Acuerdo de Larga Duración (LTA) para Corresponsales Departamentales. LAC-RO. 12 meses., Guatemala City, Guatemala At Unicef

Closing date: Wednesday, 6 September 2023

Long Duration Agreement ( LTA ) for Departmental Correspondents. Guatemala / LAC-RO. 12 months.

Job no: 564903

Position type: Consultant

Location: Guatemala Division / Equivalent: Latin America and Caribbean Regional Off

School / Unit: Guatemala

Department / Office: Guatemala City, Guatemala

Categories: Communication

UNICEF works in some of the most difficult places in the world to reach the most disadvantaged girls and boys and save their lives, defend their rights and help them develop their potential.

In 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.

¡And we never give up!

For every boy and girl, inspiration.

  •  How can you make a difference?

Communication professionals will be hired to generate information and provide coverage to the activities of the European Union’s Comprehensive Strategy Project to Combat Chronic Malnutrition ( EU ) and UNICEF.

This requires mastering various communication techniques and making the highest quality products such as photographs, press releases, interviews, life stories, among others.

Through this service, in addition to other communication processes, UNICEF seeks to document and cover the key actions of the EU-UNICEF project to show its importance and progress, publicize the impact of the project to public opinion, beneficiaries, donors, allies, local government, the media, among others, sensitizing the audience to the relevance of the fight against chronic malnutrition and achieving a positive impact on the life of children and the country.

one. Background

In the framework of the Comprehensive Strategy to Combat Chronic Malnutrition project of the European Union ( EU ) and UNICEF and as part of the Communication and Visibility Plan of the latter, It is necessary to have Departmental Correspondents that cover the prioritized Departments and Municipalities, generating updated information and communication materials to publicize the actions and progress of the project to a wide audience.

The departments and municipalities where the project is implemented and the information and communication services and products will be required are the following:

  • Alta Verapaz: Cobán, San Juan Chamelco, San Cristóbal Verapaz, Tactic, Tamahú, Santa Cruz Verapaz.
  • Chiquimula: Jocotán, Chiquimula, San Juan La Ermita, Olopa, Camotán.
  • Huehuetenango: Santa Cruz Barillas, San Juan Ixcoy, San Mateo Ixtatán, San Pedro Soloma, San Rafael La Independencia, San Sebastián Coatán, Santa Eulalia, San Miguel Acatán.
  • Quiche: Ixil: Chajul, Nebaj, San Juan Cotzal.

Special consideration will be given to those who reside in the departmental capitals or municipalities surrounding the headwaters of Chiquimula, Quiché, Huehuetenango and Alta Verapaz, because they are the departments in which the EU-UNICEF Project operates.

2. Purpose of work

UNICEF will recruit communication professionals such as Departmental Correspondents to generate information and provide coverage to the activities of the European Union’s Comprehensive Strategy Project to Combat Chronic Malnutrition ( EU ) and UNICEF.

3. Program area and specific project

Area: Communication – Communication and Visibility Plan of the Comprehensive Strategy to Combat Chronic Malnutrition in Guatemala project of UNICEF and the European Union.

4. General objective

Publicize and make visible the actions and progress of the EU and UNICEF project to sensitize a wide audience ( public opinion, beneficiaries, donors, allies, local government, the media, among others ), on the relevance of the fight against chronic malnutrition and achieving a positive impact on the life of children and the country.

5. Main tasks to perform

Develop nine ( 9 ) specific products. Suppliers will be able to make offers for a minimum of six or all products, depending on their skills, experience and capabilities.

**Review the terms of reference detailing the nine products and the specifications necessary to make and deliver them: 001 LTA TORs Departmental Correspondents – signed.pdf


one. Photographic documentation: Photographic documentation of an activity within the framework of the Comprehensive Strategy Project to Combat Chronic Malnutrition of the European Union and UNICEF. Activities can be local meetings, field activities ( health, nutrition, water, etc. ), openings, visits by personalities, coverage of press conferences, among others.

