Advisor[era] in andragogic training – International Voluntary Cooperation At International Bureau for Children’s Rights

Mandate of international volunteering

Open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents only

Country : Honduras

Partners : Inter-institutional Committee for Sexual Exploitation and the Honduran Personal Trafficking (CICESCT)

Working language : Spanish and French

Term of office : 2 weeks to 12 months – possibility of renewal


The International Bureau of the Rights of Children (IBCR), a Canadian NGO dedicated to the protection and promotion of the rights of the child, is researching, as part of its voluntary cooperation program, a[e] counsellor[era] in andragogic training to support its partners in Honduras.

Through this mandate, share your skills and expertise to advise, assist and technically support the’team of the’partner organization in their reflections and work on andragogic training to support them in the implementation of their missions. The mandate includes the strengthening of strategies, the elaboration and revision of’tools and the support to the implementation of’action plans.

For more’information about partners in the country, visit :


The volunteer will be responsible for :

  • Support partners in :
  • Contribute to the realization of training of trainers in the field of’ adult education
  • Support the’ partner organisation in the development of’a management tool for identifying good practices in the training of staff, system actors or community members
  • Support the’partner organisation in the development of’training tools on the rights of the’child for social workers
  • Contribute to the capacity building of the trainers of the’partner organization in order to’ ensure respect for the rights of the’enfant
  • Support the’partner organization to contribute to the capacity building of trainings in order to ENSURE the’ equality of genders

Other tasks related to the PCV :

  • Support the organisation of the activities of the Social Laboratory
  • Draft progress reports on activities carried out during the mandate
  • Participate in the influence of international volunteering in Canada by participating in the communication efforts of’IBCR (writing articles or blog posts on the’ volunteering experience, videos, interviews, events…) during and after the mandate.



Technical skills :

  • Hold a diploma of’study in a field related to the mandate
  • Minimum of 2 years of’significant work experience in functions related to the mandate
  • Experience in’organization and’animation of’events, an asset
  • Experience in developing and managing partnerships
  • Perfect command of written and spoken French
  • Excellent writing skills in french and spanish. The person recruited must be able to write, review, comment and correct texts in French and Spanish.
  • Mastery of the Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) and tools of the Outlook environment (Teams, mail, SharePoint, Forms, etc.) and Google (Google Docs, Google Drive, Gmail, etc.), etc.).

Human skills :

  • Great ability to’adaptation and ability to be flexible in the face of change
  • Excellent interpersonal and participatory skills
  • Ability to work in teams and independently
  • Ability to plan your work, set priorities, perform multiple tasks head on and be proactive
  • Sensitivity to cultural differences and’equality of genders
  • Promotion of’a culture of’learning and knowledge sharing within the’team of the’partner organization and with other volunteers


  • Experience in a developing country or in international cooperation
  • Experience in results-based communication
  • Experience in philanthropic development
  • Knowledge and/or interest in human and/or’child rights
  • Knowledge of the principles of’equality of genders
  • Knowledge of Canada’s voluntary cooperation program

To note, the successful applications will be subject to criminal record checks and to a reference check.


In addition to an incomparable professional and human experience, you will benefit from advantageous conditions including :

  • A monthly subsistence allowance and’ accommodation
  • A return AIR’ ticket, visa or residence permit
  • Individual insurance for medical care of’urgence
  • Reimbursement of compulsory vaccines*
  • Support and guidance before departure and throughout the mandate through regional project representation in your region of deployment
  • Pre-departure training and initial training dedicated to the PCV, allowing’ to acquire practical skills related to the working approaches of the’IBCR and to meet other’ volunteers
  • An accompaniment and a return of’ experience on your return to Canada at the end of the mandate
  • Join a passionate and multicultural team, which is committed to the implementation of human rights,’child and gender equality

*Vaccines can be reimbursed up to 200$’

About the PCV program

Le Project for the integral strengthening of the rights of’enfant (PCV), implemented by the International Bureau for the Rights of Children (IBCR), aims to improve the well-being and protection of children, especially girls, as well as promoting their rights worldwide, in a sustainable way.

D’a duration of seven years (2020-2027), this project is part of Canada’s Voluntary Cooperation Program and will enable more than 250 volunteer professionals to be deployed in 11 countries.

By sharing the skills of these volunteers and qualified mentors with a network of committed partners, the PCV contributes to strengthening the protection of’child in the countries in which it is present.

Read more about :

Engaging with the PCV, c’est :

  • Work to create safe and protective environments for children
  • Living one rewarding professional and human experience
  • Contribute to a development project with a lasting impact
  • Join a network of more than 30 Structures established long ago in Latin America, North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa
  • Be at the heart of’social innovation in terms of protection of the child’

How to apply

Thank you for your interest in voluntary cooperation !

Please us send your application via email to indicating :

  • Your name and surname
  • The voluntary cooperation mandate for which you apply (Expertise – country – duration) – Or else indicate « spontaneous application »
  • Clear information about your status allowing you to work in Canada or in the country of’assignment
  • Your CV and cover letter as an attachment

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