Consultancy:Integrated Support for Market Systems in NES (M/F) At Solidarités International

Deadline to respond to the consultancy : 30/11/2023

Start Date: 15/12/2023

End Date: 31/01/2024

Location: Northeast Syria, Raqqa – Tabqa

SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL (SI) is a humanitarian NGO which is committed to meeting the vital needs of populations faced with a major crisis of human or natural origin and to strengthening their resilience, particularly regarding Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, and food security.

After over ten years of conflict in Syria, the impact of present and past hostilities on civilians remains the principal driver of humanitarian needs. North East (NES) and North West Syria (NWS) contexts are both characterized by: (i) ongoing and protracted displacements with low return opportunities, into densely-populated areas where humanitarian assistance is overstretched, (ii) no availability of alternative durable solutions, such as eventual re-installation or re-integration within host community because of social and cultural related issues, as well as the will of authorities to protect local communities, (iii) the depletion of productive assets and savings, (iv) limited economic opportunities and (v) the widespread destruction and contamination of agriculture and water related infrastructure by past and recent air raids, shelling and explosive remnants as well as other infrastructures have had a profound impact on the population. The COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbated a fragile situation with a potentially disastrous impact on vulnerability levels of communities across the region. Eventually, the area of intervention is facing a cholera outbreak since September 2022, which further demonstrate how public health is at stake.


The consultant is expected to produce the following deliverables:

Inception report, including the methodology, key stakeholders, proposed tools, and data collection plan.
Data collection completion report.
Draft evaluation report, including executive summary, narrative report, conclusions, and recommendations.
Final evaluation report (English) with annexes.
Presentation of findings to SI, PIN, and donors.

The draft and final report shall include the following:

1 executive summary (1-2 pages max)
MAP of data collection points and preferably with project sites
1 narrative report (no line spaces, max 15 pages, not including annexes) – objective, Methodology, Evaluation findings with tables and charts, triangulation with KII findings and expand on analysis for significant variance in findings for locations, respondents or indicator etc.
1 table with the principal conclusions and recommendations (separate short, medium and long term) and the lessons learned.
Technical appendices: Containing the technical details of the Evaluation as well as the terms of reference, the questionnaire models, check list and canvas interviews, potential tables or graphs, references and other sources, people and institutions contacted.
PowerPoint presentation on Evaluation findings to SI, PIN and donors.


The elaboration and validation of final Terms of Reference will be conducted by the MEAL Coordinator of the mission, with the support of Raqqa Field Coordinator.

In general, the evaluators team should combine the following criteria:

Experience in working in Syria, preferably in North-East Syria,
Experience in the implementation of Humanitarian and development intervention in emergency and post emergency contexts,
Experience in evaluation of livelihood, market-related programs, and related interventions (preferably in similar context from reputed donor agencies and international organizations)
Experience on managing project/consultancy remotely.
Full working knowledge of English and excellent report writing,
A proven record of experience in conducting similar evaluations.


Interest applicants are required to submit their proposal, using the following guidelines: TERMS OF REFERENCE SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL

Cover letter – one-page maximum

Technical proposal – 6 pages including the following but not limited to Understanding of the assignment.
Proposed methodology, sampling, tools, and techniques
Propose clear timeline for survey.
Approach for data collection, cleaning, analysis, frequencies
Propose outline of the survey report

Composition of team, their resumes and assigned roles in the survey.

Financial proposal. Includes breakdown of costs
Consultant profile: Training and qualifications
Professional experience (if relevant to consultancy, specific skills and/or specific context conditions)
Experience in evaluation/research in similar context
Experience in facilitating learning and participatory processes (in the case of a learning-oriented evaluation with co-construction of lessons learned and recommendations)
Knowledge of the country/area of intervention
Required qualities.
Sample copy of at least two similar assignments in past work.
Reference with in CC


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