Forest carbon specialist, Lima, Peru At Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO )


Forest carbon specialist

Job announcement : Jun 14, 2023

Publication cancellation date : Jun 28, 2023, 9:59:00 PM

Organizational Unit: FLPER

Job type : Temporary work

Requirement Type: Consultants / PSA ( subscribers to personal service agreements )

Grade Level: N / A

Main location : Peru-Lima

Duration: 92 WAE

Position Number: N / A

FAO seeks to ensure gender, geographic and linguistic diversity among its staff and its international consultants, in order to serve the Member States of the Organization in the best possible way in all regions.

  •  FAO is committed to achieving diversity in its workforce in terms of sex, nationality, origin and culture.
  •  Women, nationals of under-represented or under-represented Member States and persons with disabilities with the necessary qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications.
  •  All persons working for FAO must comply with the highest standards of professional integrity and conduct and uphold FAO’s values.
  •  FAO, as a specialized agency of the United Nations, applies a zero tolerance policy for conduct incompatible with its statute, objectives and mandate, in particular sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination.
  •  All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
  •  All requests will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

Organizational framework

In the framework of the UN Technical Assistance REDD 2020 ( AT 2022 ) that seeks to support the countries selected by the UN REDD program, a support proposal based on 3 Great results, for the specific case of Peru, the following preliminary areas were identified for AT 2022.

In order to help realize forest solutions ( Outcome 1 ), financial instruments will be designed to help mobilize public-private climate resources and an REDD + nesting approach and arrangements will be developed, including a REDD + record and a nesting allocation tool. In addition, emissions from forest degradation will be reported, with a transparent and solid methodology, and the national forest monitoring system and GHG reports related to the UNFCCC will be strengthened under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement ( AP ). This will include an MRV protocol that recognizes regional efforts and indigenous MRV, and will support the development of the first REDD Technical Annex + ( led by FAO ). Further,to ensure that forest solutions are implemented with the highest environmental and social integrity, the continuous improvement of the Safeguards Information Module and the Citizen Attention Mechanism will be supported, as well as updating the summary of safeguard information. This will be key to helping access high-quality results-based REDD + payments.

To help ensure that forest solutions are rewarded ( Outcome2 ), an ART / TREES registration document will be developed and sent to the ART Secretariat.

Peru, as part of the commitments assumed, presented to the UNFCCC on February 15, 2021, the updated Forest Emissions Reference Level ( NREF ). The updated NREF estimates 78 927 827.50 tCO2 eq / year of emissions due to deforestation in the Amazon area from a historical period of 10 years ( 2010-2019 ), and it is based on a historical average, which reflects the behavior of deforestation.

This NREF presents important improvements, among the main ones are: improvement in the methodology to determine deforestation of natural loss, calculates uncertainties and errors, uses data from the National Forest and Wildlife Inventory ( INFFS ) for the first time, including more carbon pools, among others.

As part of the country’s efforts under the gradual approach of continuous improvement, different methods have been evaluated to quantify emissions from forest degradation, identified as an activity that can contribute significantly to total emissions from the forestry sector. In order to know the impact of degradation on Amazon forests, it is proposed to identify the activities that lead to degradation and quantify them, taking into account their inclusion when they are significant. 3 activities have been evaluated: logging, firewood consumption and burned areas.

Of these three activities, logging is the activity that is expected to have significant emissions ( at least 3% of the total annual emissions of the forestry sector in the Amazon ) in the Amazon biome, therefore, it is necessary to continue with the work of determining the Activity Data ( DA ) and Emission Factors ( FE ) associated with this activity.

On the other hand, in December 2021, MINAM presented the TREES Concept ( TC ) to the ART Secretariat, within the framework of the Payment Phase for the reduction of verified emissions of the Joint Declaration of Intent ( DCI ) on REDD + signed between the governments of Peru, Germany, Norway, and the United Kingdom and USAID ( observer ). Therefore, as a next step, it is required to present the TREES Registration Document ( TRD ) or registration document and the TREES Monitoring Report ( TMR ), in which sections referring to carbon components and monitoring must be developed, although with the updated NREF several of the requirements are already covered, it is necessary to generate information that meets the requirements of the TREES standard [ 1 ] . .

The consultant will provide support for the preparation of technical inputs to complete the sections relevant to forest monitoring, accounting and forest emissions estimates, and on double accounting in the ART TREES monitoring document and registration report of Peru. The consultant will focus on the review of deforestation emission factors and degradation EF generation and their respective protocols, generation of emission reduction estimation scenarios due to deforestation and degradation as of 2021, including the estimation of deductions and buffer for leaks and non-permanence.

Hierarchical dependency

The specialist will be supervised by the main coordinator of the project.

