Grant monitoring and reporting manager – RCA At Triangle Generation Humanitarian

Key information

Country: CAR – post based in Bangui

Duration: 9 month contract, renewable

Starting position: July 2024

Conditions: Employee contract, gross monthly salary from €1,802 to €2,266 depending on experience, monthly per diem €606, 100% medical coverage + repatriation insurance + welfare, accommodation and international transport and local as part of the mission, rest every 3 months.

Possibility of departure with family: no

TGH has chosen a deliberately simple and transparent remuneration policy, accessible on our website .
The salary levels announced in our job offers are therefore set within the framework of the salary scale and are not open to negotiation.

More information on , “Recruitment” section .

TGH reserves the right to terminate the recruitment process as soon as a candidate is positioned

Presentation of TGH

“Actor of lasting and shared solidarity”

Created in 1994, TGH, a French international solidarity association based in Lyon, develops and implements emergency, rehabilitation and development programs in the areas of water, hygiene and sanitation, food security and rural development, socio-educational and psychosocial. TGH currently works in 10 countries in Africa, Europe and Asia.


The Central African Republic (CAR) today has more than 2.8 million people in need of assistance, more than half of the country’s population. Priority needs include access to food, protection, access to health care, drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, education, but also access to shelter and essential household items. If the primary needs of the populations increase, the regular clashes make difficult access to humanitarian aid to populations in need, and therefore the work of humanitarian organizations on site.

Considered one of the poorest countries in the world, the CAR has been experiencing recurring humanitarian crises since its independence in 1960. This situation is partly the cause, but also the consequence, of the weakness of the State and the chronic political instability, often ethnically based, which regularly shakes the country. Since March 2013, successive regime changes have contributed to an escalation of intercommunal violence in the country, increasing human rights violations, massive population displacements as well as the destruction of property and loss of livelihoods. these last. In this regard, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee has raised the Central African crisis to level 3 of the humanitarian emergency, the latter being the highest. Since the end of December 2020, the conduct of the presidential elections has impacted the security situation in the country. 6 armed groups came together to create the Coalition of Patriots for Change (CPC) and fight against the holding of this election. After Faustin-Archange Touadéra was re-elected in the first round (in power since 2016), the CPC stepped up its initiatives in order to take control of the country and in particular the capital, Bangui. The climate of tensions established by the presidential elections of December 2020 still persists today, although the Central African armed forces (FACA) supported militarily by their Russian and Rwandan allies as well as by MINUSCA were able to regain control of part of the country. In July 2023, the existing state organized a referendum to modify the constitution so that it could allow the president in place to represent himself for life. The “yes” vote largely won, although the opposition called for a boycott.

TGH is present in the Vakaga prefecture. Area in the north east, bordering Sudan and Chad, Vakaga faces increased difficulties: its geographical isolation also results in social, political and economic isolation, vis-à-vis the rest of the CAR and mainly from Bangui. The State has little presence there and the redeployment of official services remains practically non-existent. Thus, a number of decentralized state civil servants are based in Ndélé, capital of the neighboring Bamingui-Bangoran Prefecture. Due to its isolation, Vakaga was the last of the 16 prefectures of the CAR to receive its prefect. Appointed on August 23, 2017 by President Faustin-Archange Touadéra, he took office on February 21, 2018. In August and then October 2019, clashes between armed groups took place in Birao, which resulted in the displacement of more than 15,000 people in regrouping sites in the city and creating very significant needs in water, hygiene and sanitation as well as food aid. Faced with the volatility of the security context, MINUSCA, a multidimensional United Nations operation responsible for the protection of civilians, the facilitation of humanitarian aid and support for the transition process, is present in Birao. Necessary measures are taken by TGH accordingly.

Finally, since the start of the crisis in Sudan in April 2023, the situation in Vakaga has deteriorated even more: the border is now closed (while the area was largely dependent on trade with Sudan) which has reduced the availability of goods on the markets and significantly increases prices. Sudanese refugees and returnees from the Central African Republic are pouring in, putting even more strain on the few resources available. Finally, the security situation is deteriorating, with the presence of Chadian and Sudanese armed groups.

Presentation of the mission

TGH began its action in CAR in 2007 to support vulnerable populations in the Vakaga prefecture. Today, the association operates in Vakaga (in Birao and on the roads) in the sectors of Food Security and Livelihoods, Water, Hygiene, Sanitation and Education/Capacity Building – in through a multi-sector project financed by AFD in consortium with PUI, which operates in Bamingui-Bangoran. To this day, TGH still remains one of the only international humanitarian organizations with a continuous presence in this marginalized and remote region. Recently, in order to respond to the influx of refugees linked to the Sudanese crisis, TGH obtained new funding from UNCEF for an urgent multi-sectoral response in WASH, Child Protection and Education in Birao and on the axes, to respond – among other things – to the needs of displaced populations coming from Sudan (since April 2023).

