CALL FOR A MANIFESTATION D’INTERET : Support for the formalization of MdM-France positioning on trafficking for the purpose of exploitation At Doctors of the World


Medecins du Monde France (MdM-F) is an independent organization of active activists who care for, witness and support social change, in France and abroad. For 40 years, we have been working with the most vulnerable people and their communities to abolish the obstacles that’elles encounter in’ access to health.


L’access to care for key populations using a risk reduction and rights promotion approach, and, is a major fight of the’history and the’ identity of Doctors of the World France (MdM-F).

MdM-F has been implementing risk reduction (RoR) programs with sex workers (SdT) since 1991. In 2010, MdM-F defined the RdR as a priority theme of the’association.

As a reminder, the general objective of the MOP programs is to improve the health of marginalized people by placing at the heart of the’ intervention that no preconditions must be placed to the EXERCISE of citizenship or to the’access to health and rights. The main objective of the RdR programmes is to contribute to the development of’a Community response, by developing actions to protect and’ improve the social and legal status of the targeted populations.

Adopted by the Board of’administration, the 2017-2021 MOP Strategy provides for the’axe TdS the following objectives :

  • Disseminate (internal and external) and promote the’appropriation of positioning on the reduction of risks related to sexual work ;
  • Harmonise and consolidate the minimum package of services ;
  • Advocacy for the rights of TdS ;
  • Specify the procedures for intervention with minors and in indoor ;
  • Open new programs in the field.

To support the implementation of this strategy, the theme RdR TdS has been integrated into the First Multi-annual Partner Agreement ( CPP1 ) signed with the French Development Agency ( AFD ) for the period 2018-2021, with the objective of financing operational and transversal deployment in particular on the second tranche ( 2020-21 ) then at the second current CPP ( period 2021-2025 ).

The CPP2 aims to strengthen access to health and rights for sex workers through model and inclusive programmes based on a risk reduction approach and linked to local partners (O1). It also aims to strengthen MdM-F’s expertise on the reduction of risks related to sex work and to contribute to its promotion in connection with national and international community and social networks the civil society (O2).

Doctors of the World has adopted a position in favor of’access to the rights and health of sex workers and advocates for the decriminalization of sex work.

In order to strengthen its expertise and contribute to the international advocacy led by civil society in favor of’ access to the rights and health of sex workers, MdM wishes to formalize its positioning on trafficking for the purpose of’ exploitation in the sex trade.

Indeed, in accordance with its position on the rights and health of sex workers, the, MdM-F wishes to deepen a more specific positioning related to trafficking in human beings for the purpose of’ exploitation in the sex trade.

Indeed, the’amalgam often made between trafficking in human beings and sex work leads to advocating a fight against sex work in order to fight against trafficking.

The Sex Work programmes note that this approach is an obstacle to’access to the rights and health of the people concerned.

With this observation, however, MdM-F wishes to support and illustrate this positioning through CONCRETE examples and recommendations in order to effectively combat trafficking in human beings for the purpose of’ exploitation in the sex trade.



As part of this project, MdM-F is looking for a consultancy team to carry out a mission whose goal is to’ support the formalization of MdM’s positioning on trafficking for the purpose of’ exploitation of human beings.

The specific objectives of this mission will be :

  1. From’a comparative work and’study of the international and national legislative framework, clarify the different acceptions of trafficking in human beings, exploitation, sexual exploitation.
  2. Based on comparative work and field data of MdM programs in France as well as internationally, the, write a positioning draft with recommendations on trafficking and’ exploitation of human beings in the sex trade.


The total budget available for this mission is 6000 Euros TTC maximum, all costs including unforeseen (maximum 5%).


The skills required for the mission are :

  • Training in Law or Political Science and experience of working in the field and advocacy.
  • Mastery of the theme Risk reduction.
  • Knowledge of the topic Sex work needed.
  • The’experience of sex work is a plus.
  • Knowledge of MdM is a plus.
  • Great editorial capacity.
  • Synthetic spirit


Deadline to express interest :


Deadline for a full proposal :


Desired date for the start of the mission :


Desired date for the delivery of’a first deliverable :


This schedule is indicative and may be subject to change.

How to apply


Providers wishing to express their interest are invited to provide the following 2 elements :

  1. Les curriculum vitae (CV) up to date of 3 pages maximum of the members of the proposed’team and specifying if necessary the consulting firm to which each member of the’team is attached.
  2. One ’interest letter of maximum three (3) pages indicating : experiences of similar missions, at least two (2) references concerning the’ execution of similar contracts, dates of availability to conduct the consultancy, etc.

The manifestation of’ interest will be considered complete only if it includes these 2 elements. It must be sent to’ email address : < > specifying in object of the mail « SUPPORT A LA FORMALISATION POSITIONING TDS ». No manifestation of’ interest submitted by another channel will be taken into consideration.

The deadline to express interest is the 19/01/24 to 12h00 (hdP/CET).

A maximum of six ( 6 ) candidates will be shortlisted and invited to submit a complete technical and budgetary proposal in response to the terms of reference communicated to them.


The information collected as part of this call for expression of interest’ is the subject of a computer processing intended to constitute and archive a professional file for each application received and in the eventuality of’audit of our internal procedures. The recipients of the data collected are: the Health Advocacy Department of MdM-F. In accordance with the French and European legislation in force, you have a’ right of access and rectification to the information that concerns you, that you can exercise by contacting < > or « Medecins du Monde France, Directorate Health Advocacy, 84 avenue du President Wilson 93210 Saint-Denis ». You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning you.

In order to be allowed to apply, tenderers must be able to prove, at MdM-F’s discretion, that they meet the legal requirements, that, technical and financial requirements and that they have the necessary capacity and sufficient resources to carry out the mission.

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