RCA – Reponsible programme EHA (H/F) – MARKOUNDA At Solidarity International

Desired start date: 02/11/2023
Duration of the mission: 3 months
Location: Markounda, RCA


SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL (SI) is an association of’ international humanitarian aid which, for more than 40 years, has been providing relief to populations affected by armed conflicts and natural disasters by responding to the vital needs of, drinking, eating, s’abriter. Particularly engaged in the fight against diseases related to unhealthy’, the leading cause of death in the world, SI implements through its interventions an expertise in the field of’access to drinking’water,’sanitation and the promotion of hygiene but also in that, essential, food security and means of’. Present in more than 20 countries, the SI teams, 2500 people in total, composed of’expatriates, national staffs, permanent staff at headquarters, some volunteers…intervene with professionalism and commitment in respect of cultures.


SOLIDARITIES INTERNATIONAL teams in CAR rehabilitate’au and’ sanitation infrastructures, while forming’eau management committees to guarantee their sustainability. Awareness campaigns on’ hygiene and’ use of’au points help to cope with the high pressure exerted by the massive influx of populations. SOLIDARITIES INTERNATIONAL supplies drinking water to families, but also farmers, by repairing certain defective boreholes and ensuring the transport and storage of this water to their land,’, contributing to improving food security.

Work of community interest’s facilitates agricultural, pastoral and commercial activities and therefore’ increases food availability and relaunches the market. Our teams provide’tools kits and seeds to farmers and herders, as well as provide training.

Thanks to a mechanism of rapid emergency response’ and the constitution of’an emergency stock, SOLIDARITIES INTERNATIONAL stands ready to intervene from the first hours of’a disaster of human or natural origin in order to’ ensure access to drinking water and a healthy environment for populations vulnerable by a a natural disaster, an epidemic or a shock.

The estimated budget of the SI RCA mission is about 9 million’euros in 2023. Several financing projects cover the year 2023 but the financial visibility for 2023 must be confirmed through several ongoing project proposals. The’objective is to the stabilization of the mission around’a volume of’activity and funding equivalent to or slightly higher than 2022.

The activities are spread over 3 operational bases (Kaga Bandoro, Markounda and Bouar) covering the Centre/north area of the country as well as’a part of the’West. The coordination office is located in the capital, Bangui. L’opening of’a subbase in Kabo is underway. There are currently about 180 staff on the mission.


General objective :

As part of its mission, the candidate will have to intervene on behalf of two projects :

EMERGENCY RESPONSE in Food Security and Means of’Existence and Water, Hygiene and Sanitation for vulnerable people affected by armed conflict in Ouham Prefecture in CAR, France, funded by ECHO for the second year in a row (it s’ d’un Top up), whose objective is to strengthen the’emergency response in the prefecture of’Ouham by targeting areas particularly impacted by FOOD insufficiency,’access to protected’au points, and, to’ sanitation works and good hygiene practices. This objective is achieved in particular by implementing Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (EHA) activities in health centres and schools, including, and with the communities of the Markounda and Nangha Boguila Sub-Prefectures.
Supplementary response of’ emergency in water, sanitation and hygiene to vulnerable populations in Markounda, including Chadian cross-border workers at the site of displaced people near the Youth House, under UNICEF funding. The objective of this project is to provide assistance in EHA for 9,000 people in the sub-prefecture of Markounda, by targeting primarily displaced Chadian households living in the reunification site and in the’accueil families in order to improve their access to managed’au sources and to improved health infrastructures, and, as well as their conditions of’hygiene by the’appropriation of good practices.

