Responsable Relations Bailleurs – RCA – H/F At ALIMA

Responsable Relations Bailleurs – RCA – H/F

Bangui, Central African Republic



The crisis in the Central African Republic was triggered in 2013. This crisis has further weakened the health system, which was already precarious and making access to health care difficult for populations. This access is hampered by multiple transversal problems: low coverage, shortage of qualified human resources in health, insufficient quality of services, absence of’space of expression for users of the health system

ALIMA has been present in CAR since 2013. Its main activities are focused on screening and medico-nutritional management of children, reproductive health, mental health, etc, primary and secondary health care and response to epidemics. Twelve financing contracts are currently being implemented in ten health districts including Zemio, Obo, Bocaranga, Ngaoundaye, Bamingui, Boda, Paoua, Carnot, Bimbo and Castor with ECHO as main donors, Fonds Bekou, RELSUD, UNFPA, FH, BHA, etc.

In december 2013, ALIMA provided medical support in 3 displacement sites on the outskirts of Bangui and then set up a free primary health care package in 5 DS CDS from Bangui Bimbo and Bangui. The care offering was expanded to 13 CDS in Bimbo in 2018. The project aims to strengthen the capacities of the Sanitary District with a view to full empowerment’.

The second intervention of’ALIMA began in the DS of Boda in June 2014, a city that was facing violent community clashes. ALIMA allowed the reopening of the Boda hospital and the CDS of Boboua (DS of Mbaiki). Today’, the project covers the hospital and 9 FOSA to ensure’autonomization as well as the resilience of the local health system and community.

Since April 2018, ALIMA has been involved in the DS of Kemo and Nana-Gribizi as part of the RRM. The project includes humanitarian monitoring and needs analysis after a shock and has made it possible to carry out 8’ missions to assess the needs of displaced populations in order to meet their needs. In addition, ALIMA has started to support the Mbres hospital including the services of Maternity, Pediatrics, stabilization of trauma cases and other emergencies. Since April 2019,’action at the Nana-Gribizi has two components : a RRM response strategy to the humanitarian shock and in case of’epidemic and a second component in support of the FOSA of the’AS of Mbres.

Finally, since August 2019, ALIMA has started its intervention in the Haut Mbomou in Obo and Zemio, funded by the CHF and Bekou fund. The’intervention responds to a desire to ensure the functioning and the’access to quality health services in the’ objective to strengthen the national health system and local health actors


Bangui, Central Africa, with frequent field trips


Level 3 : As part of his duties, the incumbent of the position will be required to visit the programs and be in contact with children and/or vulnerable adults. Therefore, the verification of the criminal record or the presentation of a certificate of good life and morals will be necessary. In situations where the’ impossibility of providing a criminal record or a certificate of good life and morals is noted, a declaration on the’honneur will be requested.


  • Hierarchical Responsible : Chef.fe de Mission
  • Functional Responsible : Referent Bailleurs ‐ Desk 2


You are under the supervision of the Head of Mission, you are responsible for the implementation of the financing strategy in connection with the’alIMA country action plan.

More specifically, you are responsible for mobilizing funding that will allow the implementation of projects. You maintain regular relationships with the donors and conduct an active search for funding. You are the guarantor or guarantor of the drafting of project proposals and reports to donors. You support the monitoring of the donor contract indicators, in collaboration with the Project Coordinators and the Medical Coordinator.e.


1. Definition and monitoring of the country financing strategy

2. Maintenance of the relationship with donors

3. Searching for funding

4. Support for operational planning in relation to donor priorities

5. Production of concept notes and project proposals

In order to obtain funding, the Head of Relations Bailleurs is responsible for submitting concepts notes and project proposals within the deadlines imposed by the donors. Il.Elle is responsible for the writing of project documents to respond to opportunities with funders. It guarantees the quality and conformity of the documents produced.

6. Disseminates key information on donor procedures, funding contracts and supports Project Coordinators in monitoring contractual requirements

7. Data tracking to meet reporting requirements

8. Ensure accurate and analytical narrative reporting within defined time frames Responsable Relations Bailleurs is responsible for the preparation of intermediate and final reports for funders, according to the formats and reporting rules imposed. He is directly responsible for the drafting of documents, based on precise, quantitative and qualitative information and capitalized during the’year. It establishes a regular liaison with the· Coordinator and project managers and, for the’ of the reports, makes the link between the commitments with the lessor and the reality of the projects and the land. Il.Elle ensures the respect of deadlines and is responsible for the quality of the reports.

9. Ensure the contractual management of financing contracts

The Head of Relations Bailleurs is responsible for the follow-up of financing contracts with donors. It is in direct contact with the national representatives of the lessor for contractual management issues. IlElle makes sure to know and respect the procedures of the lessor and that these‐ci are known to the rest of the’ team. IlElle has for this purpose’a common tool for contract monitoring that’il· helps to update.

10. Ensure the application of standards in prevention against abuse

The Head of Relations Bailleurs must participate in training and awareness sessions.



You hold a’ Diploma of higher education, Master level or equivalent in (development studies, public health, international relations, project management..), you present professional experience in reporting, design and/or project management d’at least one year, as well as d’a field experience. You have a good command of project management tools (project cycle, logical framework, project proposal, reporting, etc.). You are dynamic, autonomous, You have excellent’analysis, synthesis and editorial capacities.


Excellent written and oral expression in french and english


Contract type: CDD of French law

Contract duration: 12 Months

Place of post: Bangui – Central Africa.

Salary: According to salary grid ALIMA (level 10) + valuation of’experience + Perdiem

Date of taking up post : ASAP

ALIMA supports:

  • The travel costs between the country of’ origin of the’expatriate and the place of mission
  • The costs of’accommodation
  • Medical coverage from the first day of the contract to one month after the departure date of the country of mission for the’employee and its assigns
  • L’ evacuation for the’employee and its beneficiaries.

How to apply

To apply, please send your CV and Letter of Motivation online on our page.

Link to apply:

Applications are processed according to the’order of’arrival. ALIMA reserves the right to close the’offer before the term initially indicated if an application is accepted. Only complete applications (CV in PDF format + Motivation Letter) will be studied.

Female applications are strongly encouraged.


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