Consultancy For The Realization Of A Study On The Protection Of Schools And Children In Burkina Faso At Geneva Call’s

Develop an operational approach for the’commitment relating to the protection of children and’education

Project type : Research project for the realization of’a study

Duration/Period : Four months (March 2024 – June 2024)

Venue : Burkina Faso

Language : French

1. Objective of the’appel d’offre

The’objective of the’appel d’offre aims to recruit a consultant or a team of consultants for the production of’a study relating to the protection of childhood and’education in Burkina Faso.

2. Context and Justification

L’Appel of Geneva is a neutral, impartial, independent and transparent humanitarian organization. Its mission is to strengthen the capacities of civil society and promote the respect by the holders of’arms of international humanitarian standards in crisis situations, including, in particular those relating to the protection of civilians.

Present in Burkina Faso since September 2021, the’Appel of Geneva carries out activities aimed at building the capacity of communities and civil society organisations so that’elles can implement local protection initiatives themselves (community and civil) and at the same time a change in the behaviour of the different parties in favour of the protection of civilians and respect for international humanitarian standards.

In Burkina Faso, the’Appel of Geneva works on several themes including that related to the protection of the’education with regard to the primary data of the impact of the conflict on the’education and the protection of the’infance.

Indeed, these primary data indicate that in 2023, 6,149 educational structures were closed, or 23.43% of schools in Burkina. This situation affects more than a million students. Since 2015, the closure of educational establishments has increased from 3,280 schools closed in January 2022 to 4,258 as of May 31, 2022, reaching 6,149 as of May 31, 2023.

In the Eastern region, the number of closed schools increased from 811 in 2021 to 1090 in 2022. At the end of May 2023, the number fell slightly to 1073, affecting 182,140 students according to figures from the Technical Secretariat for Emergency Education of Burkina Faso.

The regions of the Boucle du Mouhoun and the North are not left out because the Sourou, province located in the Boucle du Mouhoun region has the largest number of schools closed nationally with 1247 institutions affected.

It should be noted that the phenomenon of school closures began in Soum province and now affects 11 out of 13 regions. Only the region of the Centre where the capital, Ouagadougou, and the Central Plateau is located, do not register any closure of’ecoles.

The number of closed educational structures n’a only increases during the entire’ school year 2022-2023 from less than 5000 schools closed at the beginning of the school year to 6149 educational structures closed at the end of May 2023. According to’UNICEF, as of March 21, 2023, Burkina Faso is home to nearly half of the closed schools in Central Africa and’West.

Violations of’education are multiple and diverse, and children, girls and boys, are still disproportionately affected by armed conflict. Of the number of’children affected by the closure of institutions, 48.71% represent girls and 51.29% represent boys.

In order to provide programmatic guidance to the’Appel mission of Geneva in Burkina Faso to strengthen and adapt programming related to child protection and’education, and, the’Appel of Geneva wishes to carry out an operational field study on the protection of the’education and the protection of’education in Burkina Faso.

3. Objectives of’study

The’objective of the’study is to analyze the issues related to the protection of the CHILD’ and’education in Burkina Faso and more particularly related to the declaration on safety in schools and principles from Paris. The’ study will define practical recommendations for the operations of the’Appel of Geneva in Burkina Faso.

The study will aim to examine the knowledge of the different parties to the conflict the Declaration on safety in schools ( DSE ) and the Paris Principles ( PP ), as well as understanding of the two executives, the possibility of appropriation and the ability of parties to identify to these executives. The study will endeavor to identify the existing policies and practices, the structural and governance capacities of the parties to the conflict,likely to contribute to the implementation of the ESD and the PPs, as well as the recommended operational actions. In addition, the’ study will consult external stakeholders and’ other humanitarian actors to obtain information on their ongoing engagement with different parties regarding policy frameworks, including, to inform about the complementarity of approaches and the strengthening of’a coordinated joint intervention.

