Focal Point Mental Health and Psychosocial Support ( SMAPS ) [ Fast Track ], PERU At IFRC – International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Closing date: Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Organizational Context

The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent ( IFRC ) is the largest humanitarian organization in the world, present in 192 countries around the world, through their national societies.

The Federation secretariat is organized through five zonal offices, one of them based in Panama. The Office for the Americas supports national societies in the region to increase their humanitarian and development standards, so that they continue to be relevant in their territory and transparent in their action. The Department of Disasters and Crisis, Response and Recovery ensures the quality, consistency and effectiveness of the services provided by the Red Cross to people affected by disasters and crises, also in migration condition, supporting resilience processes for vulnerable groups. The Country Cluster Delegation ( CCD ) Andean Countries located in Lima – Peru provides support to the National Societies of the Andean Region.

IFRC has a Global Strategy on Migrations, under which actions have been implemented that seek to strengthen the capacities of National Societies in the Andean region, in assisting the population movement that occurs in the region. At the same time, it wants to advocate for the dignity of migrants and raise awareness of the stigma and discrimination they suffer in destination countries.

In Peru, intervention has been carried out in cities with the largest presence of the population that is in a situation of human mobility, with protection needs and at risk of increasing their vulnerability.

In this sense, the objective of the intervention is to provide integrated humanitarian assistance services in Health, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support ( SMAPS ) and Protection of the population in a situation of human mobility -and with protection needs-, as well as reducing discrimination in host communities through relevant information according to their needs for a promotion of their social inclusion.

Health care is provided through medical care services in fixed or mobile positions, considering care days in communities, in migrant population shelters and mainly migratory route care. These activities are complemented by SMAPS health information activities and others aimed at promoting cultural integration and exchange between the target population and the host community in safe spaces.

Job Purpose

Have a/a professional in Psychology who carries out actions in the areas of his competence and responsibility and provides support to intervention areas in the implementation of mental health and psychosocial support actions ( SMAPS ) as part of the human mobility project in Peru.

Job Duties and Responsibilities

Provide technical-operational support and develop actions corresponding to their professional competences within the framework of the principles of the International Red Cross Movement, the movement’s code of conduct and professional ethical considerations.

The provision of its services is carried out from Lima, with the possibility of mobilization to provide technical support or training or other activity to other project areas in regions if required ( in case of mobilization travel costs will be covered by the project ). His work is carried out in coordination and with the technical support of the IFRC Lima Health Officer and field monitor in Lima mainly.

Job Duties and Responsibilities ( continued )

It will perform the following tasks:

  •  Provide technical support for the implementation of SMAP actions aimed at the migrant and refugee population in Peru.
  •  Coordination with dependencies of the Ministry of Health ( Diresas, Diris, Community Mental Health Centers or others ), organizations and institutions with a role linked to SMAPS to articulate, complement actions, referrals of cases in need of mental health care in Lima, or another prioritized intervention area.
  •  Identification and analysis of access barriers for mental health care of users of IFRC health services in the project intervention areas.
  •  Training support for IFRC teams, members of institutional organizations, community in Psychological First Aid, Self-care or other required theme.
  •  Emotional ventilation to teams of participants in face-to-face or virtual modality.
  •  Supports the development of technical tools or documents and the generation of key messages, development and adjustment of work methodologies for the implementation of activities in SMAPS.
  •  Consolidate, generate reports of the SMAPS activities of the project ( line of psychological care, community activities in intervention areas or others ) as requested.
  •  Other activities related to the position.

Duties applicable to all personnel


Actively work towards achieving the objectives of the IFRC secretariat.


Comply and work in accordance with the principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.


Perform any other work-related tasks and responsibilities that may be assigned by the line manager.





Degree in Psychology ( Current official title, with current professional tuition / ability and authorization / work permits in the country if applicable.


Knowledge of regulations, mental health strategies in Peru








Experience in health facilities of the first level of public or private care, Community Mental Health Centers


Community work experience and interventions in the context of human mobility or with groups of greater vulnerability


Coordination experience with other actors linked to SMAPS for case management, generation of alliances


Experience in interventions in emergency / disaster situations


Work experience in project intervention areas


Knowledge, Skills and Languages




Knowledge in migrations and migration-related norms


Basic knowledge of the Red Cross movement


Minimum knowledge of safety and protection standards


Minimum knowledge in Social Welfare


Knowledge of Peruvian health regulations and laws related to the position







English spoken and written fluently





No criminal record or pending cases for trafficking in persons, consumption of illicit substances, or others that threaten people


Excel ( mid level )


COVID vaccines 19 and ideally others recommended for health personnel


Competencies, Values and Comments


Relationship with the National Society: Maintains good coordination with the National Society ( Peruvian Red Cross ), contributes to strengthening / building capacities.

Concentration on results and responsibility: Find innovative and appropriate solutions; effectively mobilize resources; prioritize the workload to meet deadlines; demonstrates responsibility for results; practice and promote integrity.

Teamwork: Accept responsibility and share credit; requests interfunctional cooperation; supports team / management decisions; promotes and values team diversity.

Communications: communicates clearly and effectively; adapt the style to adapt to the situation; search for inputs / listen to opinions and ideas.

Professional standards: Know and endorse the Principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent; uses appropriate skills to fulfill its role; maintains agreed professional standards.

Leadership: Is able to see comprehensive photography / has a strategic vision; drives organizational priorities; find opportunities; promotes debate on new ideas; build support and commitment; identifies and manages conflict; and, values and supports governance.

Management Efficacy: Effectively manage performance; ensures clarity of roles / responsibilities; prioritizes the balance between workload and resources; provides guidance and feedback regularly, supports the professional development of staff in charge.


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