Terms of Reference _ Baseline Evaluation _ BMZ GROW ENRICH Project At World Vision

World Vision Somalia

Baseline Terms of Reference _ BMZ GROW ENRICH Project

1.Baseline Summary:


Project Duration: September 2023- August 2027

Baseline Purpose: The baseline evaluation aims to establish a baseline against which the project’s progress and impact can be measured.

Baseline Start and End Dates: 12th February to 29th March 2024

Anticipated Baseline Report Release Date: 29th March 2024

2. Description of Project (being baselined)

GROW ENRICH Global program aims at improving maternal and child health and nutrition in East Africa through strengthening health and nutrition systems and operationalizing gender-sensitive health and nutrition rights strategies in Kenya, Somalia and Tanzania.

The Global Programme will address the root causes of malnutrition and gender inequality in the three target countries through a multi-level approach at micro, meso and macro levels. It will build on proven strategies for implementing key health and nutrition interventions through strengthening local health and nutrition systems, targeted advocacy and building the capacity of civil society and state actors at sub-national, national and regional/continental levels. The Global Programme will increase access to basic nutrition, SRHR and health services for a total of 658,339 direct beneficiaries, of whom approximately 246,612 are women and 227,402 children under five in the three countries of East Africa. The Project targets 242,178 direct beneficiaries (women-91564, Men-65980, girls-42963 boys-41671 and 302 430 indirect beneficiaries, in Somalia.

The project targets 37 villages in four districts (Garowe, Eyl, Burtinle, and Dangorayo) in the Nugaal region of Puntland State. The program activities will directly address the nutrition, sexual, and reproductive health needs of people in the target communities. He/she will utilize theindicators below that require collection through this study to meet the study objectives

3. Baseline Stakeholders

The baseline study will target multiple stakeholders who will be involved directly or indirectly in the project implementation process. In particular, the following are the key stakeholders that will be involved in the evaluation process;

  • Community members in target locations/villages
  • Community leaders
  • Cultural and religious leaders
  • Ministry of Health and Ministry of Agriculture Staff
  • Health facility staff
  • Community Health workers
  • Project partners – PMWDO

During data collection, the various stakeholders are expected to participate voluntarily by accepting to be interviewed and responding to key questions related to the project. Informed consent will be sought from all study participants, including information on the study’s purpose, benefits, if any, and how the results will be used.

4. Baseline Purpose, Objectives and Scope

The overall objective of the baseline study will be to provide a benchmark for all project outcome and output indicators. These will support and used as a basis for setting performance targets for monitoring project performance. The consultancy will provide a comprehensive baseline survey for the above-mentioned project that identifies and measures the status quo of key project indicators at the outset of the project along main impact levels (outcome, output).

The specific objectives of the baseline study are:

  1. Set and /interpret baseline values (benchmarks) for each key project indicator at outcome and output level as per the log frame.
  2. To set targets against which project progress along the impact chain can be monitored and evaluated.
  3. To assess the current status of child and maternal nutrition status in the project areas, including accessibility and utilization of essential healthcare services by the target population and other key socio-economic factors.

Scope of Work

Baseline data will be gathered from four districts in Puntland State: Garowe, Eyl, Burtinle, and Dangorayo. This will provide a comprehensive understanding of the project’s current situation and establish benchmarks.

5. Baseline Methodology

The baseline study will apply a Mixed-Method design comprising of both qualitative and quantitative approaches in collecting data and leverage on REACTS-IN baseline methodologies For quantitative data, the assessment will utilize a household questionnaire to collect data to women of reproductive age, 15-49 years, and Children less than 5 years whereas key informant interviews (KIIs) and Focus Group Discussion guides will be used to collect qualitative data, to community leaders, pregnant and lactating women, community health care workers and primary caregivers. To supplement primary data collection, consultants will also incorporate available secondary data. The consultant will be responsible to design the baseline study, including its methodology. Based upon the project design, especially log frame and potential M&E plan any specific data requirements Child anthropometry: length/height will be measured to the nearest 0.1cm with a stadiometer and weight will be measured to the nearest 100 g with a digital scale. The baseline will be conducted in three countries, the consultant will be expected to work in collaboration with other consultants in Kenya, Somalia and Tanzania

He/she will utilize the indicators below that require collection through this study to meet the study objectives:


5.1 Quantitative Survey Design

The baseline study will use a household questionnaire as the primary quantitative data collection tool. For health-related information, a facility checklist will be utilized to gather health information data. The evaluation team will adopt best sampling methods taking into consideration sample size / SMART Survey stages. This should be well elaborated in the inception report. The sample size, sampling frame, and data collection tools will be designed so that data can be statistically compared to test for difference. The questionnaire will be designed and administered using SMAP/ONA.

