Consultancy for developing digital content for the Champions of Change (CoC) module (translation, Contextualization, and Digitalization) At Plan International

The Organisation

Plan International is an independent child rights and humanitarian organisation committed to ensuring children live a life free of poverty, violence and injustice. We actively unite children, communities and other people who share our mission to make positive lasting changes in children’s and young people’s lives. We support children in gaining the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to claim their rights to a fulfilling life, today and in the future. We place a specific focus on girls and women, who are most often left behind. We have been building powerful partnerships for children for more than 80 years, and are now active in more than 70 countries. Plan International Jordan was established in 2016 and has programmes throughout the country on education, youth empowerment, and protection (CP, GBV, SRHR) in various governorates across Jordan. Plan’s Global Gender Equality and Inclusion policy states that the core objectives of Plan International’s work are to achieve gender equality, promoting gender justice, realising girls’ rights and fostering an inclusive society. This commitment is reflected in our five-year country strategy, our Values and Behaviours Framework, and our Theory of Change.

We aim to:

  • confront and challenge discrimination and human rights violations based on gender. This includes gender-based violence and other forms of exclusion.
  • challenge stereotypes and unequal power relations between women, men, boys, and girls to promote gender equality, girls’ rights, and inclusion.
  • foster an organisational culture that embraces and exemplifies our commitment to gender equality, girls’ rights and inclusion, while supporting staff to adopt good practices, positive attitudes and the principles of gender equality and inclusion.

Background about the project

Tawazon – Promoting the Voice and Leadership of Women activity aims to create

transformative change that enhances women’s voice and agency. To achieve these goals, Tawazon will:

– Strengthen the capacity of government partners to adopt and enforce egalitarian legislation and strategies and increase the availability of gender-sensitive research and data.

– Develop and implement strategies to promote equitable social norms, address norms harmful to women and girls, raise awareness of gender-based violence and provide platforms for women and girls to voice their needs and concerns.

– Enhance women’s leadership skills and opportunities by supporting systemic mechanisms to provide them with resources to meaningfully engage in their communities and realize their full potential, as well as help girls and women exercise their rights within and outside the domestic domain so that they are able to make decisions about their own lives and futures.

– Enrich collaboration amongst Gender Community of Practice in order to strengthen coordination, scale innovative ideas, and promote accountability to gender equality among practitioners


The assignment aims to produce a complete interactive digital teaching and learning material according to the functional and non-functional requirements listed in this ToR and with verification. The service provider will be responsible for designing and developing digital interactive educational materials for Tawazon-The Promoting the Voice and Leadership of Women (PVLW) which is a five-year activity that aims to create transformational changes in gender relations at the family, community and national levels to enhance gender equality and advance women’s leadership in Jordan. This will be achieved through:

1. Strengthening an enabling environment and institutional capacity and addressing structural barriers for women to fully exercise their rights, express their agency and freely lead and participate in society without restrictions.

2. Partnering with local stakeholders to counter prevailing prohibitive social norms that perpetuate gender inequality, undermine women’s agency to exercise their rights, and prevent transformative change in gender relations.

3. Advancing an inclusive and transparent leadership and decision-making participation of girls and women.

It is expected under this consultancy to design and develop digital materials for the Champions of Change (CoC) sessions based on Plan’s existing CoC modules, which focus on attaining Gender Equality for both females and males. The developed materials are expected to be translated and revised to adapt to the national context/priorities, target groups and the project objectives.

Aiming at building the adolescents’ knowledge and awareness on issues of GBV to promote gender equality, through interactive online sessions, The development of educational and awareness materials will be based on the CoC curriculum and modules prescribed by Plan International. Learning materials; such as videos, stories, exercises, case studies and informative materials will also be developed to complement the material and quality of learning.

Interested service providers are requested to submit a technical and financial proposal with a detailed implementation methodology.


The accountabilities for the service provider responsible for designing and developing digital interactive educational materials for Tawazon-The Promoting the Voice and Leadership of Women (PVLW) project can be summarized as follows:

Design and Development: The service provider is responsible for creating complete interactive digital teaching and learning materials that align with the functional and non-functional requirements outlined in the Terms of Reference (ToR).

Alignment with Project Objectives: Ensure that the digital materials are in line with the goals and objectives PVLW project, which aims to promote gender equality and advance women’s leadership in Jordan. This includes addressing structural barriers, countering prohibitive social norms, and enhancing women’s participation in society.

Adaptation to National Context: Translate and revise the developed materials to make them suitable for the national context, target groups, and project priorities. This adaptation is essential to ensure the relevance and effectiveness of the materials.

Champions of Change (CoC) Sessions: Focus on designing and developing digital materials specifically for the Champions of Change sessions, which aim to achieve gender equality for both females and males. These materials should be based on Plan’s existing CoC modules.

Comprehensive Learning Materials: Develop a range of learning materials, including videos, stories, exercises, case studies, and informative materials that complement the CoC curriculum and modules provided by Plan International. These materials should enhance the quality of learning and engagement.

Technical and Financial Proposal: Interested service providers are expected to submit a technical and financial proposal that includes a detailed implementation methodology. This proposal should outline how they intend to fulfill the above responsibilities and meet the project’s requirements.

In summary, the service provider is accountable for the design, development, and adaptation of digital educational materials that align with the project’s goals and objectives, with a focus on promoting gender equality and addressing issues related to GBV. They must also submit a comprehensive proposal outlining their approach to fulfilling these responsibilities.


Functional Requirements:

Content related: Curriculum Design and Alignment

  • review existing materials (COC materials) to align with the needs and preferences of individuals aged 18 and above.
  • Translating materials from English into Arabic. (Translating or providing the training material in Arabic, the official language of Jordan, to ensure that language barriers are minimised and understanding is maximised).
  • Develop a detailed curriculum that aligns with the overall objectives of the Champions of Change initiative, outlining specific content topics and their sequence. (identify the specific requirements, preferences, and learning styles of the target age group (18 and above).
  • Contextualising the content to Jordan context. (Contextualizing training material in the Jordanian context involves tailoring educational or training content to align with the specific cultural, social, economic, political, and historical context of Jordan. This ensures that the material is relevant, effective, and meaningful to the target audience in Jordan, which could include audiences aged 18 and above, to enhance their knowledge and skills).
  • Analyse the target audience (18 and above), their learning preferences, and any unique characteristics to tailor the content accordingly. Ensure that the content is fully integrated and suitable for the target age group (18 and above), considering their cognitive abilities, interests, and technological proficiency.
  • Create the educational content script and concept along with phases of the videos.
  • Ensure a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical applications, providing actionable insights and strategies.
  • Develop content that is accessible to individuals with varying abilities.
  • Provide comprehensive documentation of the content development process, methodologies, and any relevant guidelines used during the project.

Visualization Related: Engaging and Interactive Content

  • Interactive activities and sessions (up to 25 sessions including Intro & outro)
  • Average duration of each session (20- 25 minutes)
  • Create engaging and interactive content through multimedia elements such as videos, animations, quizzes, case studies, interactive scenarios, and storytelling.
  • Design content that encourages active participation, critical thinking, and problem-solving, fostering a deeper understanding of the Champion of Change concepts.
  • Included adequate M&E tools
  • Highlighting, bookmarks, reference points, interaction, tracking and tagging
  • Recording voice-over to the motion video for engagement.
  • Finalise the HTML and integrate it into the videos for interactive and programs.
  • Create the layout of the video, components, and structure.
  • Create storyboard designs with all interactive elements and animation.
  • Animate videos and motions based on approval storyboard.
  • Finalise and sign of the video session.
  • Design the content in a modular and adaptable structure to facilitate easy updates, expansions, or modifications based on evolving needs and feedback, Ensure the content is scalable to accommodate future enhancements, new modules.
  • Integrate analytics tools to monitor user engagement, track progress, and measure the effectiveness of the content in achieving learning objectives.
  • Ensure all content adheres to relevant legal and compliance requirements, including copyrights, data privacy, and intellectual property rights.

Ensure that all the developed materials are fully installed on the project training tablets and tested to be ready to run.

  • Non-functional Requirements
  • Transferability, scalability, reusability and adaptability
  • Responsiveness.
  • Interactive input screen
  • For offline /online use.
  • Able to perform stand-alone in digital devices such as tabs, smartphones, computers, etc.

Expected Deliverables

The following are the expected results of the assignment and are requested to be estimated by the service provider:


1 Translation

2 Contextualization

3 Scriptwriting

4 Training concepts

5 Storyboard design

6 Voice over

7 Scriptwriting

8 Animation


10 Training concepts

11 Requirement verification product

12 Detailed design document for the complete system

13 User-interface Standards

14 Detailed Design

15 Operational acceptance testing

16 User acceptance testing

17 Deployed and working version

18 Final version

19 Instalment of materials on 660 Tablets

20 Preparation of training module and training delivery

21 Update and maintenance

Technical Input

  • The Technical team of PLAN Jordan will provide continuous feedback on the materials to be translated, contextualised, designed, and improve based on the CoC curriculum
  • Develop interactive digital material while including images, audio/videos, animations as well as games/extra activities and there should be a way to evaluate the learner’s progress.


The approach of the service provider responsible for designing and developing digital interactive educational materials for the Tawazon-The Promoting the Voice and Leadership of Women (PVLW) project can be summarized as follows:

  • Comprehensive desk REVIEW: review existing materials (COC materials) to align with the needs and preferences of individuals aged 18 and above to identify the core components of the module and inform the material development. This should be done through a deep understanding of the functional and non-functional requirements outlined in the Terms of Reference (ToR). This includes a clear grasp of the project’s goals and objectives.
  • Material development:

Based on the desk review, Translating the existing materials from English into Arabic. (Translating or providing the training material in Arabic, the official language of Jordan, to ensure that language barriers are minimized and understanding is maximized).

Develop a detailed curriculum that aligns with the overall objectives of the Champions of Change initiative, outlining specific content topics and their sequence. (identify the specific requirements, preferences, and learning styles of the target age group (18 and above).

  • Visulatize the material:

After approval of the written material, develop a script to be translated into a visual training material considering all the above technical and operational requirements.

User Training and Support: Provide training and support to end-users, educators, or facilitators who will be using the materials to ensure their effective implementation.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish a monitoring and evaluation framework to track the impact of the materials on achieving project objectives. Regularly assess their effectiveness and make improvements as needed.

Collaboration and Feedback: Maintain open lines of communication and collaboration with the project team and relevant stakeholders throughout the development process. Gather feedback and make necessary adjustments to ensure the materials align with project objectives and audience needs through piloting the training.


No specific methodology is required, please refer to the requirement section for more details.

Key relationships

In the context of the assignment described, the key relationships can be summarized as follows:

Client (Tawazon-The Promoting the Voice and Leadership of Women – PVLW): The service provider responsible for designing and developing the digital educational materials has a crucial relationship with the client, which is the PVLW project. The client defines the project’s goals, objectives, and requirements and provides the funding for the assignment. The service provider must maintain regular communication with the client to ensure that the materials align with the project’s vision and objectives.

Plan International: The service provider’s relationship with Plan International is based on providing their existing Champions of Change (CoC) modules as a foundation for developing digital materials. This partnership involves communication and collaboration to ensure that the developed materials align with Plan International’s educational objectives and standards.

Target Groups: The primary beneficiaries of the educational materials are adolescents girls and women participating in the PVLW project. The service provider needs to consider the needs, preferences, and feedback of these target groups to create effective, engaging, and culturally relevant materials. Building a positive relationship with the target audience is essential to ensure the materials are well-received and effective.

Educators and Facilitators: The service provider should collaborate with educators and facilitators who will be responsible for delivering the educational and awareness materials during the Champions of Change (CoC) sessions. Training and support should be provided to ensure that these individuals can effectively use the materials and engage with the target audience.

Technical and Financial Partners: Interested service providers are expected to submit technical and financial proposals, and their relationship with these potential partners is crucial. The service provider must communicate and negotiate the terms of the proposal and engage in financial discussions to secure the project.


The contract shall start from the date of signing the agreement and the complete result should be provided to PLAN Jordan at the earliest. The work schedule (timeline) can be decided between the two parties before signing the agreement. The agreement shall be for:

  • Translation, Contextualization, and developing the digitised materials of the CoC modules for the age group from 18 -25-year-olds
  • Prepare the (ToT) training package and deliver the training for the facilitators
  • Assessment of the use of materials in the real online\offline training situation, maintenance and updating the materials.

Level of contact with children

This procurement process does not involve direct contact with children.

Technical expertise, skills, and knowledge


Based on the deliverables and the functional requirements provided, the technical expertise, skills, and knowledge required for this assignment can be summarized as follows:

Curriculum Design and Alignment:

Expertise in curriculum design and alignment, specifically the ability to revise existing materials to meet the needs and preferences of individuals aged 18 and above.

Translation skills to translate materials from English into Arabic to ensure accessibility for the target audience in Jordan.

Knowledge of the specific educational needs and learning preferences of the target age group (18 and above).

Experience in Gender And Social inclusion programming in Jordan.


Knowledge of Jordan’s cultural, social, economic, political, and historical context to contextualize the training materials effectively.

Ability to analyse the target audience (18 and above) and tailor the content to their unique characteristics, including cognitive abilities, interests, and technological proficiency

Content Development:

Strong scriptwriting skills for educational content, including videos, animations, quizzes, and interactive scenarios.

Understanding of creating a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical applications, providing actionable insights and strategies.

Knowledge of making content accessible to individuals with varying abilities.

Documentation skills for comprehensive documentation of the content development process and methodologies.

Visualization and Interactive Content:

Expertise in creating engaging and interactive content using multimedia elements such as videos, animations, quizzes, case studies, interactive scenarios, and storytelling.

Design skills for fostering active participation, critical thinking, and problem-solving in learners.

Knowledge of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) tools and the ability to incorporate them into the content.

Animation skills for creating interactive and engaging videos.

Skills in HTML integration and creating modular, adaptable content structures.

Integration of analytics tools for tracking user engagement and measuring content effectiveness.

Non-Functional Requirements:

Knowledge of transferability, scalability, reusability, and adaptability of digital content.

Expertise in creating responsive content that works on various digital devices, including tablets.

Ability to develop content for offline and online use.

Knowledge of interactive input screens for user engagement and interaction.

Expected Deliverables:

Technical and project management skills for delivering the specified project deliverables within the given timeframes.

Technical Input:

Collaboration skills to work with the technical team of PLAN Jordan and incorporate their continuous feedback into the materials.

Technical skills in developing interactive digital materials, including incorporating images, audio/videos, animations, games, and evaluation mechanisms to measure learner progress.

Evaluation criteria

15 % Previous experience

25 % Approach

15 % Visual materials quality

10 % Team qualification

5% Gender responsive procurement

30% Financial review

Budget and Payment Procedure

The service provider shall submit a budget sheet with a detailed breakdown including applicable taxes at the time of proposal submission. The budget should cover all fees of designing, implementing, regular technical support, updating and maintenance for a year.

PLAN Jordan shall release the budget of the agreed amount through an account payee cheque in the name of the service provider.

Payment will be in three instalments; these are:

  • First instalment: 20% agreed amount upon signing of the contract.
  • Second instalment: 20% after the integration of the design product.
  • Third instalment: 60% after the submission of the full versions.

General Qualification/skills required

Any company/consultant registered with an authorised agency of the Kingdom of Jordan with a minimum three years of experience in the field of designing and development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

The company/consultant should show a concrete approach for the material technical contextualization.

Responsibilities of the service provider

The company/consultant will be responsible for carrying out the tasks outlined in this ToR and ensure the delivery of outputs stated above within the agreed budget and timeline.

Responsibilities of PLAN JORDAN

Plan Jordan primary responsibility will be to help the service provider achieve the objectives of this ToR and provide the needed contextual technical support.


All documents, project designs, drawings, technical data, filmed and photographed material and other information shall remain the property of the Project and shall be treated as confidential by the consultant(s) at all times. They shall not be made available to any third party whatsoever, in any form, without the prior written approval of a properly authorised employee of Plan International. The utilisation of all proposals, plans and reports and other information provided by the consultant(s) to Plan International is the property of Plan International and the use thereof is solely at the discretion of Plan International. All documents and other papers, whether in soft or hard copy and whether containing data or other information, provided by Plan International shall be returned complete to Plan International upon completion of the assignment. All documentation and reports written during and/or as a result of this study, or otherwise related to it in any way, shall remain the property of Plan International and no part shall be reproduced or quoted, or otherwise used in any way except with the prior, express and specific written permission of authorised employee of Plan International.

Ethical and child protection considerations

The assignment will require the consultant to interface with children and therefore the consultant is required to provide a statement on the respect and protection of child rights, human rights and dignity of participants compliant with Plan’s Child Protection Policy.

The consultant shall read and sign Plan’s child protection policy (CPP) as fully understood and in agreement to in all respects and shall follow this in all and every respect during the term of the consultancy.

The consultant must follow Ethical Principles in a research and obtain written/verbal consent from the subjects. Permission from elder should be sought if the children under 18 years are involved as subjects. Signed informed consent of each child and his/her parents need to be taken after explaining the purpose of the study.

How to apply


Interested consultants should submit their technical and financial proposals in separate envelopes by hand to our office located at:

5th floor, Shareco Building, Issam Ajlouni st., Shemisani,Amman, Jordan.

  • All costs must be expressed in Jordanian Dinars
  • Contact information
  • Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of representatives of two organizations that will act as professional referees; these must be persons of managerial responsibility at the level where such reviews as these can be authorized.
  • 2 examples of relevant work.
  • proof of concept required.

Subject on envelopes: JONOV23023 Translation, Contextualization, Developing and digitalizing content for the Champions of Change (CoC) model

Email for any inquires:

Phone Number: +962 776 11 77 55

Info session will be conducted via MS teams on 7/12/2023 from 11:00AM to 1:00PM, so please make sure to fill in your email address in the provided link or QR code to receive the meeting link.

Reference and background checks will be performed for successful candidates including clearance on child-related offences in conformity with Plan’s Child Protection Policy. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

65% Technical score (Relevant Experience / Past Projects and Portfolio / Understanding of Project Objectives / Availability and Capacity

30% Financial score

5% Gender responsive

Females are highly encouraged to apply. Plan International operates an equal opportunities policy and actively encourages diversity.

Plan International defines a gender-responsive business as one that meets criteria for integrating gender equality and women’s empowerment principles in its policies and practices, and which is aligned to international norms and standards. This could be: a. Women-owned business:

  1. legal entity in any field that is more than 51% owned, managed and controlled by one or more women.
  2. Women-led business: A legal entity in any field that has a minimum of 50% women representation in management with senior-level, strategic decision-making capabilities.

Gender-responsive business: Legal entity that actively promotes gender equality and empowerment of women and young women through their policies and labor practices

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