Grants Manager, Sudan At Triangle Génération Humanitaire

Grants Manager Sudan

Position: Grants Manager

Country: Sudan – the location will be based on the evolution of the current, unpredictable context; this includes alternative possible locations in Sudan or in one of the neighbouring countries.

Duration:6 months (renewable), upon contract signature, starting as soon as possible

Place in the org. Chart: Under the line management of the Country Director and working in coordination and collaboration with the Head of Program – Implementation, in close collaboration with the Project Managers, Field coordinators, Technical teams and any other team members as needed. The Grants Manager work in close relation with the mission national Grants, Coordination and Communication Manager. Works closely with the Sudan Desk Team and Technical Program Advisors in HQ

Conditions: Salaried contract, gross monthly salary €1 900 to €2 600, according to experience, monthly per diem €600, medical coverage of 100% + repatriation insurance + provident fund, accommodation, international and local transportation as part of the mission. No family duty station.

TGH has chosen a deliberately simple and transparent remuneration policy, accessible on our website The salary levels advertised in our job offers are set within the framework of the salary scale and are not open to negotiation.

Presentation of TGH

“Actor in a sustainable and shared solidarity”

Founded in 1994, TGH is a French association for international solidarity based in Lyon. It designs and implements emergency, rehabilitation and development programmes in the fields of water, hygiene and sanitation, food security and rural development, socio-education and psychosocial support. TGH is currently active in 10 countries in Africa, Europe and Asia.

Presentation of TGH’s work in Sudan

TGH has been present in Sudan since 2004, continuously working in Darfur since then and intermittently working in other regions such as Gedaref and South Kordofan. TGH’s coordination office was located in Khartoum while its operational bases were spread to Geneina, West Darfur, Zalingei, Um Dukhun Bindisi, and Golo, Central Darfur.

TGH’s sectors of intervention in Sudan are: WASH, Education and Protection, Shelter, and Food Security and Livelihoods. TGH currently operates six projects in Sudan under United Nations (OCHA SHF, UNHCR), and EU (DG ECHO) funding. TGH expects to sign two additional projects shortly under funding from the Centre de Crise et de Soutien (CDCS) and the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA USAID).

Sudan Context

Sudan is characterized by an extremely diverse population that has gone through successive conflicts since the country gained its independence. Under the rule of former president al-Bashir, the tragic Darfur war claimed the lives of more than 300.000 Sudanese citizens, and Sudan witnesses today a return conflict. Two coups d’état took place in quick succession starting from 2019, a year that saw the ouster of al Bashir followed by the establishment of a transition government that was in turn deposed to make way for a de facto military rule under Gen. al Burhan and Gen. Hemedti.

TGH teams in Sudan:

Prior to the conflict, TGH employed 2 international staff and approximately 100 Sudanese national to work on a variety of life saving and life sustaining emergency and peacebuilding intervention. In the wake of the ongoing conflict, TGH’s expatriate staff were evacuated while nationals sought refuge in safer areas. TGH is now regrouping to resume activity and to support Sudanese populations respond the acute needs arising from the conflict. As TGH regroups, it seeks to bolster its team with talented and committed individuals who bring an added to value to ending the suffering of the Sudanese population. Through his ECHO consortium TGH is trying to tackle acute needs of Sudanese population in Khartoum states and Darfur by answering to Health, Nutrition, WASH and Child protection needs in partnership with PUI and SI

Job description

Under the supervision of Country Director, the Grants Manager oversees strategic planning and development of sector approaches and interventions plus establishing relationships with donors in Sudan, developing proposals in collaboration with partners and with relevant staff in HQ and coordinating reporting. She/he provides essential grant management support (including reporting, requirements, timely and quality proposal and internal & external communication) to the mission in order to ensure the quality of relationship with donors and the respect of reporting deadlines. The Grants Manager also provides a significant support to the HoP in the areas of coordination, fundraising, reporting and communication. The Grants Manager will also support the smooth functioning of mission consortiums ensuring good communication flow with partners, reporting deadlines are met as well as smooth working relationships with consortium partners.

The Grants Manager manages donor and other external reporting, and coordinates grant writing, revisions and donors reporting. She/he also supports donor communication by ensuring effective channels of internal and external communications relating upon HoP or CD request. The Grants Manager supports development opportunity identification, as required. She/he directly manages the national Grants and Communication Manager.

