Senegal· Programme Coordinator At Solthis

Solthis is a global health NGO, created 20 years ago, that acts for prevention and access to quality care for all, everyone, strengthening health systems and services in a sustainable manner. We intervene on the health issues of women, mothers and children with a feminist approach to care, and on major pandemics, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis.

Solthis is a development NGO, present in West Africa with 5 country offices and which, in partnership with national actors, deploys projects that include a combination of operational research, capacity building, and advocacy components.

Solthis applies a policy of non-discrimination to the’ hiring based solely on skills, including, the level of’experience and the know-how of its candidates and does not in any case base its selection criteria on notions such as gender,’age, nationality,’ ethnic origin, etc, L’orientation sexuelle, l’ belonging religious or the’ state of health (pathology and/or disability). We therefore encourage you all to submit your application.

To complete the’ team based in Dakar, we are looking for a:


Contract duration : CSD 1 year (renewable)

Status : National or Expatriate

’ assignment base : Dakar

Availability : 01/04/2024


Solthis has been working in Senegal since 2018 on health issues, particularly around the issues of HIV and’ self-testing, the’ approach one health and sexual and reproductive rights.

Solthis has a COORDINating office in Dakar, 2 bases in Mbour and Sedhiou and a presence in Velingara for a total of 35 employees.

In Senegal, two projects are currently being implemented by Solthis and its partners. The SANSAS project, initiated in 2021 for a period of 4.5 years (february 2021 – oct 2025), funded by’AFD and the B&M Gates Foundation to the tune of 11 million d’€, is, aims to improve the access to reproductive health services of ADOLESCent· and young people in Senegal, in particular young girls, young women and vulnerable young people from 10 to 24 years. This project is being implemented by a consortium led by Solthis with Enda Health, Equipop, the African Network for Education for Health and Citizenship (RAES) and the Research Centre on Economic and Social Transformations (LARTES). The project is also working on the’integration of SRMNI-PF-Nutrition services and humanized obstetric care.Our second project focuses on One Health issues. It will start in the second quarter of 2024. It aims to implement innovative operations on this theme to contribute to the resilience of populations in the field of global health. This project is being led by’AVSF France via a funding from’Affaire Canada.

Solthis wishes today’ to consolidate its achievements on the management of projects under execution’ but also to develop new projects in Senegal in its priority areas of intervention as specified in its Strategic Orientation Document (DOS). It is in this option that the program coordinator position was created.


The program coordinator is responsible for the overall quality of implementation of the projects being executed on the mission.

For this, he is in charge of managing the project coordinators in the overall management of the projects under their responsibility. It is also in reinforced support in the critical phases of project start-up and closure. It coordinates the development of new projects in connection with the country director, support teams, project coordinators, technical references.

In order to carry out its mission, the· Programme Coordinator :

1.Ensures supervision of project activities :

  • Is the guarantor of implementation and’ appropriation by the teams of the management tools of the project and’ ensures compliance with the rules and the donor accountability ;
  • Ensure the quality of activities implemented in connection with the technical direction ;
  • Ensures supervision of quarterly and annual meetings and project reporting : pilot the production of the’analysis of the results achieved by each project, pre-validates the proposals for reprogramming each project, ensures the completeness and quality of the deliverables produced ;
  • Is guarantor of the development and implementation of the S&E plans of the projects, and, in conjunction with the coordinator or other S&E focal point to ensure the quality of the data and produce the necessary’ adjustments analyses ;
  • Provides enhanced support during the start-up and closing processes of new projects.

2. Framing and management the project coordinators and the monitoring and evaluation coordinator (S&E) :

  • Creates a team’ dynamic through the implementation of’a healthy working environment respectful of Solthis values and in line with HR principles ;
  • Set annual targets and achieve individual regular points with project and S&E coordinators ;
  • Accompany your team in strengthening their skills continuously via structured feedback**.**

3. Contributes to the development of a new project on the mission :

  • Identify the relevant interventions in connection with the priority themes of the Senegal mission and the DOS of Solthis ;
  • Carries out the assembly of projects selected for development, according to a participatory process with the partners and develops the documents of the project assembly (narrative, logical framework, table of indicators, budget..).


Initial training :

  • You hold a diploma of higher level, Master or equivalent, in a relevant field public health, project management, development.
  • Medical expertise would be an asset (medical or paramedical study)

Experience :

  • You absolutely justify of’an experience of’at least 2 years at a program coordination position (supervision of several projects and project teams) or of’at least 6 years at a coordination position of complex projects/multi-country/multi-partners in the field of health and’ proven experiences in project design and writing.
  • You can justify from’an experience of at least 3 years in the design and assembly of projects including complex and multi-partner projects
  • Knowledge of health actors in Senegal will be an asset.

Qualities & skills :

We are looking for a person :

  • who perfectly masters the cycle and the different stages of project management ;
  • who masters the management of institutional financing ;
  • endowed with very good writing, synthesis and’analysis skills
  • who is able to’animate a multidisciplinary and multicultural team ;
  • who knows how to demonstrate pedagogy and’ listening to accompany the teams.

Other :

  • Mastery of the Pack office and in particular SharePoint
  • Mastery of the tools of’animation of remote meeting (Teams, zoom)

Salary and Benefits :

Depending on the contract: national or expatriate, experience on a similar position and SOLTHIS remuneration grids

How to apply

Composition of the file : CV, Motivation letter and 3 references (former managers)

To be sent to : with l’object « CProg SN – Name First name »

Deadline for submission of the application file : 06/03/2024

Procedure : Successful candidates will be contacted for technical validation and HR interview

Note. Any application submitted after this deadline will not be taken into account.

Solthis studies applications on an ongoing basis and will be able to close recruitment in advance if a· candidate is selected for the position.

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