Call for expressions of interest’ – Legal assistance in the regions of Tunis and Medenine At Helvetas

The Swiss government is committed to the financing of’a regional project on children and young people on migration routes (MJE) in North and West Africa. The « project Children and Youth on the Migratory Routes of’Africa of the’West and North » wants to sustainably strengthen national and regional protection systems, d’education and’ socio-economic integration and facilitate’access of children and young people in mobility to the services provided by these systems (economic integration from 18 years).

The project began with a preparatory phase (2021) and a first phase of 3 years in 5 pilot countries to develop and test approaches to strengthening systems that will be sustainable and which will not depend structurally on external resources (2022-2024 ; Guinea, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia).

A consortium led by Helvetas, Terre des hommes and GIZ in partnership with the MMC, Doctors of the World Belgium, Enda/MAEJT, SSI AO and SSI-International was selected by the Swiss Development and Cooperation Directorate (DDC) for the implementation of the project.

Subject of this call for proposals

2.1 General Objective

The general objective of the’intervention is to contribute to improve the’legal assistance of children and young people in mobility in the governorate of Medenine through i) The development of’ accompanying tools of actors ii) Awareness raising and capacity-building of care and legal actors iii) coordination of actors involving local authorities, civil society and communities

In order to meet this general objective, the EJM project wishes to collaborate with an actor with expertise in the protection of mobile and vulnerable populations in order to deploy the following actions :

  • Development of’tools turnkey for the support to the actors of’legal assistance and protection. The proposed tools will have to be accessible (publicisation and adaptation to the Tunisian context) and innovative (use of digital) ;
  • Capacity building of actors at different levels : Direct training and training of trainers aimed at CSOs, communities, state services and legal actors.
  • Accompany and lead the implementation of’a coordination and advocacy system including key people identified within the community as well as civil society and local authorities concerned by issues related to’ legal assistance for children and young people in mobility.

This intervention will focus on the governorates of Tunis and Medenine.

2.2 Duration of the’intervention

The contract is planned for a period of 6 months with an estimated start-up date of March 1, 2024.

2.3 Target population

The following beneficiaries will be targeted :

Beneficiary types

  • Children & Youth
    • Children and Youth from 0 to 24 years and their guardians
  • Structures of associative support
    • Coalition of the Medenine Humanitarian Association
    • ADDCI
    • Others (to be identified/proposed by the partner)
  • State services
    • Centres of’accueil and’accommodations
    • Youth House
    • Delegates for the protection of’fance
    • Judges of’child and family
    • Others (to be identified/proposed by the partner)

2.4 Modalities of’intervention

This intervention responds to the’ reaching the effects 2 and 3 of the protection component of the Children and Youth project on the migratory routes of’North Africa and’West namely :

  • Effect 2: National, transnational and regional systems and organisations are strengthened to provide better protection (..) for children and young people in mobility
  • Effect 3: National and regional laws and strategies are inclusive and based on the rights of the’child ; they take into account the needs of children and young people on the move through personalized care protocols

As part of the’ development of this intervention, work sessions are planned for the’ articulation of the’intervention and its result chain with the logical framework of the project.

In order to’improve the humanitarian response to protection in the governorate of Medenine and Tunis, the EJM project wishes to partner with an active partner in the region concerned to carry out the first pillar actions in the targeted areas.

3. Cross-cutting approaches

The EJM project mobilized a number of’ transversal expertise to ensure the’ inclusion and the consideration of the specific needs of children and young people in vulnerable situations.

The approaches described below should be taken into account during the’ intervention :

  • Project management sensitive to conflicts

As part of the project start-up, a conflict-sensitive project management workshop was carried out in Zarzis. This workshop allowed the production of’a action plan and some recommendations that will be taken into account during the implementation of the project.

  • Gender, Inclusion and Diversity

A specific analysis of gender,’inclusion and Diversity issues was conducted during the first phase of the project. The recommendations of this analysis will be taken into account to ensure that the most vulnerable profiles and their specific needs are integrated during the implementation of the’action.

4. Project Monitoring-Evaluation

The selected partner will work throughout the implementation of the project in close collaboration with the country coordination of the EJM project.