For the most part,’study will strive to answer the following essential question : How can international normative and policy frameworks (Declaration on safety in schools and Paris Principles) help different parties to improve their policies and practices to protect the environment children and’education ? Overall, the’ study will explore what can contribute to the implementation of ESD and PPs by GAADs, as well as support and type of’engagement, direct and indirect, which may be necessary to allow’appropriation and respect of frames.

More specifically, the’study will aim at the following objectives :

  • To draw up an inventory of knowledge, understanding, and, and the’appropriation of the Declaration on Safety in Schools (DSE) and the Paris Principles (PP) by stakeholders in Burkina Faso;
  • Identify gaps in stakeholder understanding and’appropriation of the Declaration on Safety in Schools (DSI) and the Paris Principles (PP);
  • To understand the perception of stakeholders on’education and the situation of’occupation of schools by stakeholders ;
  • Make the necessary adjustments to improve compliance with the provisions of the Declaration on Safety in Schools (DSI) and the Paris Principles (PP) by stakeholders ;
  • Make practical recommendations for the operations of the’Call of Geneva in Burkina Faso.

4. Methodology

To achieve the objectives of the study, the Geneva Appeal recruits a consultant or a team of consultants who will be able to develop a formative research approach.

The’ formative approach is a critical exercise that will explore the interests, knowledge, perceptions and ability of different parties to adopt specific standards and recommended practices. Using this approach, the consultant will explore the potential of’s different parties to effectively adopt and implement actions recommended by normative and policy frameworks. The’study will aim to discuss the extent to which frameworks can be used or adapted to the context of different parties to promote behavior change and respect for child protection and ’education in armed conflicts. This approach will also provide information about beliefs, behaviors, opinions, etc,but also on the structural factors to implement the actions recommended in both normative and legal frameworks. Gender and other intersectional factors’s are part of the research design and’s the entire research process.

The formative approach will help inform the design of Geneva Appeal interventions relating to the protection of children and education and guidance for organizations that engage directly with different parties on the DSE and the PP.

The consultant will adopt a qualitative methodology which will make it possible to identify the deep motivations and reflections of the various parties and other stakeholders on the political frameworks in order to strengthen commitments and compliance in protection of children and education. This approach will provide information on beliefs, behaviors and opinions, but also on the structural factors allowing the implementation of the actions recommended in the two political frameworks. The Geneva Call will work jointly with the consultant for the development of tools and questionnaires used for the collection of primary data.

For the implementation of the’study, the consultant or the’ team of consultants in Burkina Faso will propose a team of local consultants, in each of the regions, for data collection. These investigators will be in charge of collecting data from the different stakeholders in the different regions of Burkina Faso : Sahel, Boucle du Mouhoun, East and North. The profiles of the consultants will be validated jointly with the’Appel of Geneva.

5. Expected deliverables

The consultant or the’ team of consultants will/should produce the following deliverables :

  • Framing meeting with the’Appel team from Geneva (18 March 2024)
  • A scoping report (1 April 2024)
  • Data collection (8 avril– 4 may 2024)
  • Follow-up meeting, data collection (22 April 2024)
  • Presentation of the preliminary results of the data collection ( May 2, 2024 )
  • A provisional study report containing ( May 20, 2024 ) :
    • Context and challenges relating to the protection of education in Burkina Faso
    • The results of the study and data collection
    • Analysis of data with regard to the context and the actors
    • Preliminary recommendations to stakeholders, the Geneva Appeal, local CSOs, NGOs, and the donor community.
  • A final report taking into account the observations of the Geneva Appeal ( June 6, 2024 )

6. Eligibility criteria

The consultant / team of consultants must meet the following minimum qualifications :

  • Have a Bac + 5 level diploma at least, in international law or international relations ;
  • Demonstrate strong expertise in the protection of’education and’childhood as well as’a knowledge of international law and international humanitarian law ;
  • Having at least 10 Years d’experience in applied field research ;
  • Have knowledge of the Declaration on safety in schools (DSI) and the Paris Principles (PP) ;
  • Have a good knowledge of the context and ongoing conflict in the Central Sahel as well as the groups involved ;
  • Be able to travel in the region (Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger) ;
  • Being bilingual (french/english) will be an asset, or a knowledge of local languages (Moore, Fulfulde, Djoula, Fulse..).

