1 Administrative Expert/Esperto Amministrativo per progetti di Cooperazione Delegata UE At Italian Agency for Development Cooperation

Under close coordination and, in any case, under the supervision of the Manager of reference and/or the Head of Office, he/she may be called upon, in connection with one or more Cooperation Projects, to:

– oversee the overall administrative-accounting management of the assigned Cooperation Projects;

– prepare and process the administrative documentation necessary for the proper management of the Projects under his/her responsibility;

– assist in the preliminary investigation and drafting of agreements and contracts within the scope of the Projects of competence;

– prepare and draft the documents of payment related to the Projects of competence;

– handle the management of necessary documentation related to banking institutions;

– assist in the payment of tax and social security obligations;

– assist in the proper administration and management of the funds of the Projects of competence;

– ensure the correct and timely accountancy update of the Projects of competence, undertaking the necessary recordings on AICS softwares in a timely manner;

– prepare administrative-accounting, interim and final reports;

– assist, to the extent of competence, in the drafting of technical Project documents (plans, operations, variations, financing proposals, etc.);

– assist in the drafting of tender documents for the procurement of goods, works and services;

– check financial plans and verify statements, interim and final, prepared by the partners of the Projects;

– assist in the preparation of the budget, headquarters budget and any other accounting document required by AICS regulations;

– assist in the proper management of goods procured under the Projects of competence by providing assistance in the hand-over processes;

– conduct periodic visits to the areas of intervention to carry out monitoring activities and/or to acquire information and elements useful for carrying out the activities of competence;

– perform inspections, measurements, surveys and verifications also with reference to the execution of contracts for the supply of goods and services;

– provide assistance and ensure coordination with AICS Rome;

– participate in meetings, gatherings, other initiatives however related and/or inherent to the Projects of competence;

– perform any further activities demanded in relation to the qualification held as deemed necessary by the Manager or Head of Office.

Essential Requirements:

  1. Being at least 18 years old;
  2. Being medically fit for employment;
  3. Full enjoyment of political and civil rights;
  4. Not having reported, in the three-year period preceding the date of expiry of the present vacancy announcement, an insufficient performance assessment (“scarce” or “insufficient”) in the framework of employment contracts signed with AICS;
  5. Not being subject to legal actions concerning the application of preventive measures, both in Italy and abroad;
  6. Not having been dismissed, dispensed, declared lapsed or fired from employment in a Public Administration, both in Italy and abroad;
  7. Having a Master’s Degree / Specialist Degree / Old Italian system degree or comparable foreign qualification relevant to the vacancy position or Master’s Degree / Specialist / Old Italian system or comparable foreign qualification in another sector accompanied by at least 5 years of experience in the vacancy position. Alternatively, possession of a Bachelor’s degree / First level degree or comparable foreign qualification relevant to the vacancy position accompanied by at least 3 years of experience in the same position or Bachelor’s degree / First level degree or other comparable foreign qualification in another sector accompanied by at least 8 years of experience in the vacancy position of the selection notice;
  8. Possession of proven experience of at least 5 years on administrative, financial and procurement tasks on Cooperation Development Programmes;
  9. Proficiency level in written and spoken English (C1 Level – Common European Framework of Reference);
  10. Proficiency level in written and spoken Italian (C2 Level – Common European Framework of Reference);
  11. Knowledge and consistent effective use of IT office suite applications.

Preferential requirements:

  1. To have gained at least 2 years’ experience at foreign offices of the DGCS/MAECI and/or AICS in positions comparable to that envisaged in this Notice;
  2. To have professional experience as administrator in a European Union funded programme
  3. To have professional experience in Ethiopia;
  4. To possess a knowledge of the Italian and English languages equivalent to a level of the Common European Framework higher than that provided for in the essential requirements referred to in the art. 2, point 2.1, letter i and j) and to possess of knowledge on IT skills related to the programme;
  5. To have proven experience on International Procurement regulations, such as European Union PRAG.
  6. To be in possession of post-graduate specialization Master’s Degree (i.e. II Level Master’s Degree) related to the vacancy position.

Gross annual salary: € 46.159,00

Gross annual allowances (recognized only if the tax residency of the employee is not established in Ethiopia): € 56.193,00

How to apply

The current public notice includes 1 vacant positions to be hired from AICS – Addis Abeba.

To apply please follow the link below to our web portal:



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September 2024