Expert in Nutrition, Bolivia At UNICEF

Closing date: Tuesday, 5 September 2023


Description of assignment title: Nutrition Expert

Assignment country: Bolivia ( Plurinational State of )

Expected start date: 01/09/2023

Sustainable Development Goal: 3. Good health and well-being

Volunteer category: National UN Volunteer Expert

Host entity: UNICEF

Type: Onsite

Duration: 10 months ( with possibility of extension )

Number of assignments: one

Duty stations: Peace


Mission and objectives

The Plurinational State of Bolivia and UNICEF are currently working on the Country Program 2018 – 2022, which aims to support the reduction of inequality gaps —, especially in the towns indigenous people — and ensure that children and adolescents constitute a fundamental element for the sustainable development of Bolivia. The priorities of the country program respond to the analysis of the situation of children and adolescents in Bolivia, to the results of the 2016 programmatic review on gender and to various regulatory frameworks, specifically the Girl, Child and Adolescent Code, to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. The Country Program contributes to the implementation of the Patriotic Agenda 2025,to the Economic and Social Development Plan 2016 – 2022, to the Plurinational Plan for Girls, Boys and Adolescents, to the Girl Code, Child and Adolescent and key sectoral plans of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. It also contributes to the five results of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework ( UNDAF ) 2018 – 2022 agreed with the Bolivian State. Likewise, to the Sustainable Development Goals and the UNICEF Strategic Plan 2018 – 2021. to the Sustainable Development Goals and the UNICEF Strategic Plan 2018 – 2021. to the Sustainable Development Goals and the UNICEF Strategic Plan 2018 – 2021.


Within the framework of the Health Sector Development Plan and the provisions of the SAFCI policy ( Health, family, community and intercultural ), the Ministry of Health, SEDES and Health Networks aim to improve the nutritional status of children under 5, promoting and strengthening breastfeeding, complementary feeding, the consumption of micronutrients and supplementary foods, consumption of healthy foods and strengthening of Health Networks and UNls for the promotion of key nutrition practices. In 2020, information was generated on the national prevalence of overweight and obesity in Schoolchildren and Adolescents, which reached 35%, In response to this information, the Declaration of National Epidemic of Overweight and Obesity in the country is issued.The UNICEF Cooperation Program for Bolivia 2023-2027, in Outcome 1: “By 2027, more children, adolescents, pregnant women and mothers, especially the most vulnerable, they have access to, and make use of, equitable, resilient and high-quality primary health care systems; adopt healthy behaviors; and enjoy better services and practices in child development and nutrition”, It is planned to support the Ministry of Health and its decentralized entities ( SEDES and Health Networks ) actions aimed at comprehensive nutrition care as well as malnutrition problems to be addressed by different sectors and with community participation.Therefore, in order to achieve the results established in the Country Program and the goals of the Health and Nutrition Sector Plan, it is necessary to provide technical assistance to sub-national levels, especially in the following actions:

  •  Strengthening of planning, monitoring and evaluation subsystems in Health Networks for the implementation of nutrition strategies / policies,
  •  Strengthening the application of the Breastfeeding Law to improve breastfeeding coverage and accreditation of Mother and Child Friendly Hospitals,
  •  Promote actions to improve micronutrient coverage and surveillance of fortified foods
  •  Strengthening of actions for the prevention of excess nutrition problems.

Task description

Within the delegated authority and under the supervision of the Health and Nutrition Officer or his designated representative, as well as in coordination with the National Nutrition Program, Departmental Nutrition Programs and Health Networks, the UN Volunteer will carry out the following support tasks in:

