End-term Evaluation EU MADAD Iraq Programme Request for Proposal (RfP_SPA_ERB_24_003) At Spark

EU MADAD Iraq / T04.218: Support to Higher Education for Syrian refugees, Iraqi IDPs and vulnerable Iraqi host community youth – Phase 2
Region: Middle East
Country: Iraq
Theme(s): Start Up (10%), Scale Up (10%), Match Up (20%), Skill Up (60%)
Target group(s): Syrian refugees, IDPs, returnees and vulnerable host community youth
Duration: 01-04-2020 – 30-11-2023

No cost extension: 01-12-2023 – 31-05-2024
Donor(s): European Union
Date of opening the tender: 23 January 2024
Last date for tender submission: 22 February 2024
Last date for issuing clarification: 18 February 2024
Lead implementer: SPARK
Partner organisations : Nobel Institute, University of Mosul, The Station Foundation, Ararat private technical institue, Salahaddin university, Northern technical university, Bayan university, University of Human Development, University of Baghdad, University of Mosul.
Website: https://spark.ngo/programme/higher-education-services-hes/
Application method: Email to tender_iraq@spark-online.org

  • Programme background
    Iraq has one of the highest rates of (youth) unemployment in the Middle East.
    At the same time, Iraq hosts a significant number of Syrian-refugees; the refugees from Syria mostly live in the region of Kurdistan, due to the (Kurdish) ethnic composition of KR-I and the relative social and political stability there.
    Their position and prospects for work are dependent on their ethno-religious background, socio-economic level and the fact whether they live in the camps or not. Additionally, Syrian
    refugees living in KR-l, especially with an Arabic background, are experiencing the most difficulty accessing higher education and jobs.
    The majority of jobs in Iraq are in the public sector, where youth is heavily underrepresented. However, opportunities do exist in the private sector, in particular in construction and small services, according to the World Bank, the ILO, and the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) country reports. Agriculture is also a large sector (20%) with growth potential. Additionally, the information and communication sector have large potential for growth.
    In response to the complex humanitarian and economic challenges facing communities in Iraq, our EU funded programme has been developed with a clear set of objectives aimed at fostering economic inclusion through higher education opportunities for a diverse range of beneficiaries, including Syrian refugees, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), returnees, and vulnerable host youth.
  • Programme objective
    The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to economic inclusion within the communities that it is implemented in Iraq, through promoting higher education opportunities for Syrian refugees, IDPs, returnees and vulnerable host youth.
  • The specific objectives are:
    • Syrian refugees, IDPs, returnees and vulnerable host community youth have better access to higher education in Iraq
    • Syrian and vulnerable host youth in Iraq have better employability prospects
    • Local institutions and partners have built their capacities for sustainability of programme results
  • Programme implementation
    The program in Iraq adopts a collaborative operational model to achieve its objectives. It relies on partnerships with local institutions, Universities, non-governmental organizations, and community-based organizations for beneficiary identification and service delivery. Capacity-building initiatives are integral to enhance the sustainability of program results. International stakeholders, including academic institutions, are also actively engaged in bringing additional expertise and resources.
    Spark recognizes the engagement with local partners as they play a vital role in assisting with the delivery of educational services and the programme objective. These partners are essential for navigating the local context effectively. Capacity-building efforts are focused on strengthening the abilities of local partners, fostering long-term sustainability.
    Nevertheless, Spark is bound by the timeliness of the delivery of the programme as per the agreement between the European Union and Spark organization.
  • Objective of the programme evaluation
    The objective of this end-term programme evaluation is to contribute to SPARK’s learning and accountability processes, related to the programme’s performance.
  • Data Collection:
    Travel will be needed to Sulaymaniyah, Erbil, Duhok, Mosul and Baghdad in KR-I and federal Iraq, Furthermore, online data collection will be required to a limited degree.

