Provincial coordinator of the food security cluster SC8 I Bukavu I DRC At World Food Programme

Individuals with physical disabilities and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply for the position.

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Committed to the principle of equal opportunities for all its employees, we encourage qualified candidates to apply regardless of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or social origin, and to apply for a job, of’genetic information, sex, sex,

of the’ gender identity and/or the’ gender expression, sexual orientation, religion or belief, seropositivity, disability.

TITLE OF POSITION : Provincial coordinator of the food security cluster

TYPE OF CONTRACT : SC8 Fixed Term Contract

SUPERVISOR : Head of Office WFP Bukavu/Head of Food Security Cluster Kinshasa

UNIT/DIVISION : Food Security Cluster




The United Nations World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger. The mission of WFP is to help the world achieve Zero Hunger in our lifetime ;

Every day, WFP works around the world to ensure that no child goes to bed with an empty stomach and that the poorest and most vulnerable, especially women and children, go to bed, have access to the nutritious food they need. Because of its

a global commitment to its policies of protection and accountability to affected populations (PAAs), WFP is integrating protection and PAA into its food aid response in the DRC.

The WFP DRC has a complaint management mechanism consisting of several channels that include suggestion boxes, partner-managed complaint tables, community complaints committees, etc, face-to-face consultations and a line

telephone/Green Line free. WFP DRC strives to ensure that the information received through these different channels is grouped in a centralized location in order to improve the response to beneficiaries and data analysis to inform the programming.


In addition to the climate crises and shocks that affect the populations of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the country is going through a political-security crisis that continues to cause a sharp deterioration in the food and nutrition security situation requiring a

humanitarian assistance and a consequent strengthening of the means of’ It estimated more than 26 million people in situation of’ food and nutrition insecurity for the year 2022 (source: IPC – 20th cycle). For several years, the regions of the’East of

the DRC and especially the provinces of’Ituri, North Kivu, France, South Kivu and’ have received sustained attention from humanitarian actors due to armed violence and its effects in terms of forced displacement of people, destruction

d’infrastructures such as health structures and schools, access to services and loss of livelihoods. To date, the DRC has about 6.5 million internally displaced people — occupying the first rank in Africa in

terms of internal displacement. This humanitarian situation means that’ a significant number of’actors are involved in this province, especially in the food security sector. The Food Security cluster needs to strengthen sectoral coordination and

make’assistance operations more efficient for the most vulnerable populations.


The coordinator of the Cluster in the province of South Kivu will make it possible to’ achieve objective 4 of the humanitarian response plan which seeks to strengthen the effectiveness, speed and accountability of the’action humanitarian. The plurality of existing humanitarian actors in the DRC makes

complex coordination mechanisms and the search for synergy and’ efficiency remains a challenge that Cluster will help to address. For this the Food Security Cluster, the CSA in DRC is looking for a(e) coordinator(trice) to ensure a good performance of the Cluster

Food security in the province. It will promote and ensure respect for humanitarian and partnership principles.

The coordinator will facilitate reporting, information sharing and collaboration with’actor groups at the provincial level. This includes the authorities, humanitarian actors, other Clusters such as nutrition, protection, eu and sanitation. The coordinator of

Cluster will promote provincial programmatic cohesion and overall coordination to track trends and identify common concerns in operational areas ; and develop advocacy and programming strategies by

upstream. The performance of the Food Safety Cluster, in turn, will be monitored and evaluated according to cluster and IASC standards.


The coordinator of the Food Security Cluster at the provincial level has the mission of’ to ensure rapid responses, including, consistent and effective in meeting food security needs by obtaining from the various actors that’s respond appropriately to crises

humanitarianists. It will have specific tasks :

• Ensure appropriate coordination with all humanitarian partners (including NGOs, clusters and other humanitarian coordination mechanisms ;

• (ensure the coordination of humanitarian actions with national /local authorities, public institutions, local civil society and other relevant actors ;

• Organize monthly food safety cluster meetings ;

• Proceed to the monthly bulletin on food security in the province ;

• participate in Inter-Cluster meetings and all meetings on food safety ;

• To provide for the’ needs assessment, followed by their coherent analysis at sectoral level ;

• (Implicate actively the main humanitarian partners in the responses and analysis of food security ;

• Guaranteeing the implementation of participative and’community-based approaches ;

• ENSURE the INTEGRATION of priority cross-cutting themes in the’ sectoral needs assessment (Genre, SBGV, gender, age, HIV/AIDS, human rights, environment and early recovery) ;

• Plan and develop food safety strategies ;

• Enforce standards and ensure compliance of responses to existing technical standards and legal obligations ;

• To put in place monitoring and reporting mechanisms’ ;

• Raise awareness among partners and participate in resource mobilization ;

• train and strengthen the capacities of the interveners and the services of the’State ;

• Undertake surveys on both multisectoral and cluster-specific needs and in a second step use the existing’ to inform the planning sector.

