to conduct Training on Project Management of War Child Canada and 10 implementing partners.. At War Child Canada

Consultancy Title: Conduct training on Project Management of War Child Canada and 10 implementing partners.

Reports to: Head of Programs

Supported by: BRIDGE Project Director, and Country Director, Advocacy and Partnership Lead.

Background: War Child Canada is an international charity organization registered in Toronto, Canada, dedicated to helping children and their communities overcome the devastating effects of active and post war. Its vision is “Accelerating Peace by disrupting the cycle of violence” and its mission is “Driving Generational Change for The Hardest Hit by Investing in The Power of Local Communities.”

Since being founded in 1999, War Child Canada has worked in 20 countries across the world and we are currently operational in Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Uganda.

During the past five years, War Child Canada reached over 2,500,000 conflict-afflicted children and adults; 985,000 people benefitted from War Child’s educational initiatives; 480,000 people were helped to climb out of poverty and 1,075,000 people learned more about their rights and had better access to justice systems.

War Child Canada has been operating in refugee hosting districts in Uganda since 2005. War Child Canada is registered as an international non-governmental organization (INGO) and holds a registration as a law firm in Uganda. War Child Canada is currently implementing education, protection, and livelihood programs and is currently implements projects in nine refugee hosting districts in Uganda (Adjumani, Koboko, Madi Okollo, Terego, Yumbe, Obongi, Isingiro, Kikube, Kamwenge).

The BRIDGE PROJECT: War Child Canada in partnership with Mastercard Foundation, Community Empowerment for Rural Development (CEFORD), Education Local Expertise Centre Uganda (ELECU) and eight refugee-led community-based organizations, is implementing the BRIDGE: From Secondary Education and Skills Development to Job Opportunities for Refugee and Host Community Youth in Uganda project.

The 5-year BRIDGE project (2022 to 2027) is part of the Mastercard Foundation’s Young Africa Works Strategy (2018 to 2030) to address the youth unemployment challenge among refugee and host communities in 9 refugee hosting districts in Uganda (Adjumani, Obongi, Isingiro, Kamwenge, Kikuube, Yumbe, Terego, Madi Okollo and Koboko districts).

War Child Canada and project implementing partners will employ a gender sensitive and inclusive approach to programming, empower young people and recognize their potential as agents of change to ensure effective implementation and sustainability of the interventions. This will be achieved through two outcomes.

  1. Increased access to market relevant secondary and tertiary education and skills for refugee and host community youth
  2. Improved capacity of education institutions and teachers to offer quality and relevant education and skills for refugee and host community youth.

BRIDGE ’s overarching program goal is to improve access to quality & relevant education and skills for 73,439 refugee / host community youth and transition 38,912 refugee / host community youth to dignified and fulfilling work in Uganda by 2027.

Consultancy summary:

Conduct training on Project Management for War Child Canada and 10 implementing partners.

War Child Canada seeks qualified consultants (individuals, firms, training institutions) to design and conduct a training on Project Planning and Management for War Child Canada and its 10 implementing partners. The training methodology should be designed to be highly interactive and practical, with a focus on hands-on learning.

The training on Project Management should cover but not limited to the following areas.

  • Introduction to project management
  • Project cycle
  • Project identification and design planning
  • Project formulation or development
  • Project Appraisal (feasibility)
  • Project proposal writing
  • Project implementation and management
  • Project planning and implementation tools
  • Leadership and Management in Project implementation
  • Monitoring and Evaluation for Project Managers
  • Report writing.
  • Fundraising and resource mobilization.
  • Grants management.
  • Business development mechanisms, processes, and frameworks.
  • The role of a project Manager
  • Budget Management for Project Managers
  • Stakeholder management
  • Risk management.
  • Project closurePurpose of the consultancy

The purpose of this consultancy is to deliver training on Project planning and management including proposal writing to War Child Canada and implementing Partners staff.

Approach and Deliverables:

The consulting firm will use a participatory approach and ensure that the entire process develops staff capacities and skills in Project Management and project proposal development. The capacity building training targets management, program staff, finance and operations staff of War Child Canada and 10 Implementing Partner Organizations.