At the same time, the association is implementing a multi-annual project in the vocational training sector in consortium with Mercy Corps financed by the AFD in Bangui, Mbaïki and in the western region of the country (Carnot, Berberati, etc.). In addition, in Bangui, TGH has been working with children in street situations since 2014, and since 2020 with incarcerated minors to guarantee marginalized children access to basic socio-educational and medical services, and participates in the family reunification process. and foster care. TGH’s intervention aims to improve the protection and reintegration of children in street situations and incarcerated/released minors; it is financed by AFD as well as the CDCS.

TGH has long been present in Ouaka, but due to lack of funding, the Bambari base was closed in June 2022. The mission is financed to the tune of approximately 3.5 million euros. The current team is made up of 18 expatriates and around 120 national staff, spread across the different operational bases (Bangui and Birao).


The Grants and Reports Monitoring Officer works under the direct supervision of the Deputy Country Director for Programs (ADPP) and in close collaboration with the Project Managers and the Birao Field Coordinator. He/she assumes the following responsibilities:

Support internal and external coordination

  • Prepare the minutes of the coordination meetings held in Bangui on the issues encountered by the bases and coordination;
  • Ensure good management of information flows between the mission and headquarters as well as within the mission;
  • In conjunction with the ADPP and the technical COPs, ensure, as far as possible, effective representation of TGH at external humanitarian coordination meetings (CCO – CT communication, clusters, partners, etc.) and report on this in CRs. Outside of these meetings, ensure good management of information flows between TGH and the different clusters (reporting of implemented activities);
  • Ensure the archiving of operational documents (physical and digital) at the mission level, in conjunction with the Compliance Officer;
  • Ensure the capitalization of the mission’s program documents;
  • Participate in the definition and implementation of the mission strategy.

Support fundraising at the mission level

  • In conjunction with the Country Director and the ADPP, ensure active monitoring of financing opportunities at the country level;
  • For each proposal, ensure a good understanding of the donor’s directives in the team responsible for preparing the file (sharing of guidelines, templates, etc.);
  • Support and actively participate in the coordination of project proposals (retroplanning, etc.) as well as their formulation and writing (in French and English), including logical framework and annexes, in good coordination with the Country Director, ADPP, the Coordinators field, program and techniques, project managers and headquarters (desk and technical cells). In this regard, the Grants and Reports Monitoring Officer is required to participate in certain discussions with TGH’s technical and financial partners in CAR.

Coordinate the production of regular, accurate and analytical narrative reports for ongoing projects

  • Complete and ensure compliance with the reporting calendar: update the tool, ensure compliance with deadlines in the field, create the link between headquarters and the mission;
  • Propose, disseminate and monitor editorial back-planning for all reports and project proposals;
  • In liaison with the coordinators and project managers concerned, coordinate the collection of data necessary for the preparation of reports and donor sitreps and ensure their consistency and precision, in particular with the initial project proposal or previous reports;
  • Ensure compliance of reports with donor directives (structure, content, form), in conjunction with the Country Director, the ADPP and the desk;
  • Contribute to the drafting of narrative reports (in French and English) including photos, graphs, maps and the necessary annexes, in good coordination with the project managers concerned, the Country Director, the ADPP and headquarters (desk and technical units) ;
  • Carry out field visits, necessary for a good understanding of the context of the projects and the collection of data.

Contribute to the creation and updating of communication tools

  • Respond to requests from headquarters in terms of communication, such as contributions to the quarterly newsletter, the website, the annual journal and the activity report;
  • Update the ‘communication brochure’ of the TGH mission in CAR.
  • Ensure the archiving of photos on the Workspace;
  • Participate in the creation of publications for TGH’s social networks, in conjunction with headquarters;
  • Participate in meetings and communication events in the field (World NGO Day, World Humanitarian Day, etc.);
  • Support the mission in communication needs, depending on the projects (e.g. development of communication support for a specific project, etc.).


  • Provide ad hoc support to the Country Director, ADPP, and the desk on other tasks necessary for the smooth running of the mission;
  • Travel to the field to support project managers on specific programmatic points (implementation of KoBo surveys, assistance with the beneficiary selection methodology, implementation of evaluations) defined in collaboration with the ADPP .

These responsibilities may be reviewed based on changing needs on the ground.

Safety, working and living conditions

The unstable and volatile security context requires compliance with sometimes restrictive security rules (curfew, no go area, etc.). Travel in the field is possible but requires prior analysis and travel in the city is generally not subject to restrictions, unless there is tension in the city. TGH is a humanitarian actor known and appreciated in its areas of intervention.

In Bangui, expatriates have single rooms in two shared houses located in two concessions. One of the houses is located in the same compound as the office. A satisfactory wifi connection is available in both guest houses. It is possible and authorized in Bangui to go to many restaurants, bars, sports complexes, supermarkets, stores, markets, etc.


  • Course in international solidarity/humanitarian action;
  • Field experience, preferably in the humanitarian field;
  • Knowledge of main donors and coordination mechanisms;
  • Knowledge of the project cycle;
  • Excellent writing skills in French and English, and good communication skills;
  • Very good command of the MS Office pack;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, diplomacy;
  • Availability, flexibility, pragmatism;
  • Ability to work effectively under pressure and independently;
  • Ability and motivation to live and work in a team;
  • Ability to live in an unstable security context.


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