YEMEN – CONSULTANCY Conducting Agroecology study in the West Coast – Yemen At Solidarités International

Date : 30.09.2024

Start Date for publishing and offers withdrawal: 03.10.2024

Deadline for responses : 16.10.2024

Start Date for assignment: 04.11.2024

Location: Al Mokha base/Tai’zz and Hudaydah Governorates

Reference of the CFT/Consultancy : PF-YEM-00520 (PL-ALM-02203)


SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL (SI) is a French NGO, independent of all political, economic, ethnic and religious groups. For over 40 years, it has contributed to provide humanitarian assistance to populations that are victims of armed conflicts and natural disasters by meeting their vital needs (water, food and shelter) and strengthening their resilience capacities. Particularly committed to the fight against water- borne diseases, the world’s leading cause of death, SI provides expertise in the areas of access to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, as well as in the essential domain of food security and livelihoods and shelter. SI teams are present in about 25 countries – a total of 2,494 people, including expatriates, national staff, permanent staff at Headquarters, and a few volunteers.


SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL (SI) is a humanitarian NGO which is committed to meeting the vital needs of populations faced with a major crisis of human or natural origin and to strengthening their resilience, particularly regarding Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, and food security.

The conflict in Yemen is deeply rooted and dates back 9 years. The situation has forced millions of people to flee their homes, resulting in widespread international displacement. As of March 2024, more than 4.5 million Yemenis (14%) remain internally displaced, according to the UNCHR, facing numerous challenges. Due to protracted conflict, displacement and economic deterioration, compounded by recurrent natural disasters, humanitarian needs remain high throughout the country. As outlined in the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP 2024) by OCHA, 18.2 million people are still in need of humanitarian assistance and protection service, which represents two-thirds of the population in Yemen, and 17.4 million people need humanitarian WASH assistance.

Indeed, one of Yemen’s greatest challenges is to develop and secure sufficient and sustainable water resources to meet the growing demand from a rapidly expanding population (2.6% population growth per year). As a result, there has been an increase in the prevalence of water borne diseases, most recently, the Cholera outbreak which started in November of 2023, with a steady increase in cases and

a lack of governmental capacity to provide health coverage, proper case management, water quality testing and water decontamination.

There is need for a sustainable agricultural development of all regions of Yemen anchored on a strong link between the regeneration and protection of natural resources and economic prosperity. Intensification and diversification of the farming systems needs to go hand in hand with the responsible use of soil, water, and other natural resources. Conservation and where possible regeneration of natural resources, as well as adaptation to the effects of climate change, are viewed as preconditions for livelihood development of current and future generations in Taiz and Yemen in general.


The overall objective of this assignment is to conduct an agroecology study in West Coast area of Yemen (Al Mokha, Mawza and Al Khawkha districts) and propose a set of recommendations. Specifically, the overarching objective of the proposed agroecology study are:

  • Avail evidence used to Improve water supply and water use within the locality for irrigation and drinking water purposes.
  • Understand how water is used by the agricultural sector and how water use, and irrigation techniques might be improved, asses alternative livelihood options to reduce dependency on over abstraction of ground water resources, prepare key messaging that can be used for awareness raising of the farmers on conservation of water.
  • Identify crops that can be grown as alternatives to the most impacted crops based on the environmental conditions, farmer livelihoods, and future climate scenarios
  • Provide details on the economic viability of the proposed climate smart agricultural practices from a smallholder farmers’ perspective and assess the farmers’ economic and financial risks
  • Assess the environmental and social (including from a gender perspective) impacts of implementing the proposed climate-smart agricultural practices


System for water smart concrete recommendations (on agricultural water use, crop choices, agriculture and livestock management etc.

The study will focus on assessing and enhancing water resource management practices within the framework of agroecological approaches, specifically addressing the challenges of groundwater overuse and unsustainable agricultural practices in the West Coast of Yemen(Al Mokha, Mawza districts in Taizz Govornorate and Al Khawkha district in Hodeida governorate).

Conduct a dedicated Irrigation study:

This study will assess existing irrigation practices, including water use patterns, irrigation techniques, and their impact on groundwater resources. Special attention will be given to identifying the main drivers of water over-abstraction and evaluating the sustainability of current practices.

Agroecological Survey of the Agrarian System:

A thorough agroecological survey will be conducted to evaluate the agrarian system in the West Coast((Al Mokha, Mawza and Al Khawkha districts). This survey will focus on understanding the interaction between agricultural practices and the local ecosystem, with a particular emphasis on water use and management. The survey will identify water-smart, concrete recommendations for optimizing water use by agriculturalists. This will include advice on crop selection, planting calendars, watering volumes, soil and livestock management, and other practices that can enhance water efficiency and reduce ground water dependency.

Evaluate and propose sustainable water management techniques:

The study will review and propose agroecological practices that align with principles such as water conservation, recycling, and efficient resource use. This will include both traditional methods and innovative techniques that can be adapted to the local context. Recommendations will be made for the implementation of these practices, with the potential of its inclusion in future R-WaSH II initiative. The study will provide a roadmap for transitioning from current practices to more sustainable systems that optimize water use and enhance agricultural resilience.

Explore alternative livelihoods options:

The study will assess alternative livelihoods opportunities that can help reduce pressure on groundwater resources. This will involve exploring agroecological practices that require less water, enhance water retention, and improve overall resource efficiency. The study will analyze the feasibility of introducing or scaling up these alternatives in the West Coast (Al Mokha, Mawza and Al Khawkha districts), considering economic, social and environmental factors.

Develop recommendations and key messaging:

The study will provide clear, actionable recommendations for improving water management in agriculture, focusing on practices that enhance water conservation and align with agroecological principles. It is crucial to consider traditional knowledge and cultural contextualization in the development of the recommendations.

Integrate gender and social inclusion considerations:

The study will ensure that the needs and perspectives of all community members, including vulnerable groups such as women, youth, and marginalized communities, are addressed in the recommendations and implementation strategies.

The consultancy is expected to produce a comprehensive report detailing the findings, analysis and recommendations, along with practical tools and messages for local awareness campaign. The study will produce evidence-based insights to guide policymaking and interventions in the West Coast (Al

Mokha, Mawza and Al Khawkha districts) of Yemen, optimizing water use in alignment with agroecological principles.


Withdrawal of offers is from 3rd OCT.–16TH of OCT 2024(Deadline included)

Clarifications for bidders: last day is on 13TH of OCT 2024 Opening session is to be on either 17th or 20th OCT 2024 Evaluation of bids is to be finalized by 24 OCT 2024

and finally the Contract is expected to be signed by 31 OCT 2024


In general, the consultant shall combine the following criteria:

Services providers or Proposals not fulfilling the minimum criteria will be excluded from the tender procedure and will not be assessed against the other criteria.

  1. The consultant or applicant agency should have individual/s possessing knowledge and experience in areas directly relevant to climate change issues in Yemen/closely similar contexts such as middle east and experience working on climate-smart and sustainable agriculture in Yemen, expertise in agroecology is desirable.
  2. Local presence and capability to collect primary data efficiently from the ground in Yemen
  3. Proficiency in English

How to apply


SI is requesting the service providers to hand in a proposal of maximum 10 pages (excluding company biographies, CVs, sample work and references). The proposal must be handed in a Word or PowerPoint version next to a PDF submission to facilitate any copy-and-pasting of content that we may need during evaluation.

The proposal must at least include Content:

  1. A succinct, well-documented approach addressing the requirements set out in this ToR. We request that the proposal structure match the selection criteria as closely as possible
  2. Maximum of three client references and a sample of previous work relevant to the deliverables in this ToR
  3. An overview of the project team, including the CVs of the project team members.
  4. Statement on Ground for exclusion (see section 8 below).
  5. Detailed WorkplanService providers are expected to submit the following administrative Documents (Failure to provide these documents will result in immediate disqualification):
  6. Completed detail request form (annex 3)
  7. Copy of most recent (audited) financial accounts
  8. Statement of acceptance draft contract (annex 6)

The Service Provider must submit a Sealed Budget presented in Euros (ex VAT) with a break-down of days/rate per project team member

The proposal package must be submitted to by October 16th, 2024.

Solidarités International considers individual candidates and teams equally. The applicants must send off requested documents electronically.

The applicants must ask TOR and RFP by email electronically to obtain these documents through this email (

The deadline for submission is 16th of OCT.2024

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