Climate Change Specialist, Guatemala At Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO )


Climate Change Specialist

Job advertisement : Aug 07/2023

Publication cancellation date : Aug 23, 2023, 9:59:00 PM

Organizational Unit: FLGUA

Job type : Temporary work

Requirement Type: NPP ( National Project Personnel )

Grade Level: N / A

Main location : Guatemala

Duration: 12 months ( possibility of extension )

Position Number: N / A

FAO seeks to ensure gender, geographic and linguistic diversity among its staff and its international consultants, in order to serve the Member States of the Organization in the best possible way in all regions.

  •  FAO is committed to achieving diversity in its workforce in terms of sex, nationality, origin and culture.
  •  Women, nationals of under-represented or under-represented Member States and persons with disabilities with the necessary qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications.
  •  All persons working for FAO must comply with the highest standards of professional integrity and conduct and uphold FAO’s values.
  •  FAO, as a specialized agency of the United Nations, applies a zero tolerance policy for conduct incompatible with its statute, objectives and mandate, in particular sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination.
  •  All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
  •  All requests will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

Organizational framework

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO ) and the Government of Guatemala signed the Country Programming Framework ( MPP ) 2022 – 2025, in which, National priorities that FAO will address through country-level actions within their respective strategic frameworks are defined. These priorities aim to guarantee FAO’s comparative advantages to contribute to the achievement of the goals established in State policy instruments such as the K’atún National Development Plan Our Guatemala 2032 ( CONADUR-SEGEPLAN, 2014 ), the National Development Priorities ( SEGEPLAN, 2016 ), the General Government Policy 2020-2024, as well as the United Nations Framework for Cooperation for Sustainable Development in Guatemala and Agenda 2030.The Guatemalan MPP establishes three priority government areas to be addressed by FAO, these are: 1 ) More productive, prosperous and inclusive territories for a better life, 2 ) Food security and better nutrition, and 3 ) Resilience and better environment. The results contemplated in these three program areas will be achieved through the development of the Organization’s normative instruments and the projects implemented by FAO, together with its partners, in the country. The results contemplated in these three program areas will be achieved through the development of the Organization’s normative instruments and the projects implemented by FAO, together with its partners, in the country. The results contemplated in these three program areas will be achieved through the development of the Organization’s normative instruments and the projects implemented by FAO, together with its partners, in the country.

The project “ Resilient livelihoods of vulnerable small farmers in the Mayan landscapes and the Dry Corridor of Guatemala ” -RELIVE- implemented together with the institutions of the Government of Guatemala, as they are: MARN, MAGA, INAB and INSIVUMEH, has the financing of the Green Climate Fund and the co-financing of the Korean International Cooperation Agency ( KOICA ). Said project will strengthen the livelihoods of one hundred and fifteen thousand small producers in 29 municipalities of Petén, Chiquimula, Zacapa, Alta and Baja Verapaz, and it will avoid the emission of 1 million tons of CO2 in the next seven years, equivalent to 8% of the goal that Guatemala has committed to the Climate Change Convention for 2030.

The RELIVE project is part of the work areas of the MPP 2022 – 2025, specifically Area 3 “ Resilience and best environment ”, that addresses the sustainable management of natural resources that helps improve the comprehensive management of climate and environmental risks, and adaptation to climate change of the most vulnerable population groups.

The project will be implemented and will generate three key results: – Critical production systems are resilient to the climate and farmers have improved, secured food and adapted their livelihoods; – Water resources at the micro-basin level are managed sustainably and landscapes are restored to ensure a stable water supply for agriculture in the midst of drought conditions induced by climate change. – Local and national institutions adopt governance mechanisms and have a strong capacity to apply adaptation measures to climate change

Hierarchical dependency

The specialist will be under the direct supervision of the National Project Coordinator with the general guidance and supervision of the Assistant Representative ( Program ).

Field of specialization

The specialist will accompany the planning, technical assistance and monitoring actions of the project products related to the conceptual aspects, knowledge and application of measures and practices to adapt to variability and climate change around agroforestry and other related livelihoods.

