ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management Systems training At Solidaridad East & Central Africa

1.0 Introduction

Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa Expertise Centre (hereafter to be referred to as SECAEC)

aims to be a reliable organization with a professional approach. Central in all our policies and

processes is learning and continuous improvement. As part of that policy it was decided to

develop and introduce a quality management system and a guiding document being this quality


Our quality management system checks if the quality of the work of SECAEC meets the

requirements of our relationships with our customers, both external and internal, and complies

with all relevant laws and regulations and with our own internal quality standards. The quality

manual describes how policies are adopted, implemented and evaluated in the organization. It

describes how SECAEC ensures a clear feedback of goals, results and activities to donors and

grant providers. There is also an explanation on how SECAEC tries to assure the satisfaction of

all its partners and how the results of these measurements are translated into new policies to

increase efficiency and customer satisfaction. It clarifies the management of projects and what

documents are created and how/when they are archived. The manual is specifically meant for the

employees and others associated with SECAEC. It provides a practical guidance for existing and

new employees to quickly and easily access all the important documents and information; from

declaration forms to policies, from mission to project cycle.

This quality manual is prepared and issued to ensure effective implementation of the quality

management system at SECAEC and meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.

1.1 History of SECAEC

The Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa Expertise Centre (SECAEC) was officially

established in September 2008 in Nairobi, Kenya. As part of an international network

organization initiated by Dutch based NGO, Solidaridad, it is managing all projects for the

Solidaridad Network in the region of Eastern and Central Africa. Because SECAEC has only

recently been established, it is still in the process of professionalization and further growth

towards a fully independent operating organization capable of attracting funding for the region. SECAEC manages programs in agriculture (crops and livestock) and mining in the 9 countries in

the Eastern and Central Africa region viz; Burundi, D. R. Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi,

Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.

1.2 Scope of the service Agreed‑upon Procedures Engagement

The Quality Management system applies to all services that SECAEC offers. The scope of such

services are linked to the vision and mission of the organization.


To be a regional leader in combating structural poverty amongst producers in Africa and

promote social and environmental responsibility.


To facilitate the small holders to produce commodities in an economically, environmentally

and socially sustainable manner that ensures good market access and improved prices for

better quality of life.

The services of the organization include:

  1. Project management;
  • Project planning including project identification and formulation, Preparing project contracts,.
  • Implementing projects with partners; Management, supervision and execution of projects with producer organizations, traders, NGO’s, National Coffee and Tea Boards.
  • Project monitoring and evaluation including assesment of interim and final reports of project partners.
  • Financial administration and monitoring of program activities
  • Representing Solidaridad in seminars, conferences and other meetings
  • Representing Progres Program and Network in the region as well as project management for Progress
  • Central information and assistance point for different Certification standards

2. Support functions

  • Financial services
  • Procurement
  • Human resource management and training
  • Staff travel
  • ICT Services

The training will cover the below topics but not limited to;

  • QMS awareness and implementation
  • Risk Management and Documentation
  • QMS Internal Quality Auditing
  • QMS issuance of internal auditor certificates.

2.0. Deliverables

This course aims to provide participants with a comprehensive introduction to ISO 9001:2015. The Consultant should Cover the following areas of ISO 9001:2015;

  • Structure and terminology, including incorporation of the Annex SL framework
  • The wider internal and external context of an organization’s QMS (Clauses 4 and 6)
  • Detailed QMS requirements (broadly clauses 5 and 7 to 10)

After completing of this course, attendees should be able to:

  1. Explain the purpose and intent of the series of management system standards
  2. Understand the application of the principles of quality management
  3. Explain the relationships between the clauses of ISO 9001:2015


The duration of the training should not exceed five (5) working days.

General Skills and Attributes

  • Ability to work to deadlines
  • High level of attention to detail
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Strong client relationship management and customer service skills
  • Team player with the ability to work with multiple parties
  • Intermediate to advanced computer software skills, including Excel and Accounting packages

4.0 Qualifications

The service provider should have Knowledge of the following quality management principles and concepts:

  1. The relationship between quality management and customer satisfaction
  2. Commonly used quality management terms and definitions and the seven quality principles as given in ISO 9000
  3. The process approach used in quality management
  4. The model of a process based QMS, the structure and content of ISO 9001
  5. Knowledge of the requirements of ISO 9001:2015

Ethical principles governing the trainers professional responsibilities for this type of engagement are:

(a) Integrity;

(b) Objectivity;

(c) Professional competence and due care;

(d) Confidentiality;

(e) Professional behavior; and

(f) Technical standards.”


  • Certified professionals who can conduct QMS audits that adhere to the ISO 9001 standard.


  • At least Five (5) years of experience in ISO 9001 Lead Auditor Certification Training.
  • Knowledgeable in ISO 9001 standard, auditing concepts, and techniques.
  • Sound knowledge of administrative procedures of the Government

5.0 Payment Terms

  • The contract and payments will be performance-based and regularly assessed by the QMR.
  • Payment will be made 50% of fee rate agreed on upon signing of the contract by both sides and balance of 50% on completion of the exercise. The payment includes all charges and taxes applicable in the country.

How to apply

The firm/contractor is required to submit the EOI detailing the approach and methodology, budget, and work plan by 09 February 2024 at 5:00pm (EAT).

Subject reference: ISO 9001:2015  Quality Management Systems training [insert firm/contractor name]

Email: Submissions are by email to while addressed to:

Attn: Managing Director

Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa Expertise Centre

Kilimani Business Centre, Kirichwa Road,

P.O. Box 42234 – 00100 GPO


  1. Evaluation assessment:

The firm/contractor should deliver a separate technical and financial proposal that will be assessed as follows:

  • Technical proposal: 70 Points
  • Financial proposal: 30 Points

Note: Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification and only the successful candidate will be contacted.

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