5.1.1. Household Survey

Household survey questionnaires will be developed beforehand and approved by the project M&E team as indicated above. The consultant will also ensure that the survey tool designed covers the necessary Goals and Outcome level indicators stated in the matrix and add more questions to the questionnaire as appropriate. The Project M&E team recommends that the consultant employ digital data collection for quantitative data. The consultant will also be responsible for engaging and managing the team of data enumerators during the data collection period. The consultant will use World Vision’s data management platform to collect quantitative data.

5.1.2. Desk Review

The consultant shall review relevant/availed GROW ENRICH project documents and similar programs being implemented by World Vision Somalia. The information gathered through desk review shall guide the consultant to develop or refine data collection tools. The desk review should cover the following documents: project proposal, Logframe, M&E plan, and secondary literature studies related to the measurement of goal and outcome level indicators. The desk review process should serve as guidance for the consultant to continue gathering resources that would enable him/her to develop tools and end of project planning. Furthermore, the consultant should consider aspects related to gender and social inclusion and determine key concepts to examine and appropriate methods.

5.2 Qualitative approach

Qualitative data collection techniques will leverage mainly on Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with relevant community representatives. KIIs will involve respondents considered to be direct/indirect participants cognizant of gender and representativeness. Questions will be developed focusing on specific themes to triangulate some of the close ended responses in the household questionnaire. Key informant interviews mainly district Health teams, partners, agricultural and religious leaders, and other stakeholders. In addition, the assessment will conduct focus group discussions with individuals participating in the various sector interventions.

5.2.1 Focus Group Discussion

Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) will be held with the target population, including pregnant and lactating mothers, mothers and caregivers of children under 5, male-headed and female-headed households with people with disabilities, and farmers interested in growing nutrient-enriched (bio-fortified) food and seed multiplication to obtain qualitative responses and data of relevance concerning the scope and requirements of the baseline study.

5.2.2. Key informant interviews (KII)

The consultant will be expected to develop a KII guide to be approved by the Project M&E team for the key informant interviews with the community leaders, health-facility staff, community health workers, as well as representatives from the relevant line ministries to gather a deeper understanding of key concepts and issues related to health, nutrition, social inclusion, and gender in the target communities. The discussion will provide more details maternal, infant and young child nutrition, management of acute malnutrition, and agriculture. The discussions will also provide an opportunity to understand the operations of departments and their linkage to the project in terms of operation, management and technical support.

5.2.3 Field Visit Observation

The study team is expected to make field visits to observe actual practice from the health facilities directly. The consultant will develop a Field visit and observation guide before the visit.

5.3 Sampling Frame

For the qualitative survey, a purposive sampling technique will be used to sample community members, government stakeholders, and strategic partners for key informants and focus group discussion. The golden rule of data saturation will govern the sample size for the qualitative group. The consultants are, however, free to suggest alternative sampling criteria based on their experience.

For the quantitative survey, a random sampling technique will be used to sample beneficiaries. The consultant should propose a representative sample size calculation methodology. The sample size, sampling frame, and data collection tools will be designed so that data can be statistically compared to test for differences.

5.3.1 Sample Size Calculation

The sample size calculation will be determined based on the purpose of the baseline assessment of the key indicators of interest and the sampling methodology provided in the World Vision LEAP/BMZ guidelines. To ensure sample sizes are large enough to demonstrate a significant change between surveys, the consultant will estimate the necessary sizes for the indicator within each indicator group and determine the overall sample size. The consultant will ensure the study consider gender and social inclusion through sampling and interviews. Data shall be disaggregation by age, sex, disability.