The main responsibilities are:

  • Work in accordance with the reporting schedule in close collaboration with the mission team and the Desk
  • Ensure the availability and consistency, from the program and MEAL team, of the necessary data and information allowing the elaboration of reports, in accordance with the original project proposal or previous reports
  • Ensure compliance of reports with donors’ guidelines (structure, content, lay-out), in coordination with the HoP and Country Director
  • Compile and finalises the writing of narrative reports and their appendices (both in French and English) in coordination with project teams and HoP
  • Take part in field visits, upon HoP and CD request and the needs of the mission
  • Review donor contracts, flag any points that might challenge TGH procedures, and support contract negotiations
  • Coordinate the finalisation of donor reports ensuring consistency between narrative, annexes & financial reports and that they meet quality standards
  • Ensure all documentation required to be kept by donors is available by maintaining high standard information management/filing systems
  • Ensure the coordination with consortium partners in production of donors reports, minute of meetings, internal communication, Sit Rep

Participation in internal and external coordination

  • Coordination of ongoing projects narrative reports elaboration
  • Ensure TGH’s representation upon HoP request, at coordination and cluster meetings
  • In conjunction with the HoP, ensure effective representation and participation in external meetings, events, committees. Outside of these meetings, ensure proper management of information flows between TGH and the different stakeholders
  • Ensure a good management of the information flow within the mission
  • Participate to the definition and implementation of country strategy
  • Build positive working relationships with other (I)NGOs in the Country Office to coordinate and support development of high-quality proposals using relevant TGH Grant Management tools and guidance
  • Support HoP and Consortium in ensuring smooth communication with consortium partners and good partnership through project implementation timeline; support in the conduction of due diligences with potential partners as well as drafting of MoUs
  • Prepare the agenda and minutes of the internal coordination meetings under the supervision of the Country Director

Supporting fundraising and programme development at the mission level

  • Manage the development of the Sudan Strategic Plan in coordination with CD and HoP.
  • In coordination with the HoP and Country Director, ensure active monitoring of funding opportunities at country level
  • For each proposal, ensure that the team in charge of preparing the file has a good understanding of the donor’s directives including partner (I)NGOs when relevant;
  • In charge of coordinating the proposal writing process at mission level; for each proposal, make sure that the team in charge of preparation has a good understanding of donor requirements
  • Under the supervision of the HoP and in close collaboration with the operational team and the headquarters (desk and technical advisors), coordinate within the mission the formulation of project proposals and their drafting (in French and English), including logical framework, budget and annexes
  • Participate in the design of the TGH Funding/Donor’s strategy
  • Support HoP and program teams in field assessments when needed and in identifying needs prior to the development of new projects
  • Work closely with budget holders, programme teams, and finance as well as other stakeholders to compile accurate proposal budget and assess whether all necessary costs have been included

Supporting communication

  • Answer to headquarters requests regarding communication by contributing to newsletters, website update, and to the annual activity report in collaboration with the communication department
  • Support the communication department in the regular transmission of photos and social network publications on TGH social networks, in coordination with the HoP and Desk
  • Participate in the information format creation and management for internal and external communication – memos, emails, letter, brainstorming, presentations, minutes, reports, etc. in close collaboration with the communication department
  • In collaboration with the communication department, take part in meetings and communication events at national level
  • Support project managers in meeting donors’ communication requirements throughout project implementation

Human Resources management

  • Manage and supervise the national Grants and Communication Manager
  • Ensure capacity building and proper evaluation of the Grants and Communication Manager

This list of responsibilities could be modified according to the needs in the field.

Commitment to TGH Child Protection Policy, TGH Anti-fraud and Anti-Corruption Policy and TGH PSEA Policy is a formal requirement for employment. TGH strongly condemns all corporal punishment or physical violence, threats of physical violence, sexual abuse or exploitation, harassment and verbal abuse, as well as all other forms of intimidation

TGH applies a “zero tolerance” policy with regard to all misconduct affecting the professional credibility of its employees: TGH staff; partners (local or international) and service providers. This must be respected by the employee throughout the term of his contract, during and outside working hours. The application of those policies is imperative and any breach will result in disciplinary measure

Safety, working and living conditions

The current volatile and unpredictable context in Sudan prevents deployment in country. For the time being, TGH expatriates are either located in neighbouring Chad, or working remotely. Once access to Sudan is assessed to be possible and safe, strict adherence to TGH security policies is mandatory.

The Grants Manager will strictly follow TGH Security Plan depending on the place of assignment.

TGH will monitor the security situation on a weekly basis and will take decisions on accommodation and working conditions consequently. As the context is unpredictable, TGH will take all the necessary precautions to ensure the safety and decent working and living conditions without putting the Grants Manager at risk.

The person assigned should be adaptable and ready to move if the context evolves.


  • Master degree in fundraising, public relations, communications, development, humanitarian aid or international relations
  • Good knowledge of humanitarian donor guidelines and procedures; Experience with DG ECHO, BHA and CDCS is a strong asset
  • Strong skills and experience in formulation of project proposals and reports
  • Attentive to deliver consistent high-quality work on time; details oriented and strong organizational skills
  • Experience in working remotely, including proposal writing and reports development
  • Experience in working with big consortiums including as lead organization
  • Fluent English (written and spoken) is mandatory; Arabic is an asset
  • Strong communication, coordination and interpersonal skills
  • A good sense of organization, rigorous and precise
  • Ability to work in a highly volatile context, with daily changes, in a security environment that requires attention, and can be stressful
  • 3 years of experience in humanitarian and/or development fundraising with institutional donors (in a fundraising or related NGO role), and at least 1 year of experience in a grants management position in a humanitarian-recovery context
  • Flexible and team-oriented able to handle intense work pressure, tight deadlines and ad hoc demands


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