Consortium Coordinator – RCA At Triangle Generation Humanitarian

Key information

Country: CAR – post based in Bangui, with regular trips to Vakaga and Bamingui Bangoran

Duration: 9 month contract

Starting position: May/June 2024

**Conditions: **employee contract, gross monthly salary from €2,369 to €2,884 depending on experience, monthly per diem €606, 100% medical coverage + repatriation insurance + welfare, payment of accommodation and international and local transport as part of the mission, rest every 3 months.

Possibility of departure with family: no

TGH has chosen a deliberately simple and transparent remuneration policy, accessible on our website .
The salary levels announced in our job offers are therefore set within the framework of the salary scale and are not open to negotiation.

More information on , “Recruitment” section .

TGH reserves the right to terminate the recruitment process as soon as a candidate is positioned

Presentation of TGH

“Actor of lasting and shared solidarity”

Created in 1994, TGH, a French international solidarity association based in Lyon, develops and implements emergency, rehabilitation and development programs in the areas of water, hygiene and sanitation, food security and rural development, socio-educational and psychosocial. TGH currently works in 10 countries in Africa, Europe and Asia.


The Central African population is estimated at 6.1 million people according to projections made in 2022 by the Central African Institute of Statistics and Economic and Social Studies (ICASEES), an increase of 56% since the last census in 2003. With a fertility rate of 6.4% (2019), women represent 51% of the total population compared to 49% of men. People over 59 make up barely 4.6% of the population. The average life expectancy is 54 years. For a predominantly young population, 78% of whom are under 35 years old and 50% under 18 years old, the population density in CAR has increased from 6.2 to 9.7 inhabitants per km² in 20 years, with a rate of urbanization of 42.5%.

Despite the average fertility rate of around 6 children per woman of childbearing age (24.5% women), the infant and child mortality rate (children under 5 years old) in CAR is the fifth highest in the world with 99 deaths per 1,000 births. Only 40% of births are attended by health personnel.

According to the UNDP Human Development Index, the CAR is ranked 188th out of 191 countries and territories. After two consecutive years of economic slump (2020 and 2021), economic activity in the CAR came to a complete halt in 2022 due to the consequences of the war in Ukraine, and the floods of 2022 and 2023. Real GDP growth fell to 0% in 2022.

Heavy reliance on subsistence agriculture, forestry and extractive industries, which remain underdeveloped, makes the CAR one of the least economically diverse countries in the world.

According to the 2024 Overview of Humanitarian Needs published by OCHA, at the national level 1.9 million people have a humanitarian need falling under general protection: 23,815 incidents of violations and incidents documented between January-August 2023, compared to 9,784 between January-August 2022.

In general, the humanitarian situation has significantly improved in the CAR, but a large part of the population remains exposed to shocks and their consequences on law, protection, poor socio-economic opportunities, access to housing, land and property.

Despite the weekly prevalence of armed clashes in all provinces of the country involving armed groups and the Central African Armed Forces, the overall security situation is considered to be stabilizing. Although very controversial on a diplomatic and ethical level, the presence of Russian private militias has helped to pacify certain areas. However, today this is much more discreet. It remains visible on the control of mining territories and on technical support to law enforcement in urban areas, particularly around Bangui.

Also note that the mandate of MINUSCA was extended in November 2023 until November 2024.

Highlights of the context of intervention in Vakaga in 2023
Between April and October 2023, more than 20,000 people, mainly women and children, including 15,476 refugees and 4,701 Central African returnees, fleeing the war in Sudan, found refuge in CAR in the prefectures of Vakaga (Birao and Am-Dafock) and Bamingui-Bangoran, and that of Haute Kotto.

The interruption of cross-border trade has led to a 20% increase in the cost of the minimum consumer basket in Birao, and the scarcity of basic products on local markets. This situation aggravates the vulnerability of 40% of the population who already suffer from acute food insecurity in the region.

In Birao, where TGH intervened upstream in the installation of the Sudanese refugee site of Am-Dafok then Korsi (Birao) in WASH and Protection, we note a recent influx of new arrivals in January 2024 to reach nearly 12,000 people in April 2024.
The risks of tensions between refugees and the host community (access to water, deforestation, imbalance between access to humanitarian aid and local standard of living) are palpable.