5.3.2 Data analysis

After the data collection process, quantitative data will be downloaded from the SMAP App and analyzed through descriptive statistics using Microsoft Excel and, SPSS, STATA to determine the frequency distribution, mean score, standard deviation, and proportions. Quantitative data analysis should include cross-tabulation analysis between different variables and appropriate disaggregation by sex, disability, ethnic group, income level, etc.

Qualitative data should be analyzed through content analysis using Nvivo, MAXQDA. Raw data will be transcribed into themes based on the objectives and questions and arranged in different coded categories from which interpretations, recommendations, and conclusions will be generated. Feedback from FGD and interviews will be entered into Excel sheet templates to facilitate analysis. The processed data should be presented as texts, graphs, tables, quotes, and GPS coordinates.

5.4 GESI-Assessment

The consultancy will be responsible to integrate a GESI Assessment into the baseline methodology, which needs to cover the following aspects:

  • Roles and responsibilities within households and communities, including productive and reproductive workloads and mobility.
  • Access to and control of assets, resources and opportunities, and obstacles in seeking services.
  • Decision-making and power relations at household, community, regional and/or national levels.
  • Needs, priorities, and perspectives, including practical needs and strategic interests of different groups and their ideas on appropriate and sustainable ways of addressing needs.
  • Participation and leadership in community activities and associations,
  • Leadership views on gender equality and social inclusion, preferred communication channels and barriers to women’s leadership.
  • Knowledge, cultural beliefs and perceptions including access to knowledge and social, religious and cultural attitudes and norms which affect women, men, boys and girls, persons with disabilities and other excluded groups differently.
  • Legal frameworks, laws or other barriers that prevent women and men, boys and girls, persons with disabilities and other excluded groups from having equal opportunities.
  • Detailed information can be found in the GESI Toolkit (will be provided).

6. Limitations

Several factors might limit the implementation of the study and should be taken into consideration, including:

  • Political unrest: Puntland is due to hold elections in January 2024, and as a result, political tension is expected in the subsequent months.
  • Insecurity: Possible cases of insecurity might occur in specific project sites that might limit travel or even lead to suspension of data collection
  • The official project contract start date being September 1, 2023, initial implementation of activities may vary in extent. This will need to be considered by consultant in analysis and interpretation of baseline findings as appropriate**.**

7. Logistics

The consultant will lead all aspects of the baseline assessment process; however, they will work closely with other members of the WV Somalia, Program Management Unit and WVGER teams. consultants will be responsible for their travel logistics to Garowe, Puntland. The consultants will also be responsible for their insurance, vaccinations, health, security preparedness, and visas, if necessary.

World Vision will facilitate accommodation, fieldwork logistics, travel to project sites, and all the necessary in-country approvals, including invitation letters for visa processing if necessary. In addition, World Vision will provide enumerators to support data collection.

8. Products/ deliverables

The following deliverables are expected of the consultant.

  • Inception Report (including detailed sampling calculations, data collection logistics, analysis plan, detailed timeline, detailed budget, etc.). The consultant will present the inception report both as a PowerPoint presentation and in report format (10-15 pages)
  • Data Collection Tools (including all questionnaires, interview guides, focus group discussion guides, etc.) Tools are expected to be finalized after WV review and piloting.
  • Facilitation of Training Event(s) including enumerator training on tool use and ethics including child protection and informed consent.
  • Raw Data Files including raw and cleaned datasets, audio files, transcripts/notes, codebook, ethical approval where necessary etc.
  • 2 pager baseline findings summary for internal and external dissemination
  • Draft Report using the provided template and closely following BMZ requirements and standards. The report will include findings from all the objectives including the baseline indicator findings as well as the unconditional cash assistance outcomes.
  • Power point presentation and report validation to the cluster and stakeholder
  • Infographics and factsheets outlining the Key Findings, Lesson Learnt, and Recommendations
  • Final Report incorporating WV feedback. The final report should be provided in English.

