Consultant – Equity & Inclusion in Education, Bangkok, Thailand At UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization



Parent Sector : Education Sector (ED)

Duty Station: Bangkok

Job Family: Education

Type of contract : Non Staff

Duration of contract : From 7 to 11 months

Recruitment open to : External candidates

Application Deadline (Midnight Paris Time) : 25-APR-2023

UNESCO Core Values: Commitment to the Organization, Integrity, Respect for Diversity, Professionalism



Under the commitment to ensure ‘inclusive and equitable quality education’ and promote ‘lifelong learning for all’ as part of the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), the Asia-Pacific region has made a significant progress in terms of both access and quality of education. However, millions of children from disadvantaged groups are kept out or pushed out of education systems through decisions leading to exclusion from curricula, irrelevant learning objectives, stereotyping in textbooks, discrimination in resource allocation and assessments, tolerance of violence and neglect of needs. In addition, the prolonged school closure during the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the pre-existing inequalities and stalled global progress to meet the promise of ‘leave no one behind’.

In order to address inclusion in education issues, the Inclusive Basic Education programme at UNESCO Bangkok supports the promotion of inclusive, equitable and quality early childhood care and education and pre-primary education, primary education and secondary education (lower and upper) in the region as a human right. UNESCO Bangkok, as a chair of Asia Pacific Multilingual Education Working Group (MLE WG) and the Disability-Inclusive Education in Asia-Pacific Working Group, has worked collaboratively with partners to raise awareness and remove persistent inequalities in the educational attainment of ethnolinguistic minorities and children with disabilities.


Under the overall authority of the Director of UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Bangkok , the direct supervision and overall guidance of the Chief of Section Inclusive Quality Education (IQE), the incumbent will undertake the following tasks: MAJOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES

1. Provide technical advice and contribute to the planning, implementation and coordination of activities under the regional programme on education for inclusion and equity (OP1)

  •  Lead general advocacy and awareness‐raising on Equity & Inclusion in Education, specifically on Mother Tongue-based Multilingual Education (MTB MLE) and Children with Disabilities (CWDs)
  •  Update Equity & Inclusion in Education (MLE and CWD) contents under UNESCO Bangkok website
  •  Share/present programme activities by UNESCO on Equity & Inclusion in Education (MTB MLE and CWDs) issues at regional and international fora
  •  Mobilize new funding to support programme activities related to Equity & Inclusion in Education (MTB MLE and CWDs)
  •  Prepare and compile elements for the regular monitoring in SISTER related to Equity & Inclusion in Education (under OP1)
  •  Recruit, manage and guide/supervise interns and volunteers for Equity & Inclusion in Education (MTB MLE and CWDs) programme areas.
  •  Provide technical support and contribute to the regional programme in support of crisis-affected populations in Asia-Pacific
  •  Serve as a focal point for UN Regional Disability Working Group, UN Disability Inclusion Strategy (DIS) and UN Country Team (UNCT) Results Group 3

Long Description

2. Provide technical advice and contribute to activities under the Asia Pacific Multilingual Education Working Group (MLE WG) Secretariat and Disability-Inclusive Education in Asia-Pacific Working Group (DIE WG) (OP 1)

  •  Organize (4) regular Asia Pacific Multilingual Education Working Group (MLE WG) meetings and (4) Disability-Inclusive Education in Asia-Pacific Working Group (DIE WG) meetings
  •  Develop and distribute multilingual education and disability-inclusive education related information
  •  Develop a paper on digitalization of Mother Tongue-based Multilingual Education (MTB MLE)
  •  Organize 7th International Conference on Language and Education
  •  Organize a regional workshop on disability-inclusive education data
  •  Coordinate Regional multilingual education assessment study
  •  Provide backstopping to the implementation, monitoring and reporting of Disability-Inclusive Education in Asia-Pacific Working Group activities

3. Provide technical advice and contribute to t he pla nn ing, i mp l emen tati on and co ord inat ion of act i v i ties related to e a rly c hi ldhood care and e duc at i on ( ECCE) (OP6 a nd OP5)

  •  Manage, implement and prov i d e techn i cal s up p ort to the phase two of the JF IT “Building resilience through Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): Teacher capacity building for sustainable transformation of education systems” p ro j e ct
  •  Support regional contextualization of the Global Partnership Strategy for early childhood and Tashkent Declaration
  •  Develop a policy paper on the impact of digital/online learning on early years

d. Under take reg ular mo n it or i ng on S IS T ER related to early childhood care and education (u nder OP6 a nd OP 5)

e. E n s ure the r eg u lar u p dati ng of the early childhood care and education web p a ge of UN ESCO B angk ok a nd w i de ly di sse mi nate i nfor ma t ion a nd r esou rces on early childhood care and education

f. Share/present programme activities by UNESCO on early childhood care and education issues at regional and international fora

g. Mobilize new funding to support programme activities related to early childhood care and education

h. Re cr u it, m anage and g uide / s upervise in ter ns/v o lu nteers and co nsu l t ants for early childhood care and education progr a m me area

4. A dd itio nal t asks as req ui red and assi gned by the Sec ti on Ch ief or the Direct or

a. Se rve as a fo cal po int f or I n d ige no us Pe o p l es e ducati on

b. Con tribu te to t he develo pm e nt of e xt ra‐b ud ge tary p ro j e ct pro po sals on equity & inclusion in education and early childhood care and education for s ubmission to potential donors

c. Carry out any ad d i tio n al t a s ks as r e q u ired a nd a ss i gned by t he Se c t ion C h ief or t he Dire ctor

In line with UNESCO’s overall gender mainstreaming strategy, the incumbent is expected to integrate a gender perspective in all activities and apply gender analysis and mainstreaming concepts whenever feasible.