• ’s ensure that the cluster’s inter-agency response strategy takes into account the key results of needs surveys, identified gaps, and develop an inter-sectoral and inter-agency response plan, and, taking into account the cross-sectional areas of others

sectors or cluster.

• Monitor and support advocacy by cluster members for cluster-specific interventions, and ENSURE that members are informed of funding opportunities.

• Respond and support effectively to any request for’information /d’ support from regional clusters and cluster partners ;

• liaise with the national Food Security Cluster and keep abreast of the evolutions tools and good practices in the field of information management.



Understand and communicate the strategic objectives of the Food Security cluster ; Be a force for positive change : Implement new methods or tools to improve the work processes of the’team for better productivity.


Seek ways to build people’s skills: Identify skills development capabilities such as training modules or workplace experiences for oneself, and, colleagues and direct reports ; Create a

inclusive Culture : Facilitate team building activities to build relationships in your own unit ; Develop and provide constructive feedback ; ability to work remotely and autonomously


Encourage’innovation and creative solutions : Identifies opportunities for’creative being in its own work and help the’ team to be more innovative and accurate in their respective tasks and areas of work ; Focusing on the’ getting results : Monitor the

expected Results of the’ team and provide feedback to ensure that the results are provided consistently and accurately ; Make commitments and meet them


Establish strong external partnerships (regional cluster and cluster partners) : be responsive and support regional partners and coordinators.



University degree or qualifications of’a master level or equivalent. Preference studies in the field of food security, agriculture, agriculture,

agro-economics, humanitarian affairs, political science, governance.


5 Years or more of’ professional experience at the middle or upper management level in the field of’ humanitarian intervention, including experience

relevant in the field of emergency’ operations, in particular in the food security sector

Experience supporting the’ humanitarian coordination effort in large scale’ emergency situations or in clusters.

Experience working in collaboration with a wide range of humanitarian’actors, including governments, NGOs, ages

united Nations Nces, civil society ;

Ability to design strategies and implement them at the operational level.

Understanding of the structures of’international humanitarian aid, including the functioning of humanitarian reform and mechanisms for

coordination and financing (OCHA, Common Fund, international donors)

Facilitation and communication: experience in high-level coordination and in the conduct of meetings ;


Ability to work with a diversity of protagonists, to work with them in a common understanding,

Ability to work effectively under pressure and to achieve results even in difficult situations.

Mastery of sectoral and cross-sectoral diagnostics, analyses, monitoring and evaluations

Ability to work in a multicultural environment ; Very good external communication especially in the development of partnership relations

LANGUAGES Perfect mastery of the’oral as the’ of the French.

Intermediate mastery of English’ necessary to work in the system of united nations. reading and writing

How to apply

Interested persons who meet the criteria are requested to submit their application by clicking on the link below :



Ref.: VA 830538

Please note that the only documents you need to submit at this time are your CV and cover letter. Additional documents such as passports, letters of recommendation, university certificates, etc. can potentially be requested in the future.

For applicants who are having difficulty accessing the WFP e-Recruitment platform and require support to apply, please contact us at the following email address : indicating the number of the’avis de vacance en objet.

All decisions regarding’ Employment are made based on organizational needs, job requirements, merit and individual qualifications. WFP is committed to providing an inclusive work environment free from sexual exploitation and’abuse, from any form of discrimination, from any type of harassment, sexual harassment and’abuse of power. Therefore, all selected candidates will be subject to’a rigorous verification of references and background.

No appointment under’ will be made to members of the United Nations Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Matters (ACABQ), international Commission of the Public Service (ICSC), FAO Finance Committee, WFP external auditor, WFP Audit Committee, joint’inspection Unit (JIU) and’other similar bodies within the United Nations system with WFP supervisory responsibilities, both during their service and’au for the three years following its termination.

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