  •  Support in providing technical assistance to processes of planning, monitoring and evaluation of nutrition actions at the three levels of management that support the fulfillment of agreed goals, linked to micronutrients/vitamin A, breastfeeding and prevention of overweight.
  •  Support the training of HR in topics related especially to malnutrition due to excess that incorporates the participation of UNIs ( Comprehensive Nutrition Units ).
  •  Based on Law 775 on Healthy Feeding, provide technical assistance in the preparation of the Prevention Plan, Control of overweight / malnutrition due to excess in Bolivia. Coordinate actions with PAHO / WHO and the other UNS agencies.
  •  In coordinated work with the MS Nutrition Program and the PAHO / WHO focal point, promote and support actions aimed at readjustments of Law 775 as well as its regulation.
  •  Accompany with technical assistance to the Emergency Health-Nutrition Table to incorporate actions that strengthen emergency management and care in its nutrition component.
  •  Based on the revision of the current Laws and the national regulations on breastfeeding and taking into account the UNICEF Regional Strategy on the subject, support the preparation of the National Breastfeeding Plan. Provide technical assistance for the accreditation of the Hospitals Friends initiative.
  •  Facilitate coordination between the Food and Nutrition Unit of the Ministry of Health and Sports, the Communication and Social Change and Behavior team ( SBC ) from UNICEF and other partners to develop actions to prevent excess malnutrition.
  •  Together with the UNICEF SBC team, define nutrition content for webinars, production of informational material, elaboration of life stories and other communication and social mobilization activities to influence the problems of excess malnutrition.
  •  Support the implementation of PT 2023 of the Food and Nutrition Unit, SEDES and Health Networks.
  •  Comply with other technical actions requested by the supervisor and required by the counterpart both nationally and subnationally. Any other activity that is required or assigned by the supervisor. In addition to the above, UN Volunteers are urged to join the UNV program mandate within their allocation and promote voluntary action through integration into communities in the development of his work. As such, UN Volunteers should dedicate part of their working time to one of the following recommended activities:
  •  Strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteering by reading relevant publications from both the UNV and external programs, as well as playing an active role in the activities of the UNV program ( for example, in the events commemorating the International Volunteer Day );
  •  Know and develop traditional and / or local forms of volunteering in the host country;
  •  Provide annual and end-of-allocation self-assessment reports on UNV actions, results, and opportunities;
  •  Contribute articles / reviews of their experiences in the field and send them to headquarters for inclusion on the website, publications, pamphlets / brochures, press releases, etc. of the UNV program;
  •  Assist with the Mentor Program for the new UN Young Volunteers;
  •  Promote or advise local groups in the use of the Online Volunteer service of the UNV program or promote the use of the service to relevant local individuals and organizations when technically possible.

Eligibility criteria

Age: 35 – 80


Candidate must be a national or legal resident of the country of assignment.


Required experience

15 years of experience in public health at national and / or international level

  •  At least 5 years of professional work experience at national and / or international level as a professional in the area of nutrition
  •  At least 3 years of professional work experience at the national level in or in close relationship with SEDES, Health Networks, in the care and management of maternal and child programs, addressing nutrition issues.
  •  Experience of more than 5 years of work in the implementation of maternal and child health strategies, especially in relation to comprehensive nutrition care for children and adolescents.
  •  Knowledge of nutrition strategies and policies in force in the country will be valued.
  •  Technical knowledge on nutrition, especially malnutrition due to over 2 years
  •  Work experience at the UN or other international development organizations will be valued and will be positively valued
  •  Mastery of the English language and experience in interaction with institutions at the international level will be positively valued
  •  Excellent interpersonal skills; cultural and social sensitivity; ability to work inclusive and collaboratively with a variety of stakeholders, including members of the grassroots community, religious and youth organizations, and authorities at different levels; familiarity with communication tools and approaches for development;
  •  Ability to work and adapt professionally and effectively in a challenging environment; ability to work effectively in a multicultural team of national and international staff;
  •  Solid computer skills, including advanced handling of various Microsoft Office applications ( Excel, Word, etc. ) as well as email / internet; familiarity with database management and technological office equipment;
  •  Motivation on your own initiative, ability to work with minimal supervision; ability to work with tight deadlines;
  •  Affinity or interest in children’s rights, volunteering as a mechanism for sustainable development and the United Nations System.

Area ( s ) of expertise


Driving license


Spanish, Level: Fluent, Required English, Level: Fluent, Desirable

Required education level

Master degree or equivalent in Health Sciences, medicine, nutrition or related branches of the area of public health, epidemiology or other related.

