QUDRA2 Final External Audit (Mafraq Municipality, Hosha Municipality, Mansieth Municipality, Basielh Municipality, Sarhan Municipality, Rehab Municipa At Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo

. Unit responsible for the contract.

  • Address or equivalent:
  • Office of External Cooperation: OCE Jordan.
  • Responsable of the contract:

2. Contract.

  • The contract’s objective: Provide an independent professional opinion on the programme financial statements, which includes an opinion on the eligibility of expenditure, compliance with the relevant legal agreements and those funds that have been used for their intended purposes.
  • The service will consist of: The audit should be carried out in accordance with the relevant international standards of auditing and will include such tests and controls as the auditor may consider necessary.
  • The technical requirements for the service are as follows: General experience of at least five years as an audit firm, Company profile, structure, staff strength, Past Audit experiences – list of NGOs of external audit carried out, Have performed at least three audits of similar programmes.
  • Material resources to be assigned to the conclusion of the contract________________
  • Personal resources to be assigned to the conclusion of the contract________________

3. Generic contracting conditions with the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation

  1. Any product or tangible good derived from the work related to this service, will remain AECID’s property. The Contractor may not use it for its own purposes, sharing it with third parties, or disclosing its contents, whether in whole or in part.
  2. The Contractor is committed, under its own responsibility, to control, for security reasons, the confidentiality of the information to which it will have access during the performance of the contract.
  3. The Contractor will be responsible for obtaining all permissions, authorizations and licences required for the performance of the contracted service, as well as with respect to social security, health and similar expenses that may arise.

4. Base bid budget.

The maximum expenditure limit that the contracting authority is committed under this contract is:

Price in Euros: 14.800

Price in JOD: 11.500 JOD

5. Expected starting date of the contract.

The audit is expected to start in February 2024 and ends in April 2024 covering the periods from September 2019 to November 2023.

6. Term of the contract. (Maximum 12 months. Non-extendable)

Taking into account the nature and extent of the existing requirements, the duration of the contract or its period of performance shall be: 3 months.

7. Bid evaluation criteria.

This invitation has been sent to 10 companies; their proposal will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  1. Lowest price: with a weighting of 30 %.
  2. Other objective criteria 70%.

8. Documents attached.

  • Offer form
  • Where applicable, the technical specifications (if extensive) or budget or project for works contracts.

9. Deadline for submission of bids.

The maximum adequate and sufficient period for the submission of bids is established at date 28/01/2024 and local time 00.00.00 (Jordan).

10. Place and form of presentation

The submission of bids should preferably be made electronically in the General Electronic Registry (SARA Network) with referral to the AECID to the OCE Jordan or in person by electronic registration at the Consulate or diplomatic representation.

Electronically signed:

Contracting authority

How to apply

If you are interested in participating, please let us know and we will send you the documentation. The contact email address is: otc.jordania@aecid.es

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September 2024