Tasks and responsibilities

– Operate the actions to monitor climate variation in the project implementation area and its integration with the Project products. – Develop means for the systematization and socialization of climate information, as well as its dissemination. – Serve as a link with the project partners that will support climate information management ( FAO, INSIVUMEH, MAGA, ANACAFE and other related ). – Organize the training of government technicians ( Agroclimatic Technical Tables, municipalities ) and of Basin Committees and Producer Organizations in the use and application of climate information and applications for agroclimatic decision-making ( eg. ASIS, agroecological zoning ). – Support in strengthening the interpretation and application of climate information,within the departmental and / or national agroclimatic technical tables. – Analyze climate information and develop written materials for incorporation into the agroforestry practices developed by the project. – Participate in dialogue spaces, tables, platforms, etc., regional and national linked to the issue of climate change. – Identify and map those actions that are directly linked to the implementation and fulfillment of goals of the NDC of Guatemala; National Action Plan for Climate Change, National Policy on Climate Change, related to the AFOLU sector, especially with the actions implemented by the Project. – Make monthly technical reports, semi-annuals and annuals linked to the actions related to adaptation and mitigation promoted by the Project.- Participate in the survey and / or supervision of information on performance indicators in the field of climate change, related to the Project’s products. – Perform other related tasks as required.


Requisitos mínimos

– Profesional con grado académico de licenciado en las Ciencias Ambientales, Agrícolas, Recursos Naturales o carrera afín de preferencia con estudios de posgrado en Desarrollo Rural, Cambio Climático, Recursos Naturales u otros relacionados – Cinco años de experiencia pertinente de trabajo en temas de vinculados a cambio climático. – Cinco años de experiencia pertinente en la gestión y/o elaboración de al menos 2 instrumentos vinculados a cambio climático en el país. – Nacionalidad Guatemalteca. – Conocimiento práctico del Idioma español.

Competencias fundamentales de la FAO

– Enfoque basado en los resultados – Trabajo en equipo – Comunicación – Establecimiento de relaciones eficaces – Intercambio de conocimientos y mejora continua

Aptitudes técnicas/funcionales

– Capacidad para el trabajo en equipos multidisciplinarios y multiculturales – Capacidad de establecer relaciones inter institucionales con el sector público, privado, cooperación internacional y sociedad civil – Manejo efectivo de programas de computación, utilización de Microsoft office, (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook) – Habilidades en la elaboración y redacción de planes, informes y documentos técnicos

Criterios de selección

– Conocimiento en temas de instrumentos nacionales e internacionales vinculados al cambio climático. – Experiencia de trabajo en el Sistema de Naciones Unidas – Conocimiento de Derechos Humanos, derechos de los pueblos indígenas, mujeres y juventud – Experiencia en la incorporación del enfoque de género, juventud y Pueblos Indígenas


  •  FAO does not charge fees at any stage of the recruitment process ( application, interview, processing ).
  •  Incomplete applications will not be taken into account. If you need help or have questions, contact:
  •  Applications received after the expiration of the application deadline will not be accepted.
  •  We inform you that FAO will only consider academic degrees or credentials obtained from a teaching institution included in the World Database on Higher Education, which is a list maintained by the International Association of Universities ( IAU ) / UNESCO. The list can be consulted at:
  •  For any other questions visit the FAO website on employment: .

Se hace notar que todos los candidatos deberían adherirse a los valores de la Organización de compromiso con la FAO, respeto hacia todos e integridad y transparencia.


  •  Si desea presentar una solicitud, vaya al sitio web de contratación de la FAO ( Empleo en la FAO) y complete su perfil en línea.
  •  Las solicitudes incompletas no se tendrán en cuenta. Solo se considerarán las solicitudes recibidas a través del portal de contratación.
  •  Aconsejamos a los candidatos que presenten su solicitud con antelación suficiente al vencimiento del plazo.
  •  Si necesita ayuda, contacte con:




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