Research of’a specialist consultant for a study on the Triple Nexus with members of FONGIM At Norwegian Refugee Council

  1. Context

Since 2012 Mali has faced a complex crisis which has deteriorated rapidly in recent years. The conflicts that have been spreading and prolonged for ten years as well as the multiplication of environmental shocks have been superimposed on the already existing structural weaknesses leading to a major humanitarian crisis. 8.8 million people today need humanitarian assistance, or 42% of the total population. To date, weak economic growth, high inflation ( 9.7% ) in food prices have resulted in an increase in extreme poverty and the impact of climate change. Faced with the scale, complexity and prolonged nature of the crisis in Mali,both humanitarian and development responses have failed to address needs or to stem the deterioration of the humanitarian crisis and development indicators. In addition, conflicts have reverberated at the community level, tearing apart the social fabric and dramatically accentuating divisions and tensions. In such a context, any assistance that does not take into account the dynamics of conflict can potentially accentuate divisions and harm populations. In addition, assistance that does not take into account national alternatives and strategies is faced with difficulties in maintaining itself over time.conflicts have had repercussions at the community level, tearing apart the social fabric and dramatically accentuating divisions and tensions. In such a context, any assistance that does not take into account the dynamics of conflict can potentially accentuate divisions and harm populations. In addition, assistance that does not take into account national alternatives and strategies finds itself faced with difficulties in maintaining time.conflicts have reverberated at the community level, tearing apart the social fabric and dramatically accentuating divisions and tensions. In such a context, any assistance that does not take into account the dynamics of conflict can potentially accentuate divisions and harm populations. In addition, assistance that does not take into account national alternatives and strategies is faced with difficulties in maintaining itself over time.

Despite initial initiatives, the technical and financial partners have been developing since 2017 a NEXUS (Triple) approach in Mali, these efforts have often gone unnoticed and have been difficult to translate into concrete operational implementation and/or bring to the attention of most actors.

FONGIM proposes here to carry out a research on the experiences of the ONGI who have implemented the (Triple) Nexus in order to draw lessons learned and good practices in Mali. The’exercise should add/show realistic global good practices to inspire the activities of NGOs in Mali. This capitalization exercise will be made available to the humanitarian and development community.

  1. Objectives of the research

a. Purpose :

  • Provide relevant documentation to the actors of the’humanitaire and development members of FONGIM in order to promote the synergy of’action and allow an effective implementation of the (triple) Nexus in Mali. Analyze the implementation of the (triple) Nexus dimension according to the evolution of the context from 2019 to the present day, the risks and benefits for a better participation of communities/people to change.
  • Host a workshop on the Nexus concept (double and triple), the’ evolution of the Nexus process in Mali, the challenges and good practices of NGOs in this area.

b. Specific objectives :

  • Mapping the different best practices and lessons learned in implementing the triple Nexus in projects/programmes led by FONGIM members in different regions of Mali.
  • Identify the different studies, research or other documents produced by members that can guide the implementation of the triple Nexus and highlight the key recommendations of these studies.
  • Propose an analysis of the challenges and solutions in the implementation of the triple Nexus.
  • Document changes in policy and changes in situations that highlight the’ triple Nexus approach.
  • Identify good practices and good examples that are accessible to humanitarian, development and peace actors
  • Propose concrete recommendations to’ for NGOs, local and central decision-makers and donors to improve the coordination of responses and funding under the triple Nexus.
  • Conduct a workshop on the Nexus concept and make the restitution of research on the Nexus.

3. Definition of the Subject / scope of the research

Research seeks to identify key avenues to improve the implementation of the triple multisectoral Nexus in different regions in Mali.

The consultant will start to do a workshop on the Nexus concept and the’evolution process in Mali which will allow’ to lay the foundations for the’study. The’study will focus on the three to four areas identified with members of the WGTE and the Accountability WG. The’study will focus on the sectors covered by the members present in the area and in particular humanitarian & development activities. In these sectors the’study seeks to bring a most holistic understanding of humanitarian and development actors, their responses and real interactions. On this basis the/researchers in consultation with the members concerned will identify :

  • The needs, gaps and approaches to be put in place in the interventions for the triple Nexus.
  • The actors, donors and humanitarian & development responses implemented in the area as well as their impact and level of’adaptation to needs & gaps.
  • The existing triple Nexus practices and make a comparison with the double Nexus in terms of’impact and’adequacy of the response.
  • Existing coordination and effective functionality between humanitarian and development actors
  • Lessons learned and best practices to guide humanitarian and development actors.
  • To provide conceptual clarification with regard to the global intervention framework adopted by the United Nations of’ on the one hand but also to take into account the experiences of the various actors in Mali and in the subregion to make this framework is more operational and easily graspable.
  • To highlight some elements related to the monitoring framework appropriate evaluation of the’ approach and to propose a methodological approach that is consistent with the experiences of the different actors and the national context and sub-regional with appropriate indicators.

