Driver, Retainer ( RÃ © served © only to candidates living in Kinshasa ), Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo At United Nations Office for Project Services ( UNOPS )

Closing date: Saturday, August 26, 2023

Background Information – Job-specific

The role of the driver will be to work on behalf of UNOPS in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It will ensure the driving of the vehicle within the framework of service races, ensure its maintenance and the formalities relating to the regulations on insurance and others. He and she performs any other task which may be entrusted to him in the performance of his duties.

NB: The re-tainer contract is an intermittent or part-time contract, that is to say, if you are selected and if you accept the offer, you should know that you are not going to work every day systematically but according to the need that will be expressed by the office and at the end of the month you will not be paid only for the number of days worked multiplied by the daily rate which will be calculated according to our procedure. Note that it may happen that you do not work for a month or two months etc, if the office does not express the need. You will not also be entitled to annual leave or sick leave.

This position is open only to nationals of the Democratic Republic of the Congo resident.e.s in Kinshasa, due to the type of contract envisaged.

Background information – DR Congo

UNOPS in the Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC ) provides services from its main office in Kinshasa and its office in the provinces of the DRC. The Multi-Country CDMCO office covers 11 French-speaking countries in Central and Southern Africa such as the RD Congo, the Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, Cameroon, Burundi, Rwanda, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Madagascar, Angola and Comoros.

The organization meets the needs of the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo with funding from bilateral donors, the World Bank, international financial institutions and United Nations agencies. UNOPS in the Democratic Republic of Congo provides a wide range of project management and other related services, including procurement, contract management, logistics, human resources and financial management.

UNOPS helps its partners achieve the objectives of their projects, particularly in the areas of physical and social infrastructure, elections and environmental protection.

Functional Responsibilities

The ( the ) driver ( e ) Retainer is placed ( e ) under the responsibility of the Logistics Officer. It ( it ) will have to accomplish the following tasks :

  •  Drive the official vehicle for the transport of personnel and visitors on official trips ;
  •  Take care of the daily maintenance of the vehicle in which he is responsible, and make the arrangements for repairs in the event of a breakdown ;
  •  Perform the races for the office, and keep the vehicle technical sheet up to date while ensuring the validity of the parts
  •  Ensure that all formalities provided for in the regulations are completed in the event of an accident ;
  •  Driving the vehicle entrusted to it and managing the fuel.
  •  Vehicle mileage must be recorded during any trip
  •  L’entretien du véhicule est assuré quotidiennement, ainsi que le contrôle de l’huile ; l’eau et les organes du véhicule qui doivent être fonctionnels à tout moment
  •  Suivi et mise à jour des pièces d’assurances et les autres pièces du véhicule
  •  Accomplir toute autre tâche qui peut lui être confiée dans le cadre de ses fonctions

Education/Experience/Language requirements


  •  Avoir le permis de conduire poids léger est exigé
  •  Avoir un niveau d’étude secondaire, diplôme ou attestation professionnelle en conduite ou une formation équivalente est un grand avantage
  •  Avoir une formation en mécanique automobile serait un avantage
  •  Avoir une formation en logistique serait un atout considérable.


  •  Avoir 2 ans minimum d’expérience professionnelle dans la conduite automobile est exigé


  •  A good command of the French language is required, knowledge of English is an advantage.

Competencies FR

Demonstrate an understanding of the effects of its role on all partners and give priority to beneficiaries. Forge and maintains strong external relations and constitutes a competent partner for the others ( if this applies to its role ).

Evaluate data and processes to make logical and pragmatic decisions. Adopts a neutral and rational approach by calculating the risks. Applies innovation and creativity to a problem-solving approach.

Effectively establishes a series of measures for oneself and for others to achieve a goal. The actions taken lead to the complete accomplishment of the task while respecting the quality requirements in all areas. Identify the possibilities and take initiatives to seize them. Understands that responsible use of resources optimizes the effect of our activities with beneficiaries.

Treats all individuals with respect; gives consideration to differences and encourages others to do the same. Incarnates ethical and organizational standards. Meet high demands for honesty. Is a model for diversity and inclusion issues.

Open to change and flexible in a very dynamic environment. Effectively adapts its approach to follow changing circumstances or needs. Learn from experience and modify behavior. Its results are consistent, even under pressure. Continuously seek improvement.

Expresses ideas or facts in a clear, concise and open manner. Communication indicates consideration for the feelings and needs of others. Actively listen and share his knowledge spontaneously. Manages conflicts effectively while respecting differences and finding common ground.

Agit comme exemple positif contribuant à l’esprit d’équipe. Collabore et soutient le perfectionnement des autres. Pour les responsables seulement : agit en tant qu’exemple positif de leadership, motive, dirige et inspire les autres à réussir, utilise des styles de leadership appropriés.

Contract type, level and duration

Contract type: Contrat de Prestataire Individuel Local (LICA) Contract level: LICA 2, ICS-2 Contract duration: Retainer For more details about the ICA contractual modality, please follow this link:

Informations supplémentaires

  •  L’UNOPS n’accepte pas de candidatures spontanées.
  •  Les candidatures reçues après la date de clôture ne seront pas examinées.
  •  L’UNOPS ne communiquera qu’avec les personnes sélectionnées pour passer à l’étape suivante du processus de recrutement, qui consiste en différentes évaluations.
  •  L’UNOPS désire favoriser la diversité et s’engage à garantir l’égalité d’accès à l’emploi. Le personnel de l’UNOPS est constitué de personnes de différentes nationalités, cultures, langues, races, identités de genre, orientations sexuelles et capacités. L’UNOPS souhaite conserver et renforcer cette diversité afin d’assurer l’égalité des chances ainsi qu’un environnement de travail inclusif pour l’ensemble de son personnel.
  •  UNOPS encourages women and persons belonging to under-represented groups in its staff to apply, particularly persons belonging to ethnic minorities, indigenous groups and gender identities and minority sexual orientations, as well as people with disabilities.
  •  UNOPS wants to ensure that everyone can give the best of themselves during the evaluation process. Preselected persons who require additional assistance in carrying out an assessment, including reasonable accommodation, are invited to inform human resources personnel after receiving an invitation to participate in this assessment.
  •  Please note that this position is reserved only for candidates living in the city of Kinshasa.


  •  For staff positions ( staff ), UNOPS reserves the right to assign a person to a lower level post than that published in the job offer.
  •  Holders of a provisional contract ( retainer ) must devote approximately four hours of their own time to undergo some compulsory training before starting to provide their services to UNOPS. To find out more about the provisional contract, click here.
  •  L’ensemble des membres du personnel de l’UNOPS doivent, dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions, respecter la Charte des Nations Unies, les politiques et instructions de l’UNOPS ainsi que tout autre cadre de responsabilité pertinent. En outre, les membres du personnel doivent démontrer une compréhension des Objectifs de développement durable cohérente avec les valeurs des Nations Unies et la vision de « Notre programme commun ».
  •  La politique de l’UNOPS exige de procéder à la vérification des références de toutes les personnes retenues pour un poste. Ces vérifications sont déterminantes pour l’embauche.


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