9. Quality and Ethical Standards

The lead consultant will be responsible for ensuring that data collection and analysis approaches are designed to mitigate child protection risks and protect participants’ privacy and well-being by establishing and following credible, ethical evaluation principles:

  • The lead consultant shall ensure that all research assistants are oriented on research ethics and child protection policy before the commencement of data collection.
  • The lead consultant shall ensure that each research team member adheres to research ethics and WV child protection policies.
  • The lead consultant shall ensure that all information collected is treated with all the confidentiality it deserves.
  • The lead consultant shall ensure that survey participants involved in the study are well-informed of the study’s objectives and their consent is sought before starting data collection. Participants will be informed of their rights to decline participation in the evaluation and will be free to withdraw from the process if they wish.
  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII): Any technologies, digital platforms, or other methods employed should include sufficient data security and privacy protocols to ensure that PII is protected.
  • The lead baseline study consultant must familiarize him or herself with the following ethical and protection guides (to be supplied to the selected lead evaluator):
    • WVI Child Protection Code of Conduct
    • WVI Guideline of Ethical Principles

10. Authority and Responsibility

The consultants who undertake the assignment will report directly to the DME Manager, who will oversee the assignment and work in collaboration with Regional MEAL Manager. Regular consultation meetings will be arranged between World Vision Somalia and the consultant as needed. The key roles and responsibilities of World Vision Somalia and the consultant are highlighted below:

World Vision Somalia

  • Ensure that the consultants adhere to research ethics and child protection policy
  • Ensure quality assurance throughout study implementation
  • Provide the consultants with the necessary documents as demanded by the consultant
  • Review report and provide feedback to the consultants to ensure quality delivery and compliance with the study protocol
  • Arrange key informant interviews and focus-group discussions as requested by the consultants.
  • Review and approve operational approaches to be used by the consultants, including the inception report
  • Review the draft report and provide feedback to the consultants.
  • Approve the final reports contingent on the reports meeting the intended objectives and quality assurances


  • Develop an inception report before the actual rollout of the assessment detailing the study methodology and appropriate/relevant data collection tools.
  • Work closely with the DME Manager during the design of the methodology/ tools; agree on the tools that will be used.
  • Incorporate feedback into tools and reports, which the World Vision Somalia team will give.
  • Adequately train and supervise enumerators/Research assistants across the locations during the data collection exercise.
  • Conduct Focus group discussions and Key informant interviews with sampled stakeholders, including government, partner frontline staff,
  • Conduct data analysis for the quantitative and qualitative data
  • Compile and submit draft and final reports as per schedule.
  • Submit a summary brief of the results (not more than 20 pages)
  • Do de-briefing on preliminary findings. The result is expected to be shared with the stakeholders, and the consultant needs to give due attention to the quality of the report.
  • Report validation Approximately one hour PowerPoint presentation of results and discussions to be presented virtually to World Vision Somalia and project partners.

Team Members


DM&E Manager.

  • Provide supports in advertising of the consultancy together with Supply chain.
  • Provides supports in reviewing of the bids together with other team members.
  • Provide support in timely onboarding of the consultant supported by the project team members.
  • Provides overall technical oversight of the baseline study project evaluation.
  • Ensures data collection tools and results are appropriately translated.
  • Support in recruitment of the data collectors.
  • Support in training of the data collectors and supervision during the data collection.

Program Officer: Nutrition

  • Provides input to the baseline study design, tools, and report and contributes to data interpretation and recommendations.
  • Coordinates communication with Key Informants (Stakeholders) at the National level.

ENRICH GROW Project Manager

  • Ensure the budget, logistical and manpower requirements of the baseline team are met.
  • Ensures project documents are available upon request.
  • Assist in tools translation, hiring and training of enumerators.
  • Provide support in the consultant onboarding processes.
  • Coordinates and organizes logistics for fieldwork.
  • Ensures communities, targeted participants, and local stakeholders for the baseline processes are informed.
  • Provides guidance in planning for the data collection to include review of tools that will be used to ensure cultural sensitivity and appropriateness and provides feedback on the draft report.

GROW ENRICH M&E Coordinator

  • Provide supports in advertising of the consultancy together with Supply chain.
  • Provides overall technical oversight of the Baseline study.
  • Coordinates consultant recruitment, communications with the consultant and the team; reviews the TOR, design, tools and report.
  • Support in recruitment of the data collectors,
  • Support in training of the data collectors and supervision during the data collection.
  • Provides guidance in the conduct of a validation workshop with stakeholders.
  • Ensures manpower is appropriate to deliver the expectations.