Under the supervision of the MINAM Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Directorate, the FAO representation in Peru and the Technical Assistance of the UN REDD Program.

Field of specialization

The consultant will provide support for the preparation of technical inputs to complete the sections relevant to forest monitoring, accounting and forest emissions estimates, and on double accounting in the ART TREES monitoring document and registration report of Peru. The consultant will focus on the review of deforestation emission factors and degradation EF generation and their respective protocols, generation of emission reduction estimation scenarios due to deforestation and degradation as of 2021, including the estimation of deductions and buffer for leaks and non-permanence.

Tasks and responsibilities

El/la consultor (a) deberá desarrollar las siguientes actividades:

  •  Revisar la bibliográfica y recopilación de información existente sobre estimación de emisiones y reducciones de emisiones asociados a REDD+ en el Perú, identificación de vacíos y/o mejoras requeridas para que se cumpla con los requerimientos del estándar de TREES.
  •  Analizar y/o actualizar enfoque metodológico del NREF actualizado respecto de actividades, gases y depósitos de carbono incluidos, y justificación para los que pueden ser excluidas, en el marco de ART TREES.
  •  Generar información técnica que se requiera para la generación de escenarios de reducción de emisiones, conforme las directrices de ART TREES, y teniendo en cuenta iniciativas temprana REDD+ en Perú, consideraciones y enfoque sobre anidamiento, y el impacto del ajuste por HFLD en el país.
  •  Review documentation of protocols and / or standardized operating procedures for estimating emissions from deforestation and degradation in accordance with the requirements of the TREES standard.
  •  In coordination with the MINAM MRV Team and the UN-REDD AT, write the sections on calculating the level of credit in the document for registration and monitoring report for ART TREES according to the templates of each document.
  •  Estimate emissions for the period 2020 and 2021 by deforestation in a similar way to what is estimated in the NREF presented to the UNFCCC as input for the ATREDD + to be presented to the UNFCCC.
  •  Develop the analysis of uncertainties applying the Monte Carlo method for emissions and emission reductions in accordance with the requirements of the ART TREES standard
  •  Participar en reuniones técnicas para la preparación del documento de registro incluyendo reuniones de coordinación y validación a nivel interinstitucional según lo defina la DGCCD.
  •  Elaborar informes técnicos de avance y un informe final que detalle las actividades y resultados logrados.


Requisitos mínimos

  •  Título universitario en Ingeniería forestal, geográfica, biólogo, o ciencias afines
  •  Cursos y/o post grado en monitoreo o inventarios forestales, o manejo de sistemas de información satelital, lenguajes de programación y otros temas afines a la presente consultoría.
  •  Conocimiento práctico (nivel C) del español y conocimiento limitado (nivel B) del idioma inglés.
  •  Experiencia laboral de al menos 3 años en temas relacionados con cambio climático, conservación de bosques y ecosistemas, reservas de carbono o REDD+.

Competencias fundamentales de la FAO

  •  Enfoque basado en los resultados
  •  Trabajo en equipo
  •  Comunicación
  •  Establecimiento de relaciones eficaces
  •  Intercambio de conocimientos y mejora continua

Aptitudes técnicas/ funcionales

  •  Experiencia laboral de al menos 3 años en la aplicación de metodologías para realizar inventarios de carbono, estimación de reservas de carbono y/o emisiones de GEI de actividades relacionadas al sector UTCUTS
  •  Experiencia de al menos 3 años trabajando en coordinación con equipos técnicos relacionados al monitoreo de los bosques.
  •  At least 2 experiences in statistical analysis of data derived from forest inventories and / or monitoring plots and / or database analysis related to forest monitoring
  •  Have at least 2 publications on topics related to carbon monitoring in forests.

[ 1 ]

It is noted that all candidates should adhere to the Organization’s values of commitment to FAO, respect for all and integrity and transparency.


  •  FAO does not charge fees at any stage of the recruitment process ( application, interview, processing ).
  •  Incomplete applications will not be taken into account. If you need help, contact:
  •  Las solicitudes recibidas después del vencimiento del plazo de presentación de solicitudes no se aceptarán.
  •  Le informamos que la FAO solo considerará los títulos o credenciales académicos obtenidos en una institución de enseñanza incluida en la Base de datos mundial sobre educación superior, la cual es una lista mantenida por la Asociación Internacional de Universidades (IAU)/UNESCO. La lista puede ser consultada en:
  •  Para obtener información acerca de otras oportunidades de trabajo visite el sitio web de la FAO sobre empleo:


PRESENTATION OF REQUESTMENTS If you want to apply, go to the FAO Recruitment Website ( Employment in FAO ) and complete your online profile. Incomplete applications will not be taken into account. Only applications received through the contracting portal will be considered. We advise candidates to submit their application sufficiently in advance of the expiration of the term. If you need help, contact:




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