Mespt Associate Consultants For Proposal Development At Micro Enterprises Support Programme Trust


The Micro-Enterprises Support Programme Trust (MESPT) has since the year 2002 developed a niche in supporting the growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises by providing integrated business solutions for sustainable development. The Trust is a multi-donor entity jointly founded by the Government of Kenya and the European Union who later relinquished their position to the Royal Danish Embassy in Kenya.

The purpose of MESPT is to support sustainable economic development of smallholder farmers and Agri MSMEs to increase productivity, and income and enhance competitiveness for job creation, especially for youth and women. This is achieved through capacity building which includes skills development, technical support, business advisory, and financial and market linkages. MESPT has implemented its mandate through two key segments: Value Chain & Enterprise Development (VC&ED) and Financial Services (FS). VC&ED largely focuses on value chain and market systems development while FS has been geared towards wholesale lending and capacity building of financial intermediaries with a focus on creating financial inclusion in targeted excluded enterprises and Agri- SME lending. Our Vision is “to build a more prosperous society” and our Mission is “to provide sustainable business development and financial services to smallholder farmers and Agri SMEs in Kenya”.

Purpose of the Terms of Reference

The purpose of these Terms of Reference (ToR) is to define the parameters and expectations for engaging pool of associate consultants to support proposal development for the Trust on a need basis. This ToR aims to provide clear guidance on associates requirements, ensure alignment with the Trust’s objectives, maintain high-quality outputs, establish accountability in proposal development, ensure compliance with relevant regulations, and facilitate seamless collaboration among associates, stakeholders, and the Trust.

Overview of the Assignment

MESPT seeks to expand outreach and impact of its work in agri-enterprise development, financial access and inclusion, agricultural productivity and food safety, green transformation, and gender inclusion with a focus on youth and women through fundraising and wishes to engage associate consultants to support the process. These specialized associate consultants bring essential expertise and perspectives to the proposal development process, ensuring comprehensive and effective strategies tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities within each thematic area. The associates will form a database of consultants to be engaged on a need basis and based on the target calls and their contributions will ensure the relevance, effectiveness, and impact of proposals aimed at expanding the MESPT resource base.

Scope of Work

MESPT has 4 key strategic thematic areas of focus areas that provide a framework for translating and operationalizing the vision, mission, core values, and objectives of the Trust. They include;

  • Agri- Enterprise Development where we facilitate the and growth of 100 sustainable agri enterprises and integrate at least 75,000 smallholder farmers in targeted Value Chains in Kenya. Through incubation and acceleration of agribusinesses; market access; business resilience and recovery and building the capacity of Farmer Groups and Farmer organizations.
  • Financial Access and Inclusion; this is geared towards contributing to Sustainable financial investments amongst MSMEs for the socio-economic development of all target smallholder farmers (40% women and 30% youth) increasing their incomes and livelihoods thus resulting in a more inclusive economic& social development in Kenya.
  • Agricultural Productivity and Food Safety; this focuses on enhancing skills and competencies of value chain actors on Good Agricultural and Livestock Management Practices that increase productivity and enhance food safety.
  • Green Transformation aims at promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, enhanced conservation of natural resources, biodiversity and sustainable management of the environment.
  • Enhanced Gender equality, women and Youth economic empowerment – inclusion (40:30% representations respectively in all programmes)

Specific Areas of Expertise Needed

  • Associate consultants specializing in agri-enterprise development with deep insights in market systems dynamics, value chain analysis, and business model innovation within the agricultural sector and with expertise in developing proposals that align with emerging trends, enhance feasibility, and promote scalability and sustainability.
  • Associates with expertise in financial access and inclusion to offer valuable knowledge in designing strategies to improve financial services for smallholder farmers, SME’s, and marginalized communities with input to ensure equitable participation and sustainable economic growth.
  • For Agricultural Productivity and Food Safety***,*** expertise to inform proposals with best practices, technological innovations, and policy frameworks to optimize production processes and mitigate risks along the food supply chain while enhancing yield, ensuring food quality, and adhering to safety standards.
  • Associates focused on green transformation with expertise in sustainable agriculture practices and environmental management strategies to align proposals with principles of environmental stewardship and resilience-building in the face of climate change while bringing insights to integrate climate-smart solutions and promote biodiversity conservation,
  • Associates with expertise in gender inclusion, particularly targeting youth and women, to inform gender-responsive approaches, empowerment strategies, and social inclusion mechanisms, enhancing the proposal’s impact on inclusive growth, livelihood opportunities, and social cohesion within rural communities.

Expected Deliverables

Tailored to meet the specific requirements and objectives of each proposal development initiative undertaken by the associates in collaboration with the Trust, the expected deliverables are:

  1. Comprehensive Proposals: Well-researched and documented proposals addressing the specified areas of focus, such as agri-enterprise development, financial access and inclusion, agricultural productivity and food safety, green transformation, and gender inclusion with a focus on youth and women. Proposals should include clear objectives, strategies, action plans, and timelines with the perspectives;
    1. Gender and Youth Inclusion Strategies: Strategies for integrating gender-responsive and youth-inclusive approaches into proposed initiatives, ensuring equitable participation and empowerment.
    2. Market Analysis and Feasibility Studies: Reference to In-depth market analyses and feasibility studies providing insights into the current landscape, trends, opportunities, and challenges within the relevant sectors.
    3. Strategic Recommendations: provide strategic recommendations for innovative approaches, best practices, and evidence-based solutions to address identified gaps and capitalize on opportunities within the specified thematic areas.
  2. Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks: provide a detailed framework for monitoring progress and evaluating the impact of proposed interventions, including indicators, data collection methods, and evaluation criteria.
  3. Budget Proposals: provide a detailed budget proposal outlining financial requirements for implementing proposed interventions, including breakdowns of costs and funding sources.

Duration/Indicative Schedule/Level of Effort

The engagement period will be negotiated based on the target proposal requirements.


The consultant will work closely with the Partnership and Fundraising unit and relevant team(s).


The Consultant should indicate an all-inclusive rate per day charged. MESPT engagement is through a contract for the exercise and retains 5% Withholding Tax as required by the Kenya Revenue Authority.

Ownership and Beneficiaries of the concept note.

All documents produced under concept and proposal development assignment are the sole property of MESPT and may be used for any purpose whatsoever without the need to consult with the author.

Qualification and Competencies

The consultant will bring to the concept/proposal development process previous experience from developing and writing successful integrated, multi-sectoral, proposals and concept notes. In addition, the consultant must possess the following: –

  • Advanced experience in designing Sustainable agricultural development projects.
  • Share profiles of successful projects designed, indicating the title of the project proposal, the donor, the budget a summary of the project impact and outcomes. Reference checks will be done on a selected sample of the successful proposals.
  • Good understanding of the market systems development approach
  • An advanced university degree (preferably a master’s degree) in Agribusiness, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Education and Extension, Development studies, and other related social sciences/ disciplines.
  • Minimum of 5-10 years’ experience in proposal + concept note development and/or project management.
  • Strong program design skills, including the capacity to prepare logical models, and coherent, and consistent documents such as log frames and budgets.
  • Ability to work efficiently and effectively with project members in various locations both virtually and physically.
  • Ability to integrate different experiences, methodologies, and approaches from a diverse range of stakeholders, organizations, and technical experts from multiple sectors.
  • Excellent writing skills are required.

How to apply

Interested applicants should send a CV example of previous work and a cover letter explaining how their experience addresses the requirements of the trust to the email address

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