SIEGE – Mission Officer Armenia – H/F At The Chain of Hope


The’Espoir Chain is an international NGO founded in 1994. Its purpose is to strengthen health systems to give everyone, and in particular children, the same opportunities for survival and development.

We operate in 28 countries through a global approach, focusing on the’child but also on mothers and disadvantaged communities :

  • Prevention and screening from an early age, especially in the context of health programs at’school.
  • Care and surgery to meet the most urgent needs of children and their mothers.
  • Training and transfer of skills to local teams through our international network of’experts in all areas of surgery.
  • Construction and equipment of hospital structures adapted to local needs.

The’Espoir chain wishes to strengthen the response capacities of the health authorities in the care of the wounded and more specifically :

  • The implementation of’a training cycle of trainers « Damage control » for surgeons in partnership with health authorities ;
  • L’ logistical and technical support to the training cycle « Damage control » ;
  • L’ logistical support in consumable surgery to strengthen the capacities of hospital structures in the care of victims ;


Under the responsibility of the Program Coordinator and in close connection with Headquarters teams, the Chargé de mission Armenia ensures the deployment of – activities which may have to evolve – while ensuring their consistency with the operational strategy of the association, their effectiveness and efficiency, and their good accountability to third parties.


Representation / Communication / Promotion

With the support of the Geographic Manager and the Program Coordinator, the Project Manager represents in Armenia La Chaine de l’Espoir within the framework of :

  • Operational meetings organized with humanitarian actors, financial / technical partners and local authorities ;
  • Prospecting / negotiation actions carried out for the search for new financial / technical partners ;
  • Meetings and development of partnerships as well as meetings (geographical, thematic) with’ other NGOs and/or international organizations likely to be complementary actors in the response to the needs of populations ;
  • Inter-NGO networks and meetings

Strategy and operational management

In collaboration with the medical department, the logistics and purchasing department, and the infrastructure and equipment department :

  • Proposes and contributes to the implementation of the operational strategy of its programs, in consultation with its Geographical Manager ;
  • S’ensures the conformity of activities with the strategy ;
  • Ensures the proper implementation and deployment of activities on the’ entire project cycle (identification, needs analysis, formulation, implementation, reporting, monitoring, evaluation, evaluation, etc, capitalization and learning) ;
  • Defines and plans medical and technical missions ;
  • Is the focal point and responsible of’team during missions in Armenia.

Financial piloting

Under the responsibility of the Programme Coordinator and the administrative and financial directorate :

  • Defines the budgets of its programmes ;
  • Contributes to the monitoring of the budgets of its programmes in close collaboration with the management controllers ;
  • Supports the Administrative and Financial Directorate in verifying the compliance of budget allocations, supporting documents and compliance with internal and external procedures.

Search for funding and donor relations

With the support of the Geographical Manager, the Program Coordinator and in close connection with the Institutional and Corporate Finance Managers, participates in the research and consolidation of public and private funding (participation on the eve, development of concept notes, project proposals, reporting..).

Compliance with compliance, quality and accountability obligations

  • Ensures the quality of the activities for which it is responsible (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, impact, and accountability to beneficiaries) ;
  • S’ ensures that activities are managed in accordance with external obligations and internal procedures.

Development of new projects, integration of programs in partnership with other’ associations

Under the responsibility of the Program Coordinator and in connection with the infrastructure and equipment department as well as the medical department, maintains a watch and analysis on the evolutions of the needs in Armenia and shows itself force of proposal for the development of new projects.

Management of security

  • In collaboration with the Security Referent and the Geographical Manager, contributes to define the security system for all employees during missions in Armenia ;
  • With the Geographical Manager and the Programme Coordinator, contributes to the’ analysis of the security situation in the countries concerned and proposes the necessary decisions ;
  • Address safety and security risks through the implementation of standard operational procedures defined for the area.

Promotion of programmes internally and externally

  • Contributes to the visibility of its programs, internally and externally, in connection with the communication and collection team ;
  • Participate, with the field teams, in the collection of information necessary for the promotion of the programs ;
  • Check and validate communications on the programs for which he is responsible, in particular those with a security issue.


Training / Experience: Bac + 5 in International Humanitarian Aid, International Relations, Humanitarian and Development, Agronomy, Educational Sciences, Health or any other training relevant to the position.

  • Experience on a similar post at NGO Headquarters and / or field experience in a medium or larger NGO ;
  • Health experience and access to care is a plus.

Skills and abilities :

  • Mastery of Project Cycle Management
  • Experience in administrative, project finance and contract management and monitoring
  • Mastery of French and’anglais
  • Knowledge of the Caucasus region would be much appreciated
  • Availability, flexibility, autonomy
  • Strong’ adaptation and versatility capabilities
  • Diplomacy and negotiating ability
  • Spirit of’team
  • Good writing skills in french and english


  • CDD 2 months, framework status
  • Desired start date : 15 December 2023
  • Punctual trips abroad’ to be expected
  • 80% mutual support%
  • Refund transport subscription at 50%
  • Tickets Meals d’a face value 10,83€ supported at 60%
  • 23 Days of annual RTT
  • Telework charter 2 to 3 days per week
  • Salary offered: from 34k according to profile and experience


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