RCA programme support mission, 3 months – Bangui At Triangle Humanitarian Generation

Support specialist

Support support mission RCA – mission short 3 months



Salaried contract, gross monthly salary from 2,900 € to 4,000 € according to profile and experience

The mission can also be conducted as part of a performance contract

Per diem monthly 600 €, 100% medical coverage support + repatriation insurance + provident, insurance, support for housing and international and local transport within the framework of the mission

More information about www.trianglegh.org, section “Recruitment”.

TGH Presentation

“Actor of sustainable and shared solidarity”

Created in 1994, TGH, a French international solidarity association based in Lyon, develops and implements emergency, rehabilitation and development programs in the fields of water, water and water, hygiene and sanitation, food security and rural development, socio-educational and psychosocial care and education. TGH currently works in 10 countries of’Africa,’Europe and’Asia.

Presentation of the RCA programme

TGH began its work in CAR in 2007 to support vulnerable populations in the Vakaga Prefecture. Today, the’association intervenes in Vakaga in the sectors of Food Safety and Means of’Existence, Water, Hygiene, Sanitation and’Education/Protection through a multisectoral project funded by’AFD in consortium with PUI which intervenes in Bamingui-Bongoran.

TGH is also a partner of’UNICEF on sectoral’ emergency responses in education, protection and EHA.

In Bangui, TGH has been working with children in street situations since 2014, and since 2020 with minors incarcerated to guarantee marginalized children access to basic socio-educational and medical services, and participates in the process of family reunification and placement in a’accueil family.

At the same time, the’association is implementing a multi-year project in the vocational training sector in consortium with Mercy Corps in the Bangui urban area, funded by’AFD.

The mission is funded to the tune of’about 3.5 million’euros. The current’ team is composed of 19 expatriates and’about 130 national staffs.

Presentation of the support mission

As part of its restructuring, the RCA mission has identified organizational revision needs, so that its support services can be fully effective. Indeed, after an increased workload linked to gaps on the mission, the roles and responsibilities of each were distorted and the inter-service synergy was weakened.

In order to streamline relations between the support departments (HR, Admin, Finance, Compliance, Logistics) and facilitate communication by setting a framework for each, for its working comfort and easier implementation within the mission, TGH is looking for RCA support, for a 3-month mission.

It is expected :


  • Finalize the’organigramme of the mission (based on the needs of each department and the’evolution of the context and structure of the mission)
  • Update the job cards (based on the’final flowchart)
  • Communicate the final set up
  • Officialize the perimeters of each
  • Monitor the implementation
  • Improve /strengthen the inter-service work dynamics support
  • Guarantee the articulation between the support services (Log, admin-finance, compliance)
  • Define and formalize a’ arrival seat/field briefing package (new expat, national staff or visitors), roles and responsibilities
  • Same for the secular briefings


  • Establish coordination mechanisms (intra and inter-service coordination meetings)
  • Facilitate the dynamic Support & Program team
  • Establish a matrix of responsibilities
  • Clarify roles and responsibilities, communicate them and ensure their proper understanding by the Support teams
  • Propose a gap management plan
  • Set up a system for transferring responsibilities in the event of’absence, delegation systems and validation circuits


  • Issue recommendations to optimize the practices of support services and the use of tools, in compliance with TGH procedures
  • To support the implementation of digital cash transfers to employees, partners and beneficiaries
  • Support the design of’mutualization tools for technical staff assigned to projects
  • Designing validation circuit matrices for operational documents : ToR, reports
  • Advisor on the’organization of workspaces

The mission will be carried out on the ground, three times will be distinguished

  • Analysis of existing
  • Production of an action plan with selected solutions and options
  • Support for deployment

Desired departure mid-July 2024. Applications requiring a period of notice cannot be considered.

Cover letter and CV to post on our website www.trianglegh.org, to section “join us” – “job offers”

Also accessible under this link


How to apply

Cover letter and CV to post on our website www.trianglegh.org, to section “join us” – “job offers”

Also accessible under this link



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