Presentation of the mission

TGH began its action in CAR in 2007 to support vulnerable populations in the Vakaga prefecture. Today, the association operates in Vakaga in the sectors of Food Security and Livelihoods, Water, Hygiene, Sanitation and Education/Protection through a multi-sector project financed by the AFD in consortium with PUI which intervenes in Bamingui-Bongoran.

TGH is also a partner of UNICEF on sectoral emergency responses in education, protection and WASH.

In Bangui, TGH has been working with children in street situations since 2014, and since 2020 with incarcerated minors to guarantee marginalized children access to basic socio-educational and medical services, and participates in the family reunification and placement process. in a host family.

At the same time, the association is implementing a multi-annual project in the vocational training sector in consortium with Mercycorps in the Bangui metropolitan area, financed by the AFD.

The mission is funded to the tune of approximately 3.5 million euros. The current team is made up of 19 expatriates and around 130 national staff.

Project display

TGH, leader of the consortium, provides representation and is guarantor of the project. The consortium is made up of 2 NGOs (TGH, Première Urgence Internationale (PUI)) which are already active on project issues in the North-East. General objective: Improve the socio-economic situation of the populations of the North East in order to contribute to the reduction of territorial inequalities and the construction of peace.

Project duration: 4 years; the project is beginning its capitalization and closure phase.

Geographical concentration: along the most frequented routes (RN8/RN5, prefectures of Birao and Ndélé, chief towns of communes, transhumance corridor from Garba to Bamingui Bangoran, around the Manovo Gounda St Floris and Bamingui parks).

OS1: Support state actors and community dynamics to improve access to quality basic services

OS2: Support populations in the management of natural resources and the development of sustainable sectors, particularly around protected areas

OS3: Strengthen the socio-economic resilience of households through support for agricultural production and entrepreneurship

This project is part of preparation for the project to support the redeployment and modernization of public action envisaged by the AFD. By providing quality basic services and access to these services, within a framework of participatory governance, this project gradually supports the redeployment of the State by the population, while helping to promote retention and the arrival of new civil servants and state agents (FAE). The proposed activities complement existing projects in the intervention areas (rural connectivity, support for decentralization, support for the management of national parks, Bêkou funds, etc.) and the project coordination teams will work in close collaboration .

In this context, the partners work with village savings and credit associations in order to enable the transfer and strengthening of skills and thus perpetuate the achievements of the action, particularly in supporting the structuring and operationalization of existing sales groups and cooperatives, strengthening the investment capacities of farmers and small economic players. Women’s associations are also involved, particularly in platforms for monitoring local development plans.


The Consortium Coordinator, based in Bangui, will ensure the good management and monitoring of the TGH / PUI consortium for the AFD project in the North East of the CAR in its last operational phase with a view to the reporting and capitalization requirements. , visibility of the donor, maintaining relations with national institutional technical partners, preparation of the exit plan for the end of September 2024.

He/she will work in close collaboration with the TGH and PUI coordination teams (program, administration, finance, human resources and logistics), as well as with the TGH and PUI project managers in charge of operational implementation in the field. He/she will ensure the quality and relevance of the activities of the last phase with the closing commitments.

The consortium coordinator will be required to travel to the prefectures of Vakaga and Bamingui-Bangoran, areas of intervention of the consortium. Under the supervision of the Deputy Country Director for Programs and in close collaboration with the coordination team, the main responsibilities of the Consortium Coordinator are as follows:

1. Consortium management

  • Support the general coordination of the project, manage the animation of the consortium and guarantee the quality of the activities implemented;
  • Support the implementation of activities, have a launching role and alert them to possible delays in project implementation and under/over consumption of the project.
  • Guarantee the implementation of specific activities dedicated to the Consortium Coordinator (establishment and monitoring of surveys and evaluation of the project, monitoring of the communication component of the project, etc.)
  • Organize the cycle of monitoring meetings (technical, operational) and project closure; With the PUI partner, supervise and update the planning of the different stages of project implementation in the final phase;
  • Organize monthly program monitoring and support meetings with the international partner; address cross-cutting topics to ensure the quality of the project (gender, peacebuilding, sharing of experience and lessons learned, etc.)
  • Carry out regular monitoring of work plans;
  • Periodically carry out field visits to validate progress reports, identify problems and obstacles to be explained during consortium team management meetings and make recommendations to improve the project;
  • In conjunction with the MEAL department, ensure that the progress of the project is evaluated effectively through regular data collection, analysis of indicators and activities and documented with real verified sources;
  • Assist in the preparation of internal and external audits;
  • Coordinate and implement a program capitalization system in collaboration with each focal point of each consortium partner;