WV Team

WVGER Programme Manager

  • Coordinates feedback from World Vision Germany and the Donor to ensure that the baseline meets WVG and BMZ evidence and learning needs.
  • Provides technical review of the report.

Regional M&E Manager and DME Specialist, WVG

  • Technical support for the baseline survey.
  • Designing of the baseline tools.
  • Provides input to the baseline design, methodology, tools, and technical review of the report.
  • Provides overall technical oversight of the Baseline study.
  • Coordinates consultant recruitment, communications with the consultant and the team; reviews the TOR, design, tools and report.
  • Coordinates the 3 baselines in Kenya, Tanzania and Somalia and ensures that methodologies and data collections tools are aligned.
  • Signs of baseline report in consultation with WVG technical support.

11. Time plan

The evaluation process will take 8 weeks, including preparation, data collection, analysis, and reporting. The Consultant should be able to undertake some of the tasks concurrently to fit within the planned time frame without compromising the quality expected. The assignment is expected to commence on 12th February -29th March 2024, with the final evaluation report expected by 29th March 2024.


12. Expected Qualifications of Consultant

World Vision Somalia is looking to engage the services of a qualified consultant to undertake the project baseline study. We are looking for a consultant who has the following skills and expertise;

  • In-depth knowledge and experience of Somalia (especially the district of interest in this study) and its regions, including government and community-level service delivery structures;
  • Master’s degree in public health, Health and Nutrition, Social science, Gender development studies, monitoring and evaluation, and other health-related fields;
  • Has a minimum of 5 years of technically sound experience in conducting Health and Nutrition studies, including project evaluations;
  • Has at least 3 years of extensive experience in Health and Nutrition programming in fragile contexts;
  • Diverse team comprising personnel with the following skills and expertise: public health expert (focus on health and nutrition), M&E expert, statistician/data analyst, Gender expert, graphics designer, etc;
  • Demonstrated experience working in donor-funded projects, EU, BMZ, and SDC will be an added advantage;
  • Excellent analytical and communication skills;
  • Experience in writing impact evaluation reports and presenting them to a diverse audience;
  • Ability to produce high-quality work under tight timelines;
  • Experience working in Somalia.

13. Tender

Proposals from consultants should include the following information (at a minimum):

1. Mandatory Evaluation Requirements:

  1. Provide a certified copy of business registration(company/organization);
  2. Provide a certified copy of the tax registration;
  3. Successful bidders will be required to sign the World Vision Supplier Code of Conduct form.

NB: Bidders who will fail to provide mandatory requirements will not qualify for next stage (Technical Evaluation)

2. Technical Evaluation Requirements:

a. Technical Evaluation Criteria

  • Letter of interest in submission of a proposal
  • A detailed technical proposal demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including but not limited to the following:
    • Consultant/Company Profile.
    • Demonstrating understanding of TOR.
    • Methodology and Sample Size Determination.
    • Demonstrate previous experience in similar assignments and qualifications outlined in this ToR (with submission of at least two most recent reports).
    • Proposed data management plan (collection, processing, and analysis).
    • Proposed timeframe detailing activities and a work plan.
    • Team composition and level of effort of each proposed team member (include CVs of each team member).
    • At least 3 References, including names and contact information (at least three similar assignments in a similar context are also required)

3. Financial Proposal Inclusive of

  • Professional Fee
  • Logistics Cost-Flights
    • A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs (which shall include professional fees and operational budget) quoted in USD. The applicable tax amount must be stipulated and separated from the base costs as per Kenyan law i.e.
      • Kenya – 5%
      • East Africa Region – 15%
      • International – 20%
  • Payment Terms

Clarification of Bidding Document

A prospective bidder inquiring about the tender document may notify WVS in writing at and procurement_somalia@wvi.org. WVS will only respond to requests for clarification received no later than 26 /01/2024.

How to apply

All interested bidders are requested to submit their proposal in English and by email to somo_supplychain@wvi.org on or before 01st February 2024.

Proposals should be separated into 3 distinct attachments, namely: Mandatory Requirements, Technical Proposal, and Financial Proposal (Bidders who will combine both technical and financial proposals shall be disqualified)


Bids received after the deadline shall not be considered.

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