Programmer specialist for mobile application development on marine recreational fishing, Home Based At Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO )


Programmer specialist for mobile application development on marine recreational fishing

Job advertisement : Jul 21/2023

Publication cancellation date : Aug 4/2023, 21:59:00

Organizational Unit: FLARG

Job type : Temporary work

Requirement Type: PSA ( Personal Service Agreements )

Grade Level: N / A

Main location : Home-Based

Duration: 4 months

Position Number: N / A

_ FAO seeks to ensure gender, geographic and linguistic diversity among its staff and its international consultants, in order to serve the Member States of the Organization in the best possible way in all regions.


  •  FAO is committed to achieving diversity in its workforce in terms of sex, nationality, origin and culture.
  •  Women, nationals of under-represented or under-represented Member States and persons with disabilities with the necessary qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications.
  •  All persons working for FAO must comply with the highest standards of professional integrity and conduct and uphold FAO’s values.
  •  FAO, as a specialized agency of the United Nations, applies a zero tolerance policy for conduct incompatible with its statute, objectives and mandate, in particular sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination.
  •  All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
  •  All requests will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

Organizational framework

The Argentine Continental Shelf is one of the wider in the world. The high productivity of its waters makes this marine region a refuge of global importance for different marine species unique in their characteristics. The Argentine coastal zone extends for approximately 4,500 kilometers from the mouth of the Río de la Plata to Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands and includes 5 provinces. The coastline presents a high geomorphological and climatic variety that maintains a biodiversity of global relevance. This ecosystem is home to important colonies of marine birds and mammals, cetacean breeding areas, sites of international importance for the rest and feeding of migratory birds, areas of reproductive concentration of fish and crustaceans, seaweed meadows, subtidal banks of mollusks, etc It includes more than 80 species of seabirds, about 50 marine mammals, and about 600 fish. The oceanic zone is influenced by the currents of Brazil and the Malvinas that determine the functioning of the ecosystem. These currents are restricted to depths less than 1500 m and both converge at a latitude close to the north center of the Province of Buenos Aires, called Subtropical Convergence of the Atlantic, which moves south in summer and north in winter. In the confluence area there is an intense mixture of waters with contrasts of temperature, salinity and nutrients that favor the presence of high concentrations of nutrients and high primary production. This area is very important for fishing activity. On the Argentine coast the threat of overfishing is less than seen in many other areas of the world thanks to resource management through CMP-based fishing permits. Many populations are stable or increasing. However, there are still some threats and problems that influence the conservation of marine biodiversity, the main threat being incidental capture during fishing and, indirectly, the removal of the target species from the rest of the community. To address the aforementioned problems, the Project aims to strengthen the management and protection capacities of marine biodiversity in areas of ecological importance, through the creation of new marine protected areas ( AMP ) and the application of the Fisheries Ecosystem Approach ( EEP ). ), The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development ( MAYDS ), in its capacity as National Environmental Authority and focal point of the Biological Diversity Convention, is responsible for the execution of the Project in collaboration with the Federal Fisheries Council ( CFP ) and articulation with the National Directorate of Fisheries Planning dependent on the Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Nation. FAO is the implementing agency of the GEF. The Project is divided into three components: ( I ) improve the conservation of marine ecosystems by strengthening the management of MPAs; ( 2 ) deepen the Ecosystem Approach to Fishing ( EEP ) in the regulatory frameworks and national policies for the management of coastal and marine fishing in the Argentine Sea; and ( 3 ) monitor and evaluate the progress of the Project, compliance with the indicators, and disseminate information related to the initiative.


At a global level, recreational fishing has been around more and more interest in academic and management fields, mainly due to its impact, both economic and ecological. The impact of recreational fishing in its various modalities may be relevant to some species and / or groups, such as chondrichthyans and reef fish, which have particular life history characteristics that make them more vulnerable. Approximately 38 osteichthyan and 15 chondrichthyan species ( including sharks, rays, and chimaeras ) are the primary targets of marine recreational fisheries. Some shellfish, crustaceans and cephalopods are also caught.

The Federal Fishing Regime (National Law No. 24922, the main legislation referring to marine fishing in the country), establishes that the exploration, exploitation, conservation and administration of living resources that occupy the adjacent territorial Argentine Sea up to 12 miles nautical (mn) of the coast are under the jurisdiction of the coastal provinces. Said Law does not even mention the words “recreational” or “sports”, since this type of fishing rarely occurs beyond 12 nautical miles from the coast. In provincial marine waters there are few regulations applicable to recreational fisheries that occur along the coastal strip, and the controls are, at best, sporadic and insufficient, and there are no regular monitoring programs for recreational fishing along the entire maritime coast. . One of the main challenges for monitoring recreational fisheries in particular is its diffuse nature. Recreational activities extend over wide areas, covering up to hundreds of kilometers of coastline, it is discontinuous throughout the year and diverse, with different target species and different capture modalities ( including shore and boat fishing ). These characteristics mean that the monitoring of exploited populations requires a strong investment in terms of resources and personnel dedicated to the collection and analysis of information. Programs aimed at monitoring recreational fishing currently combine various sources of information, including telephone surveys or by email or postal mail, in situ sampling and the use of applications for mobile devices, from where the same fishermen can provide information on fishing activities on a voluntary basis. Each of these systems presents advantages and disadvantages, as well as biases in the information collected. In this sense, the development of an application to collect effort and catch data is in tune with and contributes to the specific objective of contributing to the protection and conservation of some of the exploited species, including chondrichthyans, promoting the implementation of measures of management proposed in the document “Recreational marine fishing in Argentina: Guidelines for Monitoring and Good Practices generated by the FAO Project GCP / ARG / 02S / GFF. On November 2, the meeting “Guidelines for fishing marine recreational ”,