2. Coordination externe

  • Be the main focal point with PUI and AFD to represent the consortium
  • Represent the consortium to external stakeholders: international donors, national and local authorities, clusters, international and national organizations;
  • Be in charge and provide support for all communication operations relating to this project, in particular the preparation of a public exhibition in Bangui and Paris;
  • Be in charge of advocating this project to national and local authorities during capitalization activities;
  • Support and lead the holding of public capitalization workshops with partners of stakeholder state agencies

3. Internal coordination

  • Lead regular meetings between partners (steering committee) to ensure the smooth running of the project and be responsible for the distribution and validation of the minutes of each meeting;
  • Ensure monthly meetings between TGH and PUI and the fluidity of exchanges and communications;
  • Maintain the harmonization of approaches, methodologies, tools, experience sharing and any other transversal activity relating to this consortium between the partners;

4. Writing reports

  • Update the retro-planning of reports and other project documents and monitor compliance by partners;
  • Generate and distribute minutes of all meetings and meetings and follow up on action points;
  • Compile, analyze and distribute monthly activity monitoring notes;
  • Ensure the writing, compilation and validation of reports (quarterly, final) by the partners before distribution to the donor by the representative(s) of the Consortium;
  • Support the completion and dissemination of studies and evaluations planned as part of the project (development of Terms of Reference, recruitment of consultants and monitoring of operations, etc.);
  • Collect and consolidate the narrative reports from the consortium members to the donor;
  • Ensure the development and coordination of the entire monitoring/evaluation (M&E) system and its proper functioning;
  • Assist the MEAL Coordinator on all operational aspects related to the implementation and monitoring of the project;
  • Ensure with the MEAL team the monthly sharing of the Iboungbi monitoring tool as well as its compilation.
  • Contribute to the design of post-project phases, to the drafting of new intervention proposals with the project team, the Consortium, the donors.

5. Project budget monitoring

  • Ensure, in conjunction with the project administrator and other stakeholders (project manager, Assistant PD, and support coordinators), the monthly budgetary monitoring of the project and the planning of expenses of the implementing partners (TGH and PUI);
  • Participate in the preparation of documentation for all budget revisions, amendments or extensions and ensure that such changes are made in close collaboration with the consortium partner.

These responsibilities may be reviewed based on changing needs on the ground.

Safety, working and living conditions

The security context requires compliance with security rules (curfew, monitoring of movements, etc.). Field trips outside the main cities are possible but require prior analysis. Travel in the city is generally not subject to restrictions, unless there is tension in the city. TGH is a known and appreciated humanitarian actor in the area. In Bangui, expatriates have single rooms in two shared houses located in two concessions. A satisfactory wifi connection is available at both concessions. The security situation is stable in Bangui but can be subject to sudden changes in the application of the rules of life during and outside working hours: travel, places classified as no go zones, curfew.

Living conditions on the TGH and PUI intervention bases (Ndélé, Birao) are basic due to a high level of isolation (access by UNHAS flights only). Security rules are strict, and field trips are subject to constant monitoring.


  • At least three years of field experience in representation, coordination, program management and/or grants.
  • Ability to communicate.
  • Experience working in consortium coordination; in internal coordination with services, and in external coordination with partners.
  • Excellent ability to work independently and anticipate/plan.
  • Strong organizational and diplomatic skills. ;
  • Excellent oral and written expression (writing and proofreading reports within short deadlines).
  • Ability to work under pressure and to short deadlines.
  • Ability to adapt to a fluctuating security context (experience in a crisis zone highly appreciated).
  • Strong representation and negotiation skills.
  • Strong ability to work in an intercultural context.
  • Experience with AFD would be a plus.
  • Ability to integrate the local environment in its political, economic and historical aspects.


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