The training process will include the following:

  • Conducting a rapid training needs assessment to understand participants knowledge levels and specific gaps focusing on project planning, management, and proposal development.
  • Developing a training guide or manual whose contents capture issues identified during the training needs assessment.
  • In consultation with War Child Canada, plan and develop a training schedule.
  • Delivering three separate trainings of five days each attended by 30 participants drawn from War Child Canada and 10 implementing partners from Southwestern and West Nile.The consulting firm / person will facilitate the training workshops, provide technical skills and guidance, quality control and reporting in consultation with War Child Canada.The consulting firm will provide the following deliverables.A. Pre-activity level.
  • Inception report. Upon signing the contract, the consultant / firm will have 5 working days to submit a detailed report on the proposed approach to this assignment. The inception report will include a detailed description of the methodology and tools, expected outputs, budget with a breakdown of costs and detailed work plan for the entire assignment.
  • Training needs assessment report. Uponsigning the contract, the firm will conduct a rapid training needs assessment to identify the specific training needs of the two major areas which will inform the training content & methodologies. The report will be shared with WCC within 10 days upon contract signing.
  • Revised training needs assessment report: Following the provision of feedback on the first training needs assessmentreport from War Child Canada and partners, the consulting firm will incorporate revisions and recommendations from War Child Canada and submit a final Training needs assessment report which will inform the training content and methodologies.
  • Develop the training content: Upon approval of the training needs assessment report by WCC, the consulting firm will develop and share with WCC training content for the two main areas of project management and proposal writing in a span of 14 days. The training content will include a detailed description of the training delivery methods, and pre & post-training evaluation templates.

B. During activity delivery level

  • Undertaking the assignment: The consultant is expected to deliver 3 trainings on project management and proposal writing to War Child Canada and 10 implementing partner staff using the WCC approved training content, methodologies and schedule.
  • Sharing the draft training report: The consulting firm / consultant will be requested to submit a training report of the first lot to War Child Canada as a way of tracking and reflecting on the training progress. The report’s structure will depend on the approach and methodology agreed upon in the training content.
  • Submission of final training report: The consulting firm will finalize the assignment within 15 days based on the comments and feedback received from War Child Canada and partners draft training report. Any relevant documents including but not limited to attendance sheets and evaluation sheets should be included in the report as annexes.

Responsibility of War Child Canada and Partner:

War Child Canada and implementing Partners will be responsible for the following.

  • Under the direct supervision of Head of Program, oversee the overall training processes based on guidance provided by the consultant and provide timely feedback.
  • All conference and workshop related costs shall be taken care of by War Child Canada and or Partner.
  • Mobilize participants required for the training.

Scope of work and timeline:

This assignment will be conducted in mutually agreed locations in Uganda. The assignment is expected to take a maximum of 50 working days beginning on 4th March 2024. The final assignment report and all other deliverables should be submitted to War child Canada by 27th April 2024.

Experience, skills: War Child Canada is looking for a competent firm / consultant with skills set, knowledge, and proven experience in conducting and facilitating training on project management and proposal writing for Non-Governmental Organizations, Civil Society Organizations, Community Based Organizations and or Refugee Led Organizations. Applications from consulting firms / consultants will be assessed on their ability to demonstrate the following qualifications, experiences and competencies.

  • Team members with a University Degree in Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Business Administration, Project Management, Organizational Development or any other related discipline.
  • A Postgraduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management is an asset.
  • The consulting firm / consultant should have a minimum of 7-10 years of demonstrated professional work experience in project development, management, business development, process facilitation and proposal development for funding for Civil Society Organizations setting or Private Sector.
  • Previous experience working with Non-Governmental Organizations, Community-Based Organizations and in refugee settlements especially in Southwestern or West Nile regions of Uganda.
  • Experience in proposal development, and organizational development.
  • Knowledge and experience in using participatory training approaches and innovative techniques, and organizational leadership.
  • Excellent analytical, facilitation, coaching and report writing skills.
  • Experience working on projects related to human rights and protection issues, education programs, youth engagement and working with persons of concerns in Uganda or similar context.
  • Strong English language skills required; other local languages spoken in Southwestern or West Nile is an asset.

Travel: Travel to project field locations in Southwestern and West Nile sub regions will be required.

*Travel costs are the responsibility of the consultant and should be included in the proposed budget.

How to apply

Application process

Interested applicants/firms are invited to submit the following:

  • Technical proposal including methodology, timeline, and demonstration of experience (7 pages maximum)
  • Financial proposal (itemized budget)
  • Curriculum vitae of Lead consultants and other members.
  • Confirmation of availability (March – April 2024).

Submit your technical and financial proposals as one document to Email: jobs_uganda@warchild.ca

Please ensure your submission email has the subject heading: “Uganda BRIDGE BID for Conducting training on Project Design and Management.

Final candidates will be vetted in accordance with War Child Canada’s Child Safeguarding Policy, including appropriate reference and security checks.

Only those applicants selected for further processes will be notified. For more information about War Child Canada, please visit www.warchild.ca.

Note: The call is only open to individuals / firms registered in Uganda.

No FEE. War Child Canada never ask for payment as part of our selection process, and we always contact candidates via our corporate accounts and platforms. If you are approached for payment, this is likely to be fraudulent.

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July 2024