7. Guidelines for the proposal and content of’offre

The consultant or the’ team of consultants will/should submit a proposal including the following :

  • Description of mission understanding ;
  • Similar past experiences ;
  • Proposed methodology ;
  • Personnel & qualifications
  • Detailed budget ;
  • Timetable for implementation ;
  • List of deliverables ;
  • Annexes (if applicable).

The consultant or the’ team of consultants will/should also submit a proposal for’a timetable for the conduct of the’study (based on the forecast timetable above). The maximum period for the’ set of activities is set at four (4) months from the official signing of the consultancy contract.

8. Performance review and third-party audit

  1. Performance evaluation : In addition to internal performance measures, the’Appel Geneva reserves the right to require an independent evaluation of the performance of the contractor. L’Appel of Geneva may entrust independent third parties with the task of verifying the levels of service provided for in the contract. The/contractor/e will cooperate fully in any audit carried out by a third party and will agree that all information communicated to the’Appel of Geneva will be shared with this third party.
  2. Financial audit : L’Appel of Geneva asks the contractor to keep all financial documents relating to the costs and revenues of his account during the standard period of conservation of financial data in the country of’incorporation.

9. The contract

Duration of the contract : The’accord resulting from this call for tenders will be concluded for an initial period of four (4) months.

Termination Geneva Call may terminate the Agreement resulting from this SOLICITATION, or any service under this Agreement, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, or, giving thirty (30) days’ written notice to the Contractor.

10. Calendar of the’appel d’offre

The schedule of the’appel d’offers procedure is presented below. Although we do not foresee any modification of this calendar, the’Appel of Geneva reserves the right to the’ adjust if necessary.

Deadline for receipt of tenders

5 march 2024

Expected date of selection

12 march 2024

Start date of contract

22 march 2024

11. Validity of’offre

Offers are expected to be binding for a period of ninety (90) days from the published response date.

12. General conditions of the’appel d’offers

  1. The’appel d’offre is not and should not be considered as an offer by the’Appel de Geneva.
  2. All responses must be received by the date and time indicated in the’ call for tenders.
  3. All proposals will be considered as firm offers. The prices offered must be valid for the entire period indicated by the tenderer.
  4. All allocations are subject to the contractual terms of the’Appel of Geneva and depend on the availability of donor funds.
  5. L’Appel of Geneva reserves the right to’ accept or reject any proposal or’call of’s process at any time and shall have no liability to organizations that submit proposals in case rejection or’ cancellation of the’appel d’offers.
  6. L’Appel de Geneva reserves the right to’ accept all or part of the proposal when the grant is granted.
  7. All the information provided by the’Appel of Geneva in the present’offers call is provided in good faith. Individual elements are subject to change at any time, and all bidders will be notified of any changes. L’Appel de Geneve is not responsible for the’ use of the information provided by the bidders nor for the claims arising therefrom.
  8. L’Appel of Geneva reserves the right to ask any bidder to conclude a non-disclosure agreement.
  9. Bidders are solely responsible for paying any costs, of any kind, that may be incurred by the bidder or by third parties, in connection with the response. All responses and supporting documents will become the property of the’Appel of Geneva, subject to confidentiality claims regarding the response and supporting documents, and, which have been clearly marked as confidential by the tenderer.

How to apply

Address for submission of proposals

Please divide the’offer into two separate proposals, namely the financial proposal and the technical proposal, and send them to the’s below email addresses no later than 5 march 2024

The financial proposal can be sent to:

The technical proposal can be sent to:

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