Competencies and values

Professionalism: understanding of UNICEF operations demonstrated; technical capabilities or knowledge relevant or transferable to UNICEF procedures and rules; discretion, political sensitivity, diplomacy and tact to deal with clients; ability to apply good judgment; ability to interact and coordinate with different actors, especially in high-ranking positions; when appropriate, high level of autonomy, personal initiative and appropriation capacity; takes initiative and willingness to accept responsibilities, as well as the ability to work independently under established procedures; ability to manage information objectively, accurate and confidential; responsiveness and customer orientation;

  •  Integrity: demonstrate the ethical values and standards of the UN and UNICEF in daily activities and behaviors, and at the same time act without considering personal rewards; tolerate political pressure in decision-making; support decisions that respond to the interests of the organization even when they are not popular; take action against non-professional or unethical behaviors; not abuse power or authority;
  •  Teamwork and respect for diversity: ability to operate effectively across organizational boundaries; excellent interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective and harmonious collaborations in a multicultural, multi-ethnic environment, with sensitivity and respect for diversity and gender; sensitivity and adaptability to cultures, genders, religions, nationalities and ages;
  •  Commitment to continuous learning: initiative and desire to learn new skills and keep abreast of progress in the area of knowledge; ability to adapt to changes in the work environment;
  •  Planning and organization: effective organizational and problem-solving skills and the ability to manage a large workload in an efficient and timely manner; ability to prioritize and plan, coordinate and supervise the ( own ) work; ability to work under pressure, with conflicting deadlines and to manage multiple projects / activities at the same time;
  •  Communication: proven interpersonal skills; good oral and written communication skills, including the ability to prepare clear and concise reports; ability to make concise presentations, options, and articulated positions; ability to make and defend recommendations The United Nations Volunteers program ( UNV ) is administered by the United Nations Development Program ( UNDP ).
  •  Flexibility: adaptability and ability to live and work in potentially adverse conditions and remote conditions, including physical difficulties and few comforts; ability to operate independently in austere environments for long periods; willingness to travel within the area of operations and move to other workplaces within the area of operations, if necessary;
  •  Genuine commitment to the principles of volunteering, including solidarity, compassion, reciprocity and autonomy; and commitment to the mission and vision of UNICEF, as well as to the Fundamental Values of the UN.

Other information

Living conditions and remarks

The city of La Paz, officially Nuestra Señora de La Paz, is the seat of government of Bolivia. It is the most important political, financial, social, academic and cultural center in the country, as well as being the city with the highest level of sustainable development in Bolivia.With an estimated population of 816,000 inhabitants ( in 2020 ), La Paz is the third most populous city in the country, behind Santa Cruz de la Sierra and neighboring El Alto. The metropolitan area of La Paz, which includes the neighboring municipalities of El Alto, Viacha, Achocalla, Mecapaca, Palca, Laja and Pucarani. Located in western Bolivia, 68 km southeast of Lake Titicaca, La Paz is located in a canyon created by the Choqueyapu River and is surrounded by the high mountains of the highlands, including the snowy Illimani, whose silhouette has been an important emblem of the city since its foundation.At an average height of 3650 m s. n. m., La Paz is the highest metropolis in the world. This feature together with the rugged topography of the city offer unique views of the Cordillera Real. Due to this elevation, La Paz has a subtropical climate of height, with rainy summers and dry winters.

Inclusivity statement

United Nations Volunteers is an equal opportunity program that welcomes applications from qualified professionals. We are committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, care protected characteristics. As part of their adherence to the values of UNV, all UN Volunteers commit themselves to combat any form of discrimination, and to promoting respect for human rights and individual dignity, without distinction of a person’s race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.

Reasonable accommodation

UNICEF offers reasonable accommodation for UN Volunteers with disabilities. This may include, for example, accessible software, travel assistance for missions or personal attendants. We encourage you to disclose your disability during your application in case you need reasonable accommodation during the recruitment process and afterwards in your assignment.

Note on Covid-19 vaccination requirements

In addition to duty station-specific vaccine requirements, appointments are subject to confirmation of fully-vaccinated status against SARS-CoV-2 ( Covid-19 ) with a World Health Organization ( WHO ) -endorsed vaccine, which must be met prior to taking up the appointment. It does not apply to UN Volunteers who will work remotely and are not expected to work on or visit UNICEF premises, program delivery locations or directly interact with communities UNICEF works with, nor to travel to perform functions for UNICEF for the duration of their contracts.


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