Thus the consultant, in collaboration with the actors who, based on the mapping and problems detected, propose specific recommendations to implement a triple Nexus that will allow a better collective response to the « needs of populations and reduce the risks and vulnerability » through :

  • Financing that is better coordinated, complementary and adapted to meet real needs.
  • Better coordinated and complementary responses at the temporal, sectoral and geographical levels and joint approaches where’ is possible

Several angles of’analyses will be necessary to cover the needs of understanding to a more effective implementation :

  • Coordination between humanitarian and development actors : challenges and recommendations (to be developed) :
  • External coordination with local and central decision-makers, decentralized services and civil society organizations including WMAs, donors (to be developed) :
  • L’ importance of the context of implementation of the triple Nexus (to be developed) (each region has its own dynamics and influences the types of challenges, solutions and needs of populations)

4. Targeted decision makers

  • Humanitarian and development actors members of FONGIM
  • Humanitarian Technical and Financial Partners
  • Technical authorities and services.
  • The United Nations
  • Civil society organisations

    5. Methodology

The research is above all a qualitative research based on documentary research and’semi-directive interviews with actors of the response, local and central authorities, communities. ’sampling will be done in a non-statistical way. The consultant will propose in his technical offer a methodology as well as’a detailed chronogram.

6. Approach, activities and deliverables

a. Phase 0 : Workshop and preparation:

  • Activity 1 : Meeting of framing. The consultant will meet with the GTED committee to agree and validate the methodology, the contents of the’atelier, the questionnaires and the target persons/organizations for the interviews (Proposal of’approaches, methodology and research questions precise and specific to each stage on the part of the consultant on the basis of the ToR). Following this meeting, the consultant will proceed to :
  • The proposed methodology for modification/validation with the GTED.
  • L’identification of actors and persons to be interviewed in Bamako and in the regions for modification/validation with the GTED.
  • The’tool proposal (semi-directive questionnaire,’maintenance guide) for modification/validation with the GTED and GTP
  • Modification/validation with the GTED of the final chronogram
  • Activity 1 : Meeting of framing. The consultant will meet with the GTED committee to agree and validate the methodology, the contents of the’atelier, the questionnaires and the target persons/organizations for the interviews (Proposal of’approaches, methodology and research questions precise and specific to each stage on the part of the consultant on the basis of the ToR). Following this meeting, the consultant will proceed to :
  • Deliverable 1 : Methodology, timeline and tools (questionnaires/’maintenance guide)

b. Phase 1 : Documentary research & inventory

  • Activity 2 : Documentary research and existing analyses on the subject.
  • Deliverable 2 : Proposal of’a first synthetic and documented analysis presenting the results of this documentary research and identification of missing information & avenues to explore during the interviews.

c. Phase 2 : Interviews with the actors of the sector (Collecte d’information/field maintenance)

  • Activity 3 : Interviews and written records of interviews.
  • Deliverable 3 : Reinforcement and modification of the first written analysis presenting the research results enriched by the interviews. Identification of the 02 case studies based on the data collected.

    d. Phase 3: Zoom in on 2 case studies

  • Activity 4 : Define with the GTED the elements to be put forward for the short summary document explaining the strategy, the coordination, the, and the challenges of the 02 case studies (1 on the triple Nexus)
  • Identification of the’ methodological approach, local, regional and national actors to interview etc.
  • Definition and validation of the/research questionnaires for each zone.
  • Interviews and written transcript.
  • *Livrable 4 :*Synthetic analysis showing the results of the case studies.

e. Phase 4: writing of the final advocacy report and restitution of the study

  • *Activity 5: * Drafting of the report. In consultation with GTED and on the basis of synthetic interviews and analyzes, a proposal for a detailed plan of the Nexus triple repository and the main recommendations will be made.
  • Proposal for a first draft of reference following the detailed plan.
  • First round of commentary and integration
  • Second round of commentary and integration
  • Last consolidation restitution meeting
  • Validation of the final report.
  • *Livable 5.1: Capitalization report / * Referential
  • Deliverable 5.2: PowerPoint presentation

    7. Calendar

  • From October 2023 to February 2024

8. Monitoring and validation process

at. Lead and follow-up

The choice of consultant and follow-up of products and initiatives will be ensured by a committee made up of representatives designated by the GTED as well as the deputy director/Director of the FONGIM.

b. Comments & validation

Comments and technical validation of products will be provided by members of the GTED.The final validation will be provided either by the FONGIM office.

How to apply

Please submit your offers in accordance with the requirements below : The complete’offre file must be delivered by hand under closed cover to the NRC offices after signing the tender filing sheet no later than 02/11/2023 at 10h00mn GMT to the addresses below :

  • Bamako : Street 105 of Moussa Sy – North Korofina district in front of the Alou Bathily Mosque Tel +223 20 21 07 05 / 44 90 22 66
  • or by mail to the following’address

Before the closing date and time’ mentioned above. Companies that do not submit their quote before this date will not be taken into account.

Any submission outside of the above modes of submission will not be taken into account.

To apply please send :

  • Your CV,
  • A Letter of Motivation
  • At least two samples of similar reports in the past.
  • Your technical and financial offer showing your ability to own the ToR without copying it.

Criteria for selection :

  • The candidate corresponds to the desired profile – 30%
    • CV and LM
    • Sample quality
  • Technical quality of’offre – 30%
  • Price of L’offre – 25 %
  • Delivery time – 15%

Please attach to the proposal and specify the list of attached files (if not will be rejected) :

  • Commercial register (RCCM) If company ;
  • Certificate of’fiscal identification (NIF) ;
  • Certificate of VAT/Synthetic tax return ;
  • Photocopy national’/NINA identity card of the manager/owner of the’entreprise

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