Project manager Politéia ( Inclusive Green Economy for the community ) At Volunteer Association for the International Service

Duty Station: Caltagirone ( CT ), Sicily

Country: Italy

Deadline: 23.09.2023

Starting Date: 01.11.2023

Period: 24months

Language: Italian

Reporting to

Contact person: Councilor for Cooperation, Digitization, Technological Innovation, Sports and Youth Policies of the Municipality of Caltagirone

Aim of the position

The ECG project ( Global Citizenship Education ) entitled Politéia ( Inclusive Green Economy for the community ) is aimed at schools, public and private institutions and to the 132,455 inhabitants of the 15 Municipalities of Calatino ( South Western Sicily in the province of Catania ) on the themes of inclusive green economy, with particular attention to the sustainable energy and waste management sector.
The specific objective of the project is: To define and implement a territorial education plan for global citizenship for sustainable development ( OSS 13.3 ), in collaboration with the schools ( OSS 4.7 ) and other stakeholders on the energy issues ( OSS 7 ) and waste management ( OSS 12.8 ) in the municipalities of internal eastern Calatino-Sicily.
The main results and activities are:
R1: Increase knowledge and awareness of the staff of local authorities on IGE- Inclusive Green Economy ( energy and waste ). R2: Increase knowledge and awareness of local school students and teachers on IGE-Inclusive Green Economy ( energy and waste ). R3. Increased awareness of citizenship and involvement of civil society organizations on IGE-Inclusive Green Economy ( energy and waste ).
The planned activities will involve all the civil society of the common project partners, with specific training aimed at public administration staff; teachers and students of the schools who will participate in the project; local CSOs, families and migrants present in the area. The choice to intervene on a large scale of beneficiaries, with different needs and points of view, makes the project truly inclusive and participatory.
In addition to the municipalities, six other partners have been involved who will contribute to the realization of the project, and are: CONAI-National Packaging Consortium, Don Bosco 2000 Association, AVSI Foundation, Community Foundation of Agrigento and Trapani, Kalat Ambiente SRR S.c.p.a., Brother Sun association.

Main tasks and responsibilities

• Management and coordination of project activities;
• In concert with the project team, planning and development of activities in the field
• Support in the supervision and verification of administrative and procurement procedures;
• Coordination of activities with respect to the programming defined by the chronogram;
• Drafting, revision and updating of technical documents such as: TdR, Financing Proposals, General Operational Plans etc.;
• Development of relationships with local partners and stakeholders involved in the project ( institutions, donor, community );
• Preparation of intermediate and final, narrative and accounting reports of the project to the donor and competent authorities
• Support in verifying the correctness of the administrative reporting of project expenses
• Coordination of monitoring activities.
• Coordination of the project executive staff
• Development and drafting of new project proposals, in coordination with the AVSI HQ staff
• Other activities that may be necessary for the implementation of the project.

Essential Requirements

• Qualification: Master’s Degree in Economics, Business Management, Education, Political and Social Sciences, other

Work experience:
• Proven experience in coordinating similar projects in the educational and environmental fields
• Proven experience in the world of the Third Sector within the project development area ( Calatino area )

Knowledge of foreign languages:
– English language C1 required

Required skills and experiences

• Knowledge of the education and education sector in Italy
• Computer skills: Excellent knowledge of the main Office IT tools, in particular Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
• Sharing the mission and principles of AVSI
• Ability to relate to institutional bodies and figures
• Ability to work in teams and solving problems
• Experience of organizing trainings and events
• Collaboration experience with Municipalities
• Any Masters in Eurodesign
• Driving license B and self-punished


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