relationship with Partner as well.

The following specific assignments will be included in the Consultancy Service Pool:

Enumerators supply for baseline, Mid-line, and Annual Outcome Monitoring:

  • The consultant/firm will supply enumerators/data collectors as required by the MEAL team for data collection support to baseline/mid-line/annual outcome monitoring/post distribution monitoring surveys under the overall guidance of MEAL Advisor/M&E Specialist along with programme manager and partner as well.

Project Evaluation /mid-term, End line and final evaluation:

  • Undertake evaluations, research & studies of ongoing programs and projects to assess their impact, effectiveness, and efficiency, sustainability following DAC criteria’s
  • Provide recommendations for improvements and/or adjustments based on evaluation findings including a comprehensive report

Research and Analysis:

  • Conduct in-depth research on specific thematic areas relevant to the organization’s goals and objectives
  • Analyse findings and present actionable insights and recommendations
  • Develop a study methodology and protocol to ensure high-quality research.
  • Conduct surveys to gather quantitative and qualitative data on the specific topics relevant to the target groups specified in the respective project requirements, and produce a comprehensive report.

Context Analysis and Need Assessment:

  • Undertake need assessments to identify gaps, challenges, and opportunities in targeted areas
  • Provide a detailed report outlining the identified needs and potential solutions/interventions

Data Analysis and Reporting:

  • Analyse collected data using appropriate statistical methods and tools for evaluations, research & studies.
  • Prepare comprehensive reports presenting key findings, trends, insights and learning from evaluations, research & studies

Experience & Qualifications:

Essential Experience & Qualifications (The consulting firm/lead consultant(s) should have the following):

  • Lead consultant should have Master of Public Health or related health or nutrition, Climate Change and Adaptation, Development Studies, Economics and other relevant Social Sciences discipline.
  • At least 10 years of proven experience in the area of community based health and nutrition, Climate Change and Adaptation, Food Security & Resilient Livelihoods conducting surveys, including baseline, mid-term and final assessments of complex multisector nutrition programs, including KPCs.
  • Proven experience of working with high level stakeholders including government ministries and donors
  • Having experience working in both urban and rural contexts in Bangladesh and have conducted similar studies and research with international development partners.
  • Proven experience of policy advocacy with high level policy stakeholders, including writing Policy Briefs
  • Proven ability to apply a gender sensitive lens to all work
  • Excellent analytical and communication skills (Bangla and English)
  • Excellent English Report writing skills
  • Consultant(s) have the capacity to engage enumerators with at least three years relevant hands-on experience.
  • The Consultant should have excellent facilitation skills (Bangla & English)
  • Experience on digital data gathering management system on tablet /digital device
  • Willingness to travel and work in tough field environments.
  • The firm/consultant should have understanding on setting up standard data quality control mechanism and GDPR.

Criteria of Relevant Work experiences:

  • Health & Nutrition
  • Food Security and resilient Livelihoods
  • Climate Change and Adaption
  • Disaster Risk Reduction and Anticipatory Action
  • Humanitarian and Emergency
  • WASH

Concern Worldwide’s Policies and Guidelines: Concern’s Code of Conduct (CCoC) and its associated safeguarding policies; the Programme Participant Protection Policy, the Child Safeguarding Policy and the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Policy have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from exploitation and to clarify the responsibilities of Concern staff, consultants, contractors, visitors to the programme and partner organisations, and the standards of behaviour expected of them. In this context staff have a responsibility to the organisation to strive for and maintain the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct in their workplace in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission. Concern’s Code of Conduct and its associated safeguarding policies have been appended to this Contract for your signature. By signing the Concern Code of Conduct you demonstrate that you have understood their content and agree to conduct yourself in accordance with the provisions of these two documents.

Breach of Code of Conduct and Sharing of Information: We are required to share details of certain breaches of Concern’s Code of Conduct, specifically those related to fraud, sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment and trafficking in persons, with external organizations such as institutional donors, regulatory bodies and future employers. In the event where you have been found to be in breach of these aspects of Concern’s Code of Conduct, your personal details (e.g. name, date of birth, address and nationality) and details of these breaches will be shared with these external bodies. Organizations may retain this data and use it to inform future decisions about you.

In addition, where we are working in partnership with another organization and where there are allegations of breaches in the above areas against you, we will cooperate with any investigation being undertaken and will share your personal details with investigation teams.

A breach of this policy will result in disciplinary action up to, and including, dismissal.

Technical Guideline: Both Concern Worldwide’ s Code of Conduct, Communications Branding Policy must be followed throughout this assignment. The communications policy includes the requirement for informed consent of any persons being pictured, videoed, interviewed, etc.

