Re-advertisement: Individual consultancy Measurer services of MICS main Fieldwork to support the State Statistical Committee and UNICEF Country Office, Baku, Azerbaijan At Unicef

Closing date: Thursday, 4 May 2023

Re-advertisement: Individual consultancy Measurer services of MICS main Fieldwork to support the State Statistical Committee and UNICEF Azerbaijan Country Office Job no: 558914 Position type: Consultant Location: Azerbaijan Division/Equivalent: CEE/CIS School/Unit: Azerbaijan Department/Office: Baku, Azerbaijan Categories: Research, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential. Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone. And we never give up. For every child, monitoring The Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) is an international household survey programme developed and supported by UNICEF. It is accepted as the global gold standard for household surveying, providing statistically sound and internationally comparable data of key indicators related to households, with a special focus on women and children. The last MICS to be implemented in Azerbaijan took place in 2000, led by the State Statistical Committee with the technical and financial support of UNICEF and other partners. Today, the MICS has been included in the Azerbaijan State Programme on Improvement of Official Statistics 2018-2025, underlying the renewed importance placed on the MICS methodology by the Government, and for which UNICEF takes this opportunity to congratulate the State Committee for its leadership. MICS assesses some 200 indicators – on topics ranging from maternal and child health, nutrition, foundational learning skills (children age 7-14), child and adult functioning, water quality, social transfers, use of clean fuels and technology, and victimization. MICS, covering almost half of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicators (33 indicators) that are household survey-based, is well-positioned to play a central role in the 2030 Agenda alongside other key demographic, health, and socio-economic surveys and to complement data from administrative sources and censuses. The sample size for the upcoming MICS in Azerbaijan will be 12,320 households and will cover all economic regions of Azerbaijan except Eastern Zangazur. The work of the measurer is to visit the specific households to gather anthropometric measures from children under 5 years old. The measurer will hold the overall responsibility for determining final measurements and making sure they have been properly recorded on the under-five questionnaire. UNICEF Azerbaijan Country Office is recruiting Measurers for the above-mentioned activity. How can you make a difference? Taking anthropometric measurements of children under 5 years, conducting E. coli tests in the field and completing the water quality questionnaire, as well as collecting water samples for laboratory testing are the main responsibilities of the measurer. The measurer must follow all the procedures specified in the manuals in succession and omit no step in the procedures. When conducting anthropometric measurements, measurers will be assisted by one of the 4 interviewers (trained) from their team. However, the measurer will hold the overall responsibility for determining final measurements and making sure they have been properly recorded in the under-five questionnaire (on paper and in the CAPI application). The measurer is also responsible for maintaining and taking care of the equipment used for anthropometric measurements and equipment for water quality testing and reporting to the supervisor if any of the equipment is malfunctioning, faulty or short in supply. The measurer works under the supervision of the supervisor. Scope of Work: Attends the complete main fieldwork training and participates in the field exercises and pilot study. With the assistance of the Supervisor, locates the households in the sample that are assigned to her and visits the relevant district (city), and administers the relevant questionnaires. With the assistance of the Supervisor, locates the households selected for water quality testing and discusses arrangements for source testing when necessary Introduces herself/himself to household members and asks permission to carry out the anthropometric measurements and/or water quality testing. Identifies the best placement of the measuring board and electronic scale in the household to ensure both safety of the child and quality measurements. Explains the procedures for measuring children under the age 5 years to the mother/caretaker before initiating the measurement procedures. Ensures that she and the assistant (interviewer or supervisor) follow the protocols for measuring children under age 5 that are outlined in the Manual for Anthropometry. Before leaving the household, checks completed Anthropometry modules for children under age 5 years to ensure that the assistant (interviewer or supervisor) has entered the measurements correctly. Arranges and makes call-backs to measure children under the age of 5 years who could not be measured during the first or second visit due to various reasons. Maintains the anthropometric equipment, checks the electronic scale at the start and end of every day using the provided object of labelled standard weight and immediately notifies the supervisor if the equipment is faulty. Conducts water quality testing of drinking water in the home and at the source. Completes the water quality questionnaire and before leaving the household checks that all questions that need to be asked have been completed. Collects water samples for tests that will be conducted in laboratories and labels the sample according to the labelling protocol. Maintains the water quality testing equipment and notifies the supervisor if the equipment is faulty or short in supply. After checking the completed paper versions of Anthropometry modules and Water Quality Testing Questionnaires, and after leaving the household, gives them to the relevant interviewer to enter into the CAPI application. Records specific observations on issues experienced at households in a computer and in accordance with practices for ensuring anonymity of the data of households and household members. Provides a written declaration of obligation for the protection of the confidentiality of the personal data of the respondents. Prepares additional debriefing notes for the field supervisor on other problems or observations. After fieldwork has started, if necessary, attends retraining sessions. Confidentiality of Data and MICS Documents: She will protect the confidentiality of the data collected and stored on tablets/ and office servers/computers/archives and is only allowed to discuss those with direct supervisors in the office. She is expected to keep under her control the questionnaires, maps and other forms she is using for her work. She is not allowed to copy/photocopy/scan/ reproduce/ email and/or share totally or partially any data files, filled in questionnaires, or any confidential data/ information with third parties. Any breach of confidentiality will result in legal penalties. She is not allowed, under any circumstance, to publish, release, discuss, and share any survey outputs and survey phases or outcomes without prior written consent/ approval from the direct supervisor. To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…


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