The objective of the meeting was to present the document “Marine Recreational Fishing in Argentina: Guidelines for Monitoring and Good Practices”, and to promote a space for exchange with the authorities of the different jurisdictions on the guidelines proposed in said document in order to move towards the harmonization of management measures, good practices and regulations. Communication between the authorities, fishermen and fishing clubs and strengthening the monitoring of the activity was raised as a challenge. In this sense, in a meeting with the fishing authorities of the province of Buenos Aires and CESIMAR researchers, It was agreed to create a multiplatform application for cell phones and smart tablets that adapts to the local realities of recreational fishing activity in the province ( the only jurisdiction with specific regulations for recreational maritime fishing, focusing on chondrichthyans ), in the framework of a plan for the development of equipment and technologies for monitoring the activity. With this application it is hoped to contribute to the dissemination and implementation of good fishing practices with return of sharks in the towns of the province of Buenos Aires, contributing to strengthen the actions aimed at recreational fishing of the PAN-Sharks of Argentina approved for the 2021-2023 operational plan. The consulting activities will be supervised by the app development team,

This consultancy is part of Component 2 of the Project, Product 2.2.3: Evaluation of the effectiveness of the application of the EEP in the Argentine Sea, which addresses i ) the effectiveness of fishing techniques and selectivity devices; ii ) evaluation of the mitigation of the impact on the ecosystem through these techniques and devices; iii ) the inclusion of the measures recommended for the application of the EEP in the Argentine Sea.


The general objective of the mission is to contribute to the development of a multiplatform application for smartphones and smart tablets that adapt to local realities, within the framework of an equipment and technology development plan for monitoring recreational fishing on the maritime coast. Argentinean.

hierarchical dependency

Under the general supervision of the National Director of the Project ( DNP ) and the FAO Representative in Argentina, and the direct supervision of the Technical Coordinator of the Project and the Coordinator of Component 2, the specialist must work closely with the Project Executing Unit and App Development Team of CESIMAR and GIDTAP-UTN.

Tasks and responsibilities

According to the guidelines established in the Project document, the owner must carry out the following activities: – Participate in work meetings with the CESIMAR and GIDTAP-UTN development team to define the tasks to be carried out. – Collaborate in the analysis of the application together with the development team. – Perform development tasks, unit tests and implementation. – Prepare the documentation in the code and the user manual of the application. – Adapt the development to pre-existing technological platforms (node ​​js, react native, Firebase, MySQL) for what might arise through the requirements. Develop tasks based on specific regulations of the MAyDS and FAO-GEF. Likewise, it must ensure that the tasks, Activities and products developed incorporate the gender and vulnerable groups approach. Provide the information required by the PEU for the monitoring and evaluation of the Project.


Minimum requirements

  •  Graduate in Computer Science or Systems (eg: Bachelor’s in Systems, Bachelor’s in Computer Science, Systems Engineer, or related careers such as University Programmer Analyst, University Technician in Software Development, etc.).
  •  At least three years of experience in mobile application development.
  •  Experience with HTML + JS. Basic knowledge of React Native and related development tools (Visual Studio Code + Github).
  •  Working knowledge of Spanish
  •  Argentine nationality or resident in the country with a regular work permit

FAO Core Competencies

  •  Results-based approach
  •  Teamwork
  •  Communication
  •  Building Effective Relationships
  •  Knowledge sharing and continuous improvement

Technical/functional skills

  •  Work experience in more than one place or field of work as well as in remote and work teams.
  •  Availability and flexible hours to participate in virtual meetings.
  •  Experience developing under Node.JS with relational databases (SQL, MySQL engine).

Selection criteria

  •  Availability to work in coordination with the Project Executing Unit and in coordination with the CESIMAR and GIDTAP-UTN development team.
  •  Qualified women and experts with Argentine nationality will have priority to parity of experience and knowledge.
  •  Attach a portfolio in the application form to this call.

It is noted that all candidates should adhere to the Organization’s values ​​of commitment to FAO, respect for all, and integrity and transparency.


  •  FAO does not charge fees at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview, processing).
  •  Incomplete applications will not be considered. If you need help or have questions, please contact:
  •  Applications received after the application submission deadline has expired will not be accepted.
  •  We inform you that FAO will only consider degrees or academic credentials obtained at an educational institution included in the World Database on Higher Education, which is a list maintained by the International Association of Universities (IAU)/UNESCO. The list can be consulted at:
  •  For all other questions visit the FAO employment website:

HOW TO APPLY Candidates are requested to attach a letter of motivation to the online profile. We encourage applicants to submit the application well before the deadline date. If you need help, or have queries, please contact:




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