The Consultant/Organization must follow Concern guidelines on communications and branding in all media engagement activities, articles, news, programme etc.All media activities related to Concern’s work and media content publish to external must be aligned with Concern’s Communications policy.

Safety and Security: It is a requirement that the Consultant will comply with Bangladesh security policy and in-country security procedures. It is a requirement that the Consultant will comply with Bangladesh security policy and in-country security procedures. Failing to comply will result in immediate termination of contract. The work plan will need to be flexible and have built in contingency plans that can be activated through mutual discussion with Concern and the partners on the ground. This will be especially important for activities that require fieldwork and face-to-face interactions

How to apply

Requirements for Inclusion in the Pool:

Concern Worldwide Bangladesh invites expressions of interest from qualified and experienced consultancy firms or individuals to be included in the Consultancy Service Pool.

For Individual Consultant

  1. Individual profile or individual resume
  2. Overview of the relevant work highlighting core competencies and development sectors expertise
  3. A short CV maximum three pages
  4. Details of previous development projects/programs conducted, including project titles, objectives, methodologies, and outcomes
  5. Indication of availability and capacity to undertake project
  6. TIN certificate

For Consultancy Firm

  1. Short profile of the firm highlighting experiences on related assignment with client detail as mentioned for Individual Consultant.
  2. Lead Consultant’s (team leader) with 3 pages of CV highlighting related work experiences and assignment completed.
  3. Other Team members’ short description highlighting related expertise those will contribute the assignment.
  4. Consultancy Firm’s legal documents (Certificate, TIN and VAT registration).e) technical proposal (research proposal following section E.), f) financial proposal is required to submit. Technical and Financial proposals should be in separate file or separate envelop (in case of hard copy).
  5. Details of previous development projects/programs conducted, including project titles, objectives, methodologies, and outcomes.
  6. Indication of availability and capacity to undertake project.

Submission requirements for Expression of Interest:

Interested National (Bangladeshi registered) consultancy individual/consultancy firms should submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) along with the following information/sequences in a soft copy only:

  1. Interested sector to apply with
  2. Description of the individual consultant/Firm – 500 words (Maximum)
  3. Lead/key consultant CV- Maximum 3 pages
  4. Overview of HR including sector specific expertise (H&N, WASH, etc.)
  5. Evidence of related experiences (One sample report or link)
  6. Evidence of similar work experiences within last 5 years with UN, INGO. (attach contact/certificate)
  7. Any foreign/international affiliation please submit with evidence
  8. Legal Documents (TIN, BIN, Trade Licence, incorporation certificate, VAT Certificate etc.)

Pre-discussion meeting: A pre-bid meeting with interested firm/individual consultant on 20 May 2024 at 10:00am

Meeting link: Join the meeting now

  1. Meeting ID: 348 772 473 607
  2. Passcode: qjTfVL

Submission Deadline:

Expressions of Interest should be submitted by 27 May 2024 on or before 11.59 pm at Late submissions will not be considered.

  1. Selection process: The selection process will involve evaluating the submitted EOIs based on criteria such as experience, expertise, proposed methodologies, and capacity. Shortlisted firms or consultants may be contacted for further discussions or interview.

Name of Applicant:

Points Available 15 marks

Lead consultant should have Master of Public Health or related health or nutrition, Climate Change and Adaptation, Development Studies, Economics and other relevant Social Sciences discipline.

At least 10 years of proven experience in the area of community based health and nutrition, Climate Change and Adaptation, Food Security & Resilient Livelihoods conducting surveys, including baseline, mid-term and final assessments of complex multisector nutrition programs, including KPCs

10 marks

Applicants must share evidence of similar work completed. International experience will be an added advantage

10 marks

Methodology: Clear identification of FGDs, KIIs, IDI, logical distribution of samples, triangulation of primary, secondary and observation data to have a clear understanding of the achievements of the project as per logframe. Understanding and present how DAC criteria will be followed for the final evaluation. Indication of any summary findings and presentations.

30 marks

**Individual Consultant-**A short CV maximum three pages highlighting experiences on related assignment completed with detail client name, address, contact persons & communication details, For other members of team include short CV highlighting relevant tasks or assignment, TIN certificate, A brief technical and financial proposal based on the information provided above.
Consultancy Firm- Short profile of the firm highlighting experiences on related assignment with client detail as mention for individual consultant, Lead Consultant’s (team leader) with 2 pages of CV highlighting related work experiences and assignment completed. Other Team members’ (Engage in this assignment) with very short CV highlighting related task and assignment completed. Consultancy Firm’s legal documents (Certificate, TIN and VAT registration), technical proposal (research proposal following section E.2), financial proposal is required to submit, Technical and Financial proposals should be in separate file or separate envelop (in case of hard copy)

10 marks

Availability 10 marks

Evidence of work provided is of good quality 15 marks

Total 100 marks

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