AUDIT: Call for tenders to hire qualified audit firms to carry out an audit with a specific purpose At Caritas Austria

Call for tenders to hire qualified audit firms to carry out a specific audit for RECAPTER & LISTEN TO US 2 projects, implemented in Rep. Dem. from Congo.

Caritas Osterreich (Caritas Austria) is considering awarding service contracts to a qualified auditor(s)/auditor(s) for the verification of expenditure on two projects implemented in the Rep. Dem from Congo and subsidised within the framework of the European Union’s external action:

LOT 1 : RECAPTURING : Capacity building of CSOs to facilitate access to land and achieve sustainable and equal development : 4 annual audits

LOT 2 : Listen to us ! 2 : Participation in the political and civic life of people living with disabilities through a specialized and autonomous organization in the DRC (PHASE 2) : final audit

The projects are co-financed by the European Union and/or COFED, the Austrian Development Cooperation Agency (ADC) and the own contributions of Caritas Austria.



a) Contract number of the funder and official title of the project : EDF/2022/437-092

ADC n° project : 2325-02/2022

Capacity building of CSOs to facilitate access to land and achieve sustainable and equal development (RECAPTER)

b) Duration of the project/implementation period : 25.11.2022 – 24.11.2026 (48 months)

c) Official project budgets (with indication of donor contribution) :

Total project budget : EUR 1.700.000,-

d) Brief description of the project/partners :

Coordinator : Caritas Osterreich (Caritas Austria), Vienna, Austria

Partner 1 : CARITAS CONGO ASBL, Kinshasa – Gombe

Affiliated with Caritas Congo ASBL :

Caritas Development Kongolo

Caritas Development Lubumbashi/BDD-L’shi

Caritas Development Kilwa-Kasenga

Caritas Development Kalemie-Kirungu

Partner 2 : National Confederation of Agricultural Producers of Congo (CONAPAC), Kinshasa / DRC ;

Partner 3: University of Lubumbashi (UNILU) / Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, Lubumbashi / DRC.

General Objective : Contribute to the advent of peaceful and inclusive societies that participate constructively (and equally) in human development, sustainable and open to all.

Specific Objective : CSOs (small-scale agricultural producers/trees, women, youth and marginalized groups) have strengthened their capacity to engage as equal partners / credible interlocutors of the public authorities in order to contribute positively to land security and the preservation/promotion of biodiversity.

R1. Capacity building of CSOs

R2. Land security

R3. Preservation/promotion of biodiversity

R4. Public mobilization

LOT 2 : Project Listen to Us 2 :

a) Contract number of the funder and official title of the project: EuropeAid : 2020/418-446 ; ADC : 2325-07/2021

Participation in the political and civic life of people living with disabilities through a specialized and autonomous organization in the DRC (PHASE 2)

b) Project duration/implementation period: 01.03.2021 – 29.02.2024 (36 months)

c) Official project budgets (with indication of donor contribution) :

Total project budget : EUR 570.000,-

d) Brief description of the project/partners :

Coordinator : Caritas Osterreich (Caritas Austria), Vienna, Austria

Partner : Lift and Walk Foundation (FLEM), Lubumbashi, DRC

General Objective : Contribute to improving the school and social inclusion of vulnerable populations in DRC

Specific Objective : The rights of the PLH and their citizen participation are recognized in practice and defended

R.1. CSO-HVPs are able to popularize legislative and regulatory acts on the protection and promotion of the rights of HVPs at the local and provincial level.

R. 2. Inclusive schooling of HPVs is improved in the provinces of’intervention

R. 3. The social acceptability of HPVs is making progress

Cooperation between Caritas Austria and local partners :

The activities are implemented by different local implementing organizations in each project. Caritas Austria is responsible for the overall coordination. Cooperation agreements have been concluded between each local partner and Caritas Austria. Financial reports are prepared on the basis of separate budgets per partner.


Audits must be carried out in accordance with terms of reference of the European Union annex 1 and must be done per project. The financial reports will be prepared by Caritas Austria on the basis of the SAPI Finance web tool per project and per partner.

For project RECAPTER (LOT 1) :

Due to donor requirements, audits must be carried out every year. Within 4 years, 4 audit reports must be submitted (each covering a period of 12 months). For more details, please consult item 3. Work Plan.

Expenditure verification will take place in two locations, Kinshasa and Lubumbashi. The originals of the Caritas diocesan partners could be made available in Lubumbashi or sent in electronic version (scan). Proofs of Caritas Austria expenditure can only’ be sent in electronic version (scan).

For project Listen to Us 2 (LOT 2) :

The project will end in late February this year. Only one audit (final audit) must be carried out, covering a period of 3 years (see item 3. Work Plan.). The verification of the expenses of the FLEM will take place in Lubumbashi. Proofs of Caritas Austria expenditure can only’ be sent in electronic version (scan).

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Password: ZFDM4R52Gr

How to apply


Interested auditors may submit an offer for one or two projects.

Please include the lot number and project in your offer.

Lot 1 Verification of project expenses RECAPTER (Kinshasa & Lubumbashi) – 4 audits

Lot 2 Verification of project expenses Listen to Us 2 (Lubumbashi) – a final audit

Requests for clarification :

Requests for clarification can be sent no later than 26/01/2024 to

Submission of the request for submission/offer :

For your request, please use the application form (annex 2). Applications can be submitted in French or English.

Please note that only the signed offers can be accepted (see page 7 of the application form). A scanned copy of the signature will be accepted (by email).

Deadline for receipt of tenders :

Offers must be submitted by e-mail no later than 02/02/2024 12:00 CET.


>>> Access to application file:

Password: ZFDM4R52Gr


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