National Health Officer At RET International

The National Health Officer reports to the RET Monitoring, Evaluation and Technical Manager in Venezuela.

Main location

The position is based on the RET Office in the Caracas Metropolitan Area, Miranda state, with field missions.

Main responsibilities

Management, Monitoring and Control

  • Carry out the planning, implementation and technical management of the Health component of the projects, including the technical management of the team in the field, the generation of strategic alliances, information and knowledge management;
  • Guarantee the design, implementation and technical monitoring of the actions of the Health component in accordance with the objectives and results of the projects, complying with the work plans and the M&E Plan;
  • Monthly monitor the progress of key sector performance indicators in joint work with the M&E Coordination on implementation;
  • Periodically carry out key information analyzes based on project data, context, among others;
  • Coordinate with the WASH National Officer, the Logistics and Infrastructure Coordinator and the/the Project Manager the technical articulation for the development of corrective maintenance works in the Health Care Centers, and the processes associated with the Health component, guaranteeing the application of the community strategy;
  • Develop the technical instruments required for the selection of Health Care Centers where the projects will be implemented;
  • In coordination with the corresponding areas, guide and establish the technical specifications for the purchase, handling, distribution and delivery of health supplies.[one], in accordance with international and organizational tools, procedures and standards;
  • Coordinate with strategic partners the training processes of the health personnel of the Health Care Centers on emergency obstetric care, Minimum Initial Service Package (PSIM) and Malaria / Malaria Case Care;
  • Design with the technical team the different training, influence and promotion programs in health and self-care for the participating population, and propose strategies that guarantee quality in their implementation;
  • Timely report alerts associated with challenges and opportunities in implementation that affect the scope of project indicators and objectives;
  • Coordinate and supervise the development of the Comprehensive Health Days, as well as the implementation of the accompaniment and monitoring strategies for pregnant women and newborns;
  • Coordinate with strategic partners and supervise the implementation of the information management system on the health component;
  • Contribute to periodic reports on the political, socioeconomic, migratory, health context, mainly, as well as trends in the area of influence of the projects;
  • Represent the Organization before local authorities, and with UN Agencies, international and local NGOs, in spaces for inter-institutional coordination, on issues related to its Health component, based on the indications and guidelines given by the Monitoring, Evaluation and Technical Management and the Country Director;
  • Keep the analysis of country needs in the health sector updated and provide management information in inter-institutional coordination spaces at national, regional and global levels;
  • Ensure compliance with standards, transparency, organization and consolidation of the means of implementation and verification of projects at the local and national levels;
  • Maintain updated, clear and accessible records of all official documents (databases of the health component, proposals, reports, minutes, means of verification, etc.);
  • Propose local strategies and activities aimed at accountability with the beneficiary communities of Health;
  • Supervise the correct implementation of the component procedures in accordance with the instruments, procedures and standards of the organization.

Planning and development:

  • Support the process of starting projects, planning and monitoring in strict line with their formulation;
  • Carry out or support the requested methodological and information management development;
  • Comply with the planning established for the fulfillment of the goals, objectives of the projects and the purposes of the organization;
  • Support the formulation of new proposals that are requested.

Reports and means of verification:

  • Prepare periodic execution reports on the established institutional criteria, and guarantee the collection and quality of the component’s means of verification;
  • Develop and implement the technical instruments required for the selection of communities, schools and health centers where the component will be implemented in coordination with national officials;
  • Guarantee the timely and required quality of M&E instruments and means of verification, according to the established periodic monitoring procedures and mechanisms;
  • Ensure the quality of information at the analytical, qualitative and quantitative levels of monthly reports and periodic reports to donors;
  • Lead the closing and presentation of the final report at the national level with the respective means of verification and the compilation of good practices and lessons learned from the component.

Institutional guidelines and standards:

  • Develop a positive working relationship with the other members of the RET team to contribute to teamwork, good communication and the achievement of objectives;
  • Ensure the quality, transparency and precision of the information that is collected and reported from the component;
  • Ideally coordinate the work of Local Health Officers for effective implementation of the component in the states;
  • Work with integrity and in accordance with the fundamental values and principles of RET, ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct, the PSAE and the rest of the RET Procedures and Policies Manuals and donors.

Qualifications and requirements:

  • University Degree in Medicine, preferably with a specialization in Public Health.
  • Minimum six (6) years of verifiable experience in Venezuela in similar functions working with people in vulnerable situations; population in need of international protection, migrants, people at risk from natural and / or anthropic events, preferably with experience in emergency medicine, nutrition, and sexual and reproductive health.
  • Experience and knowledge demonstrated, from work experience, in:
  • Development, planning, execution and monitoring of projects preferably related to Health response, and with a focus on rights, gender, intergenerational and interculturality (Indispensable);
  • Knowledge of the National Health System and international standards for health response in crisis, emergency and disaster situations;
  • Experience in reporting, data collection and analysis, information management and systematization;
  • Knowledge demonstrated in the design of Health training programs including development of educational material and monitoring and evaluation instruments;
  • Experience in international cooperation and the functioning of non-governmental organizations, UN agencies and other international organizations, local and regional governments.
  • Excellent management of collaborative Internet-based tools (Office365, Dropbox, KoBo Toolbox, Google Drive, We-Transfer, Google Calendar, Hitracks or the like) and Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint and especially Excel advanced level).
  • Venezuelan nationality or having permission to work in Venezuela (essential).
  • Oral and written fluency in Spanish (English will be considered an advantage).
  • Immediate availability.
  • Results-oriented, with a history of goal achievement in a complex environment.
  • Availability to travel as needed.

How to apply

Applications must be sent to, until February 5, 2024, indicating in the email subject: “ Application to the position of National Health Officer – Venezuela ”, attaching the following documents:

  1. Signed letter, addressed to RET, indicating the motivation to apply and the economic expectation.
  2. Updated resume with at least three verifiable job references.

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