2. Journalistic note: Journalistic note describing some informative fact of the EU and UNICEF project, or some situation of humanitarian emergency, natural or climatic disaster.

3. Written interview: A ( 1 ) written interview with girl or boy, father of a family, beneficiaries, implementing or professional partners, field technicians, UNICEF experts and other institutions or others involved in the project.

4. Audio interview ( recorder or cell phone ): A ( 1 ) audio interview with girl or boy, father of family, beneficiaries, implementing or professional partners, field technicians, experts UNICEF and other institutions or other people involved in the project.

5. Video interview ( camera or cell phone ): A ( 1 ) video interview ( camera or cell phone ) to girl or boy, father of household, beneficiaries, implementing or professional partners, field technicians, experts UNICEF and other institutions or other people involved in the project.

6. Written life story: Written history focused on the human side on some aspect of children and the work of the EU – UNICEF and its partners, especially focused on the activities carried out within the framework of the Comprehensive Strategy Project to Combat Chronic Malnutrition. It could also include some humanitarian emergency, natural or climatic disaster.

7. Photo-report: Photographic narration with short texts describing the actions carried out within the framework of the Comprehensive Strategy Project to Combat Chronic Malnutrition of the European Union and UNICEF, or an emergency situation.

8. Local press call: Hold a local press call in the Department and / or Municipality in which it provides service and provide support in related activities.

9. Support for field visits: Provide coordination support for field visits.

Responsibilities of the Consultant:

  •  Cover and document the key actions of the EU-UNICEF project according to the region and the assigned tasks.
  •  The provider ( a ) must have their own technical team such as a camera, cell phone, signal to transmit notes, messages and / or photos, recorder, or the one required for the job.
  •  The provider ( a ) must be responsible for its own protection against COVID-19.
  •  The consultant must count and / or manage on his own the appropriate means of transport to reach distant communities.
  •  Comply with the highest quality standards in product manufacturing.
  •  Comply with the delivery dates of the products.

UNICEF responsibilities:

  •  For each specific allocation, UNICEF will provide information on the subject and indicate the specific location of the activity.
  •  Supervise the adequate delivery of the requested products with quality and on the scheduled dates.
  •  In addition, UNICEF will deliver:
    •  Guidelines for including credit and caption ( caption ) from photos.
    •  Guidelines and authorization format for the use and dissemination of images and testimonies in audio or video.
    •  UNICEF brand image guidelines.
    •  Guidelines for the brand image of the EU-UNICEF Project.
    •  Guide to making videos for UNICEF.

6. Travel: The consultant must include in his rates all the costs necessary to travel to the interior of the country, including the appropriate means of transport to reach distant communities, accommodation and own food to carry out the assigned tasks.

7. Estimated duration of the LTA: U n initial period of one year, with the possibility of extension to two years.

To qualify as an advocate for each child, you must…

8. Requirements: Academic certification:

  •  Technical Career or Bachelor of Journalism, Communication, Visual Audio Production and / or related careers.
  •  Desirable graduates or courses in photography, writing and spelling, narration, audiovisual production, human rights and other related.


  •  Between 3 ( minimum ) and 5 years of experience in the media, writing, photography, video and / or creation of communication materials.

Important note: The ( the ) candidates ( as ) are free to apply to develop any or all of the products, based on their qualifications and experience, but must apply at least a minimum of 6 of the 9 products to be considered. UNICEF will award the Long Duration Agreement ( Long-Term Agreement, LTA ) to the ( the ) three candidates ( as ) best classified in each category by each of the 4 Departments. A ( a ) candidate ( a ) can receive an LTA for six or more products.

9. Technical evaluation criteriaThe selection of suppliers for the LTA will be based on the technical evaluation and the financial offers in a proportion of 80:20, 80 being the highest score for the technical evaluation and 20 the highest score for the financial offer.