Regular monitoring of activities will be the responsibility of the partner and the coordination of the EJM project. The selected partner will fill in the’activities sheets and other reporting documents specific to the EJM project (see annexes). The’activities sheet, the budget and the timeline will be the reference documents used by the EJM project and the partner. Meanwhile, the partner s’ will engage in regular and flexible communication with coordination outside the agreed reporting means and times when necessary. In this sense, of joint visits on site between coordination of the EJM project and the partner will be organized.

Bimonthly reports technical and financial will be produced by the selected partner in collaboration with the actors who will benefit from the cascading financing, including, and will then be consolidated at the level of the selected partner before sharing with the coordination of the EJM project.

Indeed, within the framework of this partnership agreement, the EJM project asks the main recipient to carry out cascading funding exclusively for local’organisations that will be sub-recipients of this funding. The selected partner will be responsible for coordinating and consolidating technical and financial reporting with local sub-recipient partners.

A final technical and financial report must be submitted 1 month after the end date of the’ intervention.

The partner will actively contribute to the various committees of the EJM project through a review of the activities carried out versus the planned activities and an active participation in the strategic exchanges relating to the implementation of the project project. The committees concerned are as follows :

  • Steering committee : On an annual basis, this committee brings together the key and strategic partners of the EJM global project to inform about the’advanced activities and jointly follow the strategic orientations of the project.
  • Technical committees : On a quarterly basis, this committee aims to monitor and evaluate the progress of’ activities in the medium term and to maintain thematic exchanges in order to identify the axes of’interventions

Finally, among the planned activities, the partner with the coordination of the EJM project will organize coordination sessions in Medenine that will allow a better articulation of the pilots between the local state and civil actors as well as’an evaluation and capitalization of actions carried out.

5 Criteria of’eligibility

5.1 CRITERIA for’eligibility of the’bidder organisation

In order to submit your project proposal, please ensure that your organization meets the following criteria :

  • Status and legal recognition in order to carry out activities in Tunisia ;
  • Imperative experiences in the’analysis of legislative texts and the’legal assistance of migrant populations ;
  • Imperative experiences in the development of’capacity-building tools in particular digital ;
  • Recent experience in the protection of vulnerable populations, particularly migrant populations, in the governorate of Medenine ;
  • Imperative experiences in the protection of vulnerable populations, especially migrant populations, in the MENA and West Africa region ;
  • Past or current partnerships with civil society in Medenine ;
  • Capacity to manage financing in amounts exceeding CHF 100,000 ;

5.2 CRITERIA for’eligibility of the narrative proposal

The formulation of the’activities proposals must comply with the following criteria :

  • Compliance with the indications of the document of’appel d’offer ;
  • Presentation of the digital and innovative approach to tools ;
  • Presentation of transnational synergies in particular MENA ;
  • Presentation of the issues related to children and young people in mobility in the region of Tunis and Medenine ;
  • Presentation of community involvement

Particular attention will be paid to l’innovative and digital approach of the developed tools.

5.3 CRITERIA for’eligibility of expenditure

The overall budget for the’ intervention is CHF 40,000

The following expenses will be considered non-eligible and will cancel the’evaluation of the proposal :

  • Permanent human resources (HR specific to the implementation of activities may be included as expenses of’activities with justification)
  • Construction/Major rehabilitation
  • Purchases of’heavy equipment (Purchases are not all excluded but must be justified and directly related to activities)

5.4’ evaluation procedure for project proposals

Project proposals will be evaluated by the country coordination of the Children and Youth in Mobility project, according to a grid of criteria divided into 3 levels of’ evaluation presented above : Organization, Youth in mobility, Narrative and Budget.

How to apply

6. Deliverables and deadlines for submission of tenders

In order to respond to this call, please submit the following deliverables :

  • Narrative proposal of 4-5 pages maximum in french or english (to be completed taking into account the indications provided in this document of’appel d’) ;
  • Budget ;
  • Chronogram of’activities ;
  • Examples of’other digital initiatives ;
  • Last financial report of the’organisation.

Application files must be sent by email to the following address’ :

The closing date for the receipt of applications is set at 30 January 2024 at 23:00 (Tunis Time)

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