Humanity & Inclusion is looking for a consultant to review and ensure the inclusion of persons with disabilities in it’s WASH, Shelter, Food Assistance and CVA related activities.
Main Objective:
Promote and support the humanitarian sectors, including HI, on how to effectively ensure inclusion of persons with disabilities for humanitarian practitioners for WASH, Shelter&NFI, Food Assistance, and CVA related activities
Specific objectives:
- Gather experiences and lessons learns from HI programmes on inclusion of persons with disabilities through case studies for WASH, Shelter & NFI, Food assistance and CVA related activities;
- Provide concrete good practices and recommendations based on case studies to mainstream inclusion of persons with disabilities for WASH, Shelter & NFI, Food security and CVA practitioners;
- Contribute to the operationalization of the IASC guidelines on inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action (LNOB Phase 3)
The Review of Practices will identify a set of projects implemented by HI or its partners in various countries (around 10) that took specific actions and approaches to ensure inclusion of persons with disabilities effectively under the different sectors: WASH, Shelter & NFI, Food assistance; and CVA.
Requested availability: 20 days over the period from October to December 2023
To be discussed based on the technical and financial proposal.
Note: All expenses will be under the responsibility of the consultant. HI will be able to provide transportation in country to field sites for the consultant; as well as enumerators, data collection systems (Kobo), training materials and facilities for staff, and other related cost if data collection is planned.
How to apply
How to apply
Applications must include :
– In relation to the consultant:
- A curriculum vitae (training, experience in the areas mentioned above, list of key publications)
- References
- A letter of motivation
– In relation to the technical proposal:
- A methodological proposal to conduct this study/research, including, a minima: Understanding of the study’s issues and of the terms of reference; background of the study/research; presentation of the objectives (overall & specific); location; target population; presentation of the methodological framework: study design, selection of participants, data collection, data processing, data analysis, quality monitoring mechanisms; ethical considerations
- A timeline, clearly detailing the study/research’s implementation, execution, monitoring and use-of-findings activities
- A financial proposal including, a minima, details of the study/research’s consultancy fees and operational costs (travel, accommodation, investigator per diems, translator pay, software, etc.)
Please, send all required documents before October 8, 2023 to Alexandre GOUTCHKOFF, Economic Recovery Global Technical Specialist at the following address:
For more details please check the attached documents in the following link :