Main Challenges :

Adapt to a work environment in a context, isolated and volatile in terms of safety
Ensure the integration of EHA activities into SAME activities
Take into account the supply chains of materials largely dependent on Paoua and border areas
Ensure close monitoring of contractors and workers in charge of carrying out the work to guarantee good compliance with the deadlines for carrying out the project.
A multiple implementation strategy should be proposed and discussed with coordination and headquarters in order to face the risks of non-eligibility of local entrepreneurs for carrying out the work
Form and build the capacity of the project team
Follow in consultation with the logistics department of the base and the mission L’externalisation of the work
Improve community participation and accountability to beneficiaries

Priorities for the first 2/3 months :

The realization of 3 new boreholes on the site of the Chadian displaced
The construction of 14 blocks of family latrines on the site of the displaced
Monitoring of activities and taking stock of blockages in the progress of these activities
Monitoring of the LFAs launched and ensuring that purchases are made and activities carried out
Make proposals to improve the implementation of activities.
Develop activity reports and donor reports.
Building the capacity of teams.
Support, training of health workers and equipment for school hygiene clubs. A community component will also be implemented, through the establishment of community hygiene promotion relays, revitalizing the training of CPEs.


Training :

Engineering or university diploma ( Bac + 4 or Bac + 5 ) in a field related to Water, hygiene and sanitation, Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering or equivalent diploma.

Experiences and technical skills :

At least 3 years of experience on an equivalent position
Knowledge of EHA, particularly in the construction of infrastructure and / or promotion to hygiene.
Technical skills EHA ( design of works, standards, construction standards, etc. ) and management.
Basic knowledge in IT management
Budget planning and management
Work experience in a volatile security context
Knowledge of CHS criteria, humanitarian principles and Do no Harm
Taste for teamwork

Languages :

French mandatory ( spoken and written )


An salaried position : According to experience, from 2310 EUR gross per month (2100€ basic salary + 10% annual leave allowance paid monthly) and a monthly Per Diem of 480 160 FCFA.

SI also covers accommodation and travel costs between the expatriate’s country of origin and the place of employment.

Breaks : During the mission, a system of alternation between work and leave is set up at the rate of 7 working days every three months (with USD 850 allocated by Solidarities International). In addition to these break periods, there is one additional day of rest per month worked.

Social and medical coverage: Expatriates receive insurance that reimburses all health costs (including medical and surgical expenses, dental and ophthalmological care, etc, repatriation) and a contingency system including war risks. Vaccination and antimalarial treatment costs are reimbursed.


An operational sub-base since August 2020, Markounda became a fully-fledged operational base in October 2021, with the presence of’a Field Coordinator.
The Guest, located in the same compound as the base, ensures minimum comfort (bed with mosquito net, table chair, kitchen, refrigerator, tv channel+, internet access, electricity 24h/24 Powered by a generator and a back up).
The working conditions are good, on the ground floor of’a well ventilated building, equipped with’an excellent internet connection via a VSAT installed on the base.
The base presents a support team including a CT and a full-time expatriate log-Admin. A base in Paoua is kept, via partners to allow regular trips for coordination and logistics mainly.
A break every 6 weeks is planned in Bangui. This qui allows you to stock up, enjoy restaurants and possible outings in the capital.


Do you recognize yourself in this description ?

If so, send us your CV and Motivation Letter via this website :

Applications containing only CVs will not be considered.

Solidarities International reserves the right to close a recruitment before the date of’ deadline of the’ad. Thank you for your understanding.

And to get to know Solidarity International better: www.solidarites.org

Solidarity International (SI) is committed to preventing and combating any type of’abus – any act of’ exploitation,’abus and/or sexual harassment (SEAH) against members of beneficiary communities or its collaborators, harm to persons and/or property, fraud, corruption, conflict of interest, not declared, etc, financing of’activities infringing human rights – which could be carried out as part of its interventions. SI applies zero tolerance to’ with respect to any type of’abus, particularly acts of SEAH.

Solidarity International is a fair employer that fights all forms of discrimination. SI will never ask for any compensation in order to participate in a recruitment process.

Solidarity International (SI) is determined to prevent and fight all type of abuse – all act of exploitation, abuse and/or sexual harassment (SEAH) against members of beneficial communities or collaborators, fraud, etc, corruption, violation of persons and/or property, funding of activities harmful to human rights – that could be perpetrated in the frame of its interventions. SI implements a zero-tolerance policy regarding acts of abuse, notably acts of SEAH.

Solidarity International is an equitable employer committed to find all forms of discrimination. SI will ever ask for any remuneration to take part in a recruitment process.


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