** See the criteria for technical evaluation in the terms of reference.

10. Financial proposal:

** The financial proposal must be presented separately in the format to be provided below: LTA Financial Proposal Format Departmental Correspondents.docx

eleven. Presentation of applications and proposals:

Interested persons must submit their applications and proposals and must contain 5 separate attachments:

  •  Copy of the Academic Certification in Technical Career or Bachelor of Journalism, Communication, Visual Audio Production and / or related careers.
  •  Curriculum Vitae
  • Work samples respective according to the categories to which it applies and which are identified in section 5 “ Main tasks to be performed ”. It can be a pdf with the works or a pdf with a link to a web page, a file in the cloud. You can only include a consolidated pdf with all the samples requested. ( It is essential to send work samples, since as you will see in the announcement and in the technical evaluation, Points have been assigned to this and the other criteria to identify the most suitable candidate ).
  • Financial proposal separate indicating professional fees according to the format provided. Please do not forget to specify your name in the file while saving. This document must be signed and in PDF format. ( It will be loaded on the platform or portal along with the other supporting documents ).
  •  Proof of the National Registry of Sexual Attorneys

Without the 5 Previous documents, your request will be considered incomplete and invalid, and cannot be considered.

  •  Any attempt to unduly influence the UNICEF selection process will lead to automatic disqualification of the applicant.
  •  Joint applications from two or more people are not accepted.
  •  Please note that UNICEF does not charge any fees during any stage of the process.
  •  Women candidates who meet the requirements of their application are strongly encouraged.
  •  UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion, and encourages qualified ( as ) from all backgrounds, including people living with disabilities, to apply.

For every child, you should…

Share and practice UNICEF values in terms of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust and Responsibility.

To review our competency framework, please visit this site: here.


LATE DELIVERY CLASSULE: In the event that the Consultant presents a delay in the delivery of the stipulated products, which is for reasons other than UNICEF, he will be penalized with 3% of the total cost of the contract per calendar week completed of delay, having a maximum of 24% of the total contract.

PAYMENT CONDITIONS: ( a ) UNICEF, unless otherwise specified in the contract, will make the payment within 30 days of receipt of the consultant’s invoice, which is issued only after acceptance by UNICEF of the work specified in the contract. ( b ) Payment against the aforementioned invoice will reflect any discount shown in the payment conditions provided that the payment is made within the period shown in the conditions payment of the contract. ( c ) The prices indicated in the contract cannot be increased except by express written agreement of UNICEF.

Persons recruited under a consultancy shall not be considered “staff members” under the United Nations Staff Regulations and Rules and UNICEF policies and procedures, and they will not be entitled to the benefits provided in them ( as license fees and health insurance coverage ). Your conditions of service will be governed by your contract and the General Conditions for Contracting Consultant Services. Individual consultants are responsible for complying with their tax obligations and the payment of any tax and / or tariff, in accordance with local laws or other applicable laws.

Payment of professional fees will be based on the presentation of the agreed deliverables. UNICEF reserves the right to withhold payment in the event that the deliverables presented do not meet the required standard or in the event of delays in the delivery of the deliverables by from the consultant.

UNICEF is a non-profit organization and its mandate is to promote the protection of the rights of the child, to help meet their basic needs and to increase the opportunities offered to them to fully reach their potential.

UNICEF has a zero tolerance policy on conduct incompatible with the goals and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF. including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict principles of child protection. All selected candidates are expected to adhere to these standards and principles, therefore they will undergo rigorous background and reference verification. Background checks will include academic credentials and work history. Selected candidates may be asked to provide additional information to perform a background check.

Warned: Aug 22 2023 Central America Standard Time

Application close: Sep 05 2023 Central America Standard Time

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  •  Closes Sep 05 2023Long Duration Agreement ( LTA ) for Departmental Correspondents. Guatemala / LAC-RO. 12 months. in Guatemala

    UNICEF Guatemala, within the framework of the Comprehensive Strategy to Combat Chronic Malnutrition project of the European Union ( EU ) and UNICEF and as part of its Communication and Visibility Plan, will hire Departmental Correspondents to cover the prioritized Departments and Municipalities, generating updated information and communication materials to publicize the actions and progress of the project to a wide audience.


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