Expected Deliverables/Outputs:



Deadline for Submission


  •  Transforming Education Summit follow-up workshop presentation PPT
  •  JFIT Phase two PRODOC
  •  Minutes of the Disability-Inclusive Education in Asia-Pacific Working Group
  •  Minutes of the 7th MLE conference steering committee meeting

31 May 2023


  •  SISTER reports
  •  Disability-inclusive education workshop materials
  •  Minutes of the MLE WG/conference steering committee meeting

30 June 2023


  •  Cambodia country profile for SDG 4.2
  •  Bhutan country profile for SDG 4.2
  •  Final list of scholarship awardee
  •  Draft project proposal on ECCE/IE
  •  Minutes of the 7th MLE conference steering committee meeting

31 July 2023


  •  ARNEC Conference Presentation PPT
  •  Minutes of the Disability-Inclusive Education in Asia-Pacific Working Group
  •  Minutes of the 7th MLE conference steering committee meeting

31 August 2023


  •  Final regional MLE assessment guideline
  •  7th International Conference on Language and Education final programme

30 September 2023



  •  DIR’s opening remarks for the 7th International Conference on Language and Education
  •  DIR’s opening remarks for the High-level policy forum on MLE
  •  Minutes of the MLE WG meeting

31 October 2023


  •  Draft call for consultancy for JFIT phase two project
  •  Minutes of the Disability-Inclusive Education in Asia-Pacific Working Group
  •  Minutes of the MLE WG meeting

30 November 2023


  •  SISTER reports
  •  Disability-Inclusive Education in Asia-Pacific Working Group workplan 2024

31 December 2023


  •  JFIT narrative progress report
  •  MLE WG workplan 2024
  •  Final regional synthesis of volunteer national reports on language and education

31 January 2024


  •  Minutes of the Disability-Inclusive Education in Asia-Pacific Working Group
  •  Draft minutes of the MLE WG meeting

29 February 2024


  •  Draft project proposal on ECCE/IE
  •  Draft post-conference advocacy material

31 March 2024

COMPETENCIES (Core / Managerial)

Accountability (C)

Communication (C)

Innovation (C)

Knowledge sharing and continuous improvement (C)

Planning and organizing (C)

Results focus (C)

Teamwork (C)

For detailed information, please consult the UNESCO Competency Framework.



  •  Master’s degree in the field of social sciences, international studies, education, or related fields.

Work Experience

  •  At least 5-7 years of relevant work experience in the area of equity and inclusion in education.


  •  Proven conceptual and analytical skills especially in equity and inclusion in education
  •  Good research skills
  •  Ability to work in a multicultural environment and maintain effective team cooperation
  •  Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office Suite and software
  •  Capacity to work independently and in a timely manner



  •  Excellent knowledge of English (written and spoken)


  •  Familiarity with the Asia-Pacific context
  •  Previous experience working with United Nations, international organizations or government agencies is an advantage


Interested individuals are invited to submit to UNESCO Bangkok office the specific requirements as below through

Interested candidates should click on “Apply Now” and download and complete the Employment History form (Word document) in ‘Employment History Form / My Documents’. Before uploading the document, at the end of the word document, please insert the extra pages with the following required information:

  •  An up-to-date CV stating details of educational qualifications, work experience, including prior experience of similar work
  •  A list of past work or reports/publications written with hyperlinks to access such paper if they are available online or samples of such papers if they are only available offline.
  •  A brief motivation letter
  •  A brief proposal (1-2 pages) discussing the approach/methodology to undertake the assignment and the proposed fee

The complete application shall be submitted on or before 25 April 2023 17:00 Bangkok time (GMT+7).


  •  Due to the large number of applications we receive, we are able to inform only the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.
  •  Please submit your application through SuccessFactors. Only if you are unable to attach requirements in system, please inform us at


Please note that all candidates must complete an on-line application and provide complete and accurate information. To apply, please visit the UNESCO careers website. No modifications can be made to the application submitted.

The evaluation of candidates is based on the criteria in the vacancy notice, and may include tests and/or assessments, as well as a competency-based interview.

UNESCO uses communication technologies such as video or teleconference, e-mail correspondence, etc. for the assessment and evaluation of candidates.

Please note that only selected candidates will be further contacted and candidates in the final selection step will be subject to reference checks based on the information provided.


UNESCO applies a zero tolerance policy against all forms of harassment.

UNESCO is committed to achieve and sustain gender parity among its staff members in all categories and at all grades. Furthermore, UNESCO is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities, as well as nationals from non-and under-represented Member States (last update here) are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the highest level of confidentiality. Worldwide mobility is required for staff members appointed to international posts.

UNESCO does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process.



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