Data collection method Targeted group Sample size

Surveys Students accessing 218(50% Male, 50% Female – higher education certificates 60% Syrian refugees, 40% Host community + IDP)
Startups & SMEs 20
Sub-total 238

KIIs Partner representatives /service providers/ 15 trainers/ and main stakeholders SPARK staff (programme manager+Programme Officer) 2

Sub-total 17

FGDs FGD partner staff who received training from SPARK 2 FGDs with the beneficiaries 5
Sub-total 7

-Inception report
•Introduction and background

-Final end term evaluation report
•Executive Summary
•Scope of Evaluation
•Findings of the evaluation based on OECD evaluation criteria

For all submitted reports, annexes including but not limited to reports, questionnaire tools and its annexes should be provided in English as well in the original documents if in Arabic/and Kurdish.

  • Evaluation elements and questions
    The table below provides the specific elements and questions to be answered through this evaluation.
    Furthermore, the answers to all of these questions will need to also incorporate findings from an analysis of the gender sensitivity and conflict sensitivity (do-no-harm) of the programme.

Element Scope Questions
Effectiveness Did the programme achieve its objectives? To what extent did the programme contribute to (any) systemic change in the local higher education development?
The extent to which the programme performed on its targets, including any differential results across different target groups.

Impact The extent to which the programme has To what extent did the programme generated / is expected to generate significant contribute to an improved economic positive or negative, intended or unintended, inclusion of marginalised youth higher-level socioeconomic effects in the context in the communities that it was that it was implemented. implemented?

Are there any indications that the programme makes/made a positive contribution to the stability/cohesion communities within which it is/was implemented?
Sustainability Will the programme’s achievements last? How sustainable are the (outcome) results achieved by the programme?
The extent to which the achievements of the programme continue or are likely to continue.

  • Timeframe of the programme evaluation
    The evaluation is planned to take place between March 2024 and April 2024.
    The following table provides all tasks that have to be conducted for this evaluation, the responsibilities for conducting these tasks and the deadlines for these.
    It has to be highlighted that these deadlines are indicative, and they will be confirmed in SPARK’s approval of the evaluation plan mentioned below.

Task Responsibility Deadline

  1. Kick off meeting with consultant(s) SPARK 1st week of March
  2. Sharing of existing programme documentation SPARK 1st week of March
  3. Development of evaluation plan Consultant(s) 2nd week of March (Inception Report) and submission to SPARK
  4. Review of draft evaluation plan (Inception Report). SPARK 2nd and 3rd week of March
  5. Finalisation of evaluation plan and submission to SPARK Consultant(s) 3rd week of March
  6. Approval of evaluation plan SPARK 3rd & 4th week of March
  7. Stakeholders’ logistical arrangements for field data collection SPARK 4th week of March
  8. Field data collection Consultant(s) 1st and 2nd week of April
  9. Analysis of collected data and existing programme documentation Consultant(s) 2nd week of April
  10. Presentation of preliminary findings to SPARK, before leaving the field Consultant(s) 2nd week of April
  11. Development of draft evaluation report and submission to SPARK Consultant(s) 3rd week of April
  12. Review of draft version(s) of the evaluation report SPARK 3rd week of April
  13. Finalisation of evaluation report and submission to SPARK Consultant(s) 4th week of April
  14. Approval of final evaluation report SPARK 4th week of April
  15. Presentation of key findings to SPARK, local partners focal points and donor focal points Consultant(s) 4th week of April
  16. Publication of final evaluation report in SPARK’s website SPARK 4th week of April
  • Payment Scheme for the mid/end-term programme evaluation
    The payments for this evaluation will be processed through the receipt of invoices and upon submission of deliverables, according to the following scheme:
    Deliverable Payment
    – Evaluation Plan approved by SPARK 30% of total contracting sum
    – Draft Evaluation Report submitted to SPARK 30% of total contracting sum – Presentation of key findings to SPARK, local partners focal points and donor focal points 40% of total contracting sum
  • Expertise required for the mid/end-term programme evaluation.
    The consultant(s) who will conduct this assignment should be an (a team of) experienced and independent consultant(s), freelance or from a consultancy organisation, with at least the following expertise:
    ●Advanced university degree in International Development, Social Sciences, Business Administration or any other related field;
    ●A minimum of 7 years of professional experience in leading and conducting programme evaluations;
    ●Experience within the international development or humanitarian aid sector;
    ●Experience with higher education development, employability and labour markets, etc., will be considered an advantage;
    ●Experience with programmatic/organisational learning will be considered an advantage;
    ●Demonstrated experience in Iraq;
    ●Fluent in English (both reading and writing);
    ●Advanced research, analytical and reporting;
    ●Advanced (intercultural) communication skills;
    ●Fluency in Arabic and Kurdish will be considered an advantage.1. Schedule & Deadline for Submission
    The deadline for submission of RFP is 5:00 p.m. on February 22, 2024. Late RFP’s will not be accepted.
    Activity Date
    Request for Proposal January 23, 2024
    Deadline for request for any clarifications from SPARK February 12, 2024
    Last date on which clarifications are issued by SPARK February 18, 2024
    Deadline for submission of Proposal (receiving date, not sending date) February 22, 2024
    Request for Proposal opening session by SPARK February 25, 2024
    Notification of award to the successful bidder February 29, 2024
    Award Contract TBCSelection Criteria:
    SPARK is committed to conducting a fair and transparent proposal process and ensuring that all bidders are treated and evaluated equally throughout the proposal process. Bidder responses will be weighted in four categories: Essential Criteria, Capability Criteria, and Commercial Criteria.
    1.Essential Criteria
    •Possess legitimate business premises.
    •Registered for trading and tax.
    •Not a banned party or on any government blacklists.
    2.Capability Criteria (60%) (Any technical proposal scoring less than 3 out of 5 points will be automatically disqualified from the competition.)
    •Technical Proposal (30%)
    •Bidder network with the private sector (5%)
    •Bidder experience in the similar project or activities field (15%)
    •Service time-lead (10%)
    3.Commercial Criteria (40%)
    •Financial proposal (40%)Application for the Final Programme Evaluation
    The deadline for submission of applications is February 22nd, 2024.
    All applications should include the following:
    ●Cover letter (maximum 1 page), confirming the candidate(s) availability during the duration of this evaluation, as mentioned above;
    ●CVs of all evaluation team members, including three references with contact details.
    ●Please provide a minimum of three letters of recommendation from past clients in the similar area
    ●Technical proposal, which should clarify explicitly the following:
    o Candidate(s) understanding of the evaluation’s ToR
    o Preliminary methodology / work plan
    o Financial Proposal in IQD, which should include consultancy fees that include VAT and international and in country travel costs and in country accommodation costs, with a breakdown of days*fees per deliverable.
    o The company registration certificate or business license.
    o Tax clearance letterAbout SPARK
    At SPARK we create pathways. Pathways that give youth the tools they need to succeed in regions affected by conflict, climate crisis, and displacement. New ways to empower students and entrepreneurs to study, work and grow their own businesses. We do so through our four pillars.
    We are a dynamic and growing, international not-for-profit development organisation with 120+ staff members, in more than 14 offices around the world.
    Our five values are the heart of everything we do. They inspire us to be the best we can be for ourselves and everyone we work with:
    Trust us to be reliable, fair and have integrity
    A can-do attitude is how we achieve our best results
    We care for what we do and who we work with
    We are courageous in who we are, what we do and who we support
    Ignite innovative responses to the ever-changing needs of the countries we work in

How to apply

Interested consultants or firms should submit their applications to: Tender_Iraq@spark-online.org
Further information may be requested, and questions may also be discussed with SPARK’s through Yousif, Spark’s Admin/Procurement Officer through email Tender_Iraq@spark-online.org

Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.
Due to the large volume of applications, we receive, we cannot respond to every applicant individually. There may be a delay between the application deadline and the moment we contact selected applicants.
If you have not received a reply, we regret to